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VANDAN: 10th January 1966, a historical day.

1965 after indo-pak war and a great victory to India there was an
agreement in Tashkent “Tashkent agreement”. The soviet chairmen of the minister’s council A.N Kosygin and
the Pakistan president Muhammad Aub Hun and the 2nd prime minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastri. Two
leaders have begun negotiation at villa turmen upon the future of the 600 million people that are living at the
indostan peninsula. The negotiation was complicated and difficult. And the agreement was signed by both and
the meeting was finished. In the evening there was a party and after the party Lal bahadur shastri was last seen
roaming in his room. And after few hours he was found dead and now after 55 years we don’t even know the
cause of death, whether it was a heart attack or he was poisoned. Mr. Shashtri gave us the slogan......of "Jai
Jawan, Jai Kishan" (Hail the soldier, Hail the farmer).

Reporter – Lal bahadur shastris mysterious death, concerned to his death these are all the information in the
public domain that runs over 5000 pages, but in our government, there is only one document related to the

Reporter- he died in Tashkent that to immediate after the war, there were thousands of suspicious talks that he
was poisoned and some said he had a heart attack but over 55 years do we have a concrete information? No

This committee will have 8 members.

ANONYMOUS: Did Lal BaThe Tripathi CommitteE will conduct an investigation. And the head of this
committee is Mr. Shyam Sunder Tripathi. Would you like to shed some more light on the Tripathi Committee?
Sir...Sir... Ex-RAW Chief...GKF Anand Suresh. That's Ananthsuresh with an 'H'.One word. Sorry, sir. The
youth leader of the ruling party, Mr. Vishvendra Pratap Singh. Ex-Judge of Supreme Court Retired Justice
Kurien Abraham. Sir, do you think that Mr Shasti was poisoned?' The Director of Archives India, Mr. Omkar
Kashyap as well. Renowned Social Worker, who also runs many NGOs..and a strong opposer of the
government, Indira Joseph Roy. The Director of Indian Research Council, Mr. Gangaram Jha. Renowned
Historian and an expert on Mr. Shashtri, Padmashri Ayesha Ali. The most controversial selection, which is said
to be a last minute decision Ms. Ragini Phule.

SHYAM SUNDER: we've gathered here today to talk about Mr. Shashtri.

GANGARAM: I've studied the case. It's quite simple. There's nothing to it. No documents, no proof, no logic.
Wastage of public money. It's as simple as ABCD.

Indira : I don't think it's as simple as ABCD. Unless of course, maybe you know something that we don't. For

SHYAM SUNDER: Please...The Agenda is on everyone's monitor. Information and Facts. Go through them.
We'll focus on every aspect. Hear the witness. And if anyone has a witness who has more information...then you
can recommend their names as well.

SHYAM SUNDER:Those of us who think that Mr. Shashtri's death was a natural one, meaning he died of a
heart attack..please raise your hand.


VISHVWNDRA: Mrs. Roy. Why did you lower your hand?

ROY: Mr. Vishvendra, when there are so many suspicions revolving around the death of a Prime Minister...then
don't you feel there should be some debate over it.

AYESHA: By the way, this committee's been formed to investigate his death..but let's talk about his personal
life first. He was only 16 years old, you know. At the age of 16, he took part in Gandhiji's Satyagraha
movement. And before that,when he was only 12. he stopped using ShrivastaV which was his family name
because he was strongly against the caste system. Post his marriage, he asked his wife Lalita to wear Khadi..and
his wife complied without any objection. He was a true Gandhian.

KASHYAP: And at the time of his death, he had only one car....which he bought with a government-sanctioned
loan. And yes, not to forget that he defeated Pakistan.

SHYAM SUNDER: During the war, Mr. Shashtri would visit the borders, meet with the soldiers.

During the war,

Mr. Shashtri would

visit the borders,

meet with the soldiers.

"If someone tries to

threaten the sanctity of

our country using guns or bombs..."

"...then as your leader,

our best reply would be that

we fight the enemy

using their own weapon."

Prime Minister was a brave man...

...but that doesn't mean

that he had a strong heart too.

GK : If we can access
his medical records,

ECG, BP records from

before 11th January...

Omkar : But all that is normally

recorded in the Doctor's diary...

...which the government

doesn't have.

GK : oh, please...
Omkar - What please, Ananth?

Chairman : But it's a fact that

Mr. Shashtri suffered

a heart attack prior to this.
Vishvendra : Twice, sir. Twice.

Gangaram : Case closed.

NGO Lady : Isn't it true that the hotel

Where he was supposed to stay...

...was changed at the last moment

and was asked to stay

at a 'Dancha' instead.

The word 'Dancha' is

Russian for a bungalow.

GK : Professor, case reopened.

Historian : The fact is that for

the Prime Minister's stay...

...a DIG from the Central Government had

flown to Tashkent to approve of it.

The hotel had a stairway...

Bad for a heart patient.

But there were

none in the 'Dancha'.

Hence 'Dancha'.

Omkar : According to what I had read,

what the DIG had approved...

...was not a Dancha,

but an in-tourist hotel instead.

