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Name: Venus A.

Eugenio Course, Year and Section: BSN – 2B

Activity Week 7
Cognitive and Sensory Impairment
1. A pediatric patient with cognitive impairment was admitted to your unit. As a

A. What are the challenges that you might experience in taking care of this
kind of patient? (10pts)
 When we say cognitive impairment, it encompasses any type of mental difficulty or
deficiency. Caring with patients who are diagnosed with cognitive impairment can be
challenging. So, as a nurse when dealing with or taking care of patients with cognitive
impairment is when we try to communicate with them. People with cognitive impairment
are known to have difficulties with communication and social skills because they often
can’t maintain direct eye contact, they have language difficulties, and they also are
unsociable human beings. It will also be challenging to help them adapt in a current
situation or to get their attention because they often have short attention span, and the
reason behind their actions is their cognitive ability and adaptive behavior that are
functioning significantly below average

B. How are you going to deal with this challenges in order to provide the
best care this patient needs? (10pts)
 There are several nursing care actions which are appropriate that can help me provide the
best care the patient needs including the following: providing education not only to the
child but also to the parents, promote the child’s optimal development by letting them
experience things that can help them improve themselves, encourage interactions or
socialization, and providing them means of communication. As a nurse, I must work hard
to broaden my knowledge in order to be adequately equipped to provide the best care for
a patient with cognitive impairment. Patient with cognitive impairment have unique
physical features that put them at risk for injury, which I must be aware of as a nurse
when providing patient care. In addition to that, it will also be helpful for us nurses to
avoid forcing the child and just provide them enough time to improve their social skills
until they will have their development and progress, and always remember to provide
them emotional support and motivation.

2. Name 1 nursing diagnosis relating to patient with cognitive impairment. Explain

why you choose such diagnosis. (10 pts)
 The nursing diagnosis I choose for a patient with cognitive impairment is self-care deficit
due to limited capacity to perform feeding, bathing, dressing, and toileting activities.
Patient’s with cognitive impairment has definitely lost the ability to clean independently,
put on or remove garments, and also has difficulty performing tasks related to bowel and
bladder elimination. I chose this diagnosis because patients with cognitive impairment
have delayed maturation and development and are unable to care for themselves due to a
mental capacity. As a nurse, I must be able to recognize and assess for limitations of
patients in their ability to carry out basic needs and create an adaptive environment that
allows the patient to maintain as much independence as possible while ensuring their
needs are met as well as its safety and security.

3. Putting yourself in the shoes of those with cognitive and sensory impairment, how
would feel and how would like to be treated. (20 pts)
 Putting myself in the shoes of a patient with cognitive and sensory impairment, I may feel
the negative emotions like sadness, helpless and hopelessness. But, I believe God has
reasons why he put me in this kind of situation and I shall not give up just because I
experience things that I do not desire. So, if I have cognitive and sensory impairment,
how would I want or how would I like to be treated? I would like my health care provider
to treat me with respect and a health care provider that promotes dignity as well. I would
also like to receive fair treatment, the one who treats me like I am one of those normal
people, the one who can provide me emotional support and comfort because that would
be very helpful.

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