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Unit 5 Assessment 2: Peer Review: Reducing

the Impacts of Climate Change

The evidence that people are driving climate change, with

disastrous repercussions for life on Earth, is overwhelming.
Many solutions will be required to address climate change,
many of which will rely on humans altering their behavior,
changing the way they produce and consume energy.
The necessary adjustments encompass technology, habits,
and regulations that encourage less waste and more efficient
use of our resources.
Improving energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy,
increasing wind and solar power, biofuels from organic waste,
putting a price on carbon, and conserving forests are all
effective strategies to reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide
and other heat-trapping gases on the earth.
Scientists are also researching on ways to create hydrogen
sustainably, which is now produced primarily from natural
gas, in order to feed zero-emission fuel cells for mobility and
energy.(National Geographic , 2019)
However, planting trees and restoring seagrass beds might
help clean up considerable amounts of CO2.
Restoring trees that have already been cut down in Brazil, for
example, could remove almost 1.5 billion metric tons of CO2
from the atmosphere, while a recent research released by the
National Academies of Science predicts that the world's
forests and farmland could store 2.5 gigatonnes of CO2.

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