I repeat... in-tourist hotel.

With a provision of
a makeshift operation theatre

and oxygen in its ground floor.

Exactly two days earlier, due

to the intervention of a doctor and

a high-ranking
officer from Moscow...

...the PM's stay was shifted from

the hotel and moved to this Dancha.

And his staff was put up

11 kilometers away from the site.

GK : Excuse me.

250 yards.

Not 11 kilometers, sir.

NGO Lady : There was no operation

theatre or oxygen in that Dancha.

Isn't that true?

Gangaram : - Unbelievable.

A Prime Minister
who is a heart patient...

...and has already

suffered two heart attacks,

has no oxygen tank in his room.

There is something called

as an official protocol.

GK :After his return from

reception to the residence...

...Lal Bahadur Shashtri

was in normal health,

and was in a good mood...

...and spoke over the telephone

with his relatives in Delhi.

He went to bed at
about 12:30 midnight,

on the 11th of January.

At about 1:20 in the morning...

...Mr. Sahai, Kapoor, and Sharma

approached the Prime Minister's doctor...

...who was in the room next to him

and told him that the

Prime Minister was feeling unwell.

Dr. Chug at once approached

the Prime Minister

who was sitting

on his bed coughing...
...and was complaining
of lack of breath.

The doctor put the Prime

Minister in a reclining position...

...and gave him an

intra-muscular injection.

Within the next three minutes,

Prime Minister Shashtri

lost consciousness,

pulse disappeared...

...breathing stopped and

heartbeats could not be heard.

The death occurred at 1:32 in

the morning of 11th January, 1966.

Chairman : After which 6 more doctors

arrived on the spot...

...followed by a lady doctor

by the name of Yeremenko.

They all arrived on the scene,

examined the patient...

...and declared that Mr.

Shashtri was no longer breathing.

Back then two reports were made.

One report was handed

to the Indian Government.

And the other,

to the existing Soviet government

NGO Lady : There is one fact

which we all are missing.

Mr. Shashtri's room...had no bell.

No buzzer.
- No buzzer.

Gangaram : -

Vishvendra : All of you have a copy

of the reports, correct?

Please check your medical records.

Every doctor has cited.
Where is the argument?

Ragiini : This report contains signatures of

6 doctors excluding Dr. R.N. Chug.

But there were

a total of 8 doctors.

signatures are right here...

...but the Home Minister and Foreign

Minister admitted in the Parliament...

...that Senior Dr. E.G. Yeremenko

arrived on the spot first.

Then why isn't her

signature on the document?

Is it possible that
she refused to sign?

Maybe because she had a doubt.

Sir, point no. 2 is why wasn't Mr.

Shashtri given oxygen.

There's no mention of oxygen.

Historian : It's written in the report.

The report clearly mentions

that he was given oxygen.

Ragini : No, ma'am. Excuse me, sir.

It states here that he was administered

an intramuscular injection,

artificial respiration,
and massage.

But there's no mention

of an intubular oxygen...

...which is compulsory
for a heart patient

who has already suffered

two heart attacks.

Maybe he wasn't given

oxygen because there was none...

Gangaram : Sir, sir, just a minute.

How could I not see this?

It says here Mr. Shashtri

was administered Intramuscular

injection Mefthantine sulfate 15mg...

...whereas his heart had already stopped

beating and blood pressure was nil.

In such conditions doctors

give intra-venus injections.

In layman's term, the injection

is administered in the veins... that the medicine reaches

the system immediately

and starts showing effects.

Whereas, Mr. Shashtri was

given an intramuscular injection.

So that the medicine

reaches the system late.

May I ask?

Did the doctor not know such

a common thing in medical science?

Or was it intentional?

Ragini : Could it be possible that

Mr. Shashtri was already dead

and the injection

was administered later?

And that's why

Dr. E.G. Yeremenko refused to sign.

MUKHTAR-This was during the Cold War.America was spreading Democracy and
Capitalism all over the world......and USSR was spreading socialism and communism.See…[ SHOWS THE
MAP]This is the Iron Curtain.All the countries on this
side were allies with the US.And the countries on this side were with the USSR.And this Cold War wasnot
between some was being run by two secret agencies.CIA and KGB.1970s.It was the era of
spies.And India was the most important country for both of them.The CIA's philosophy was if you want to
enslave any country......then just buy them with money.But the KGB believed that if you control people's
mind,then they will become your slave.But this was not possible as long as Mr. Shashtri was alive.

LBS’s son-"He always carried a red diary..."...which was not amongst his belongings.""He used to record day-
to-day events in it"My mother also stated that we never received the flask either.."...which he used to drink milk
or water from, for the last time."

GANGARAM JHA- Even Mrs.Lalita gave the same statement

GK ANANTHASURESH- Why was Mr. Shashtri pointing towards the flask?Was he asking for water?Water or
INDRA JOSEPH ROY-The real question is what were the contents of that flask?

AIYESHA ALI SHAH-Shashtri sir used to regularly take a laxative at night.And as always, his attendant served
him milk in the flask.It's all recorded in my book.

GANGARAM JHA- Agreed.His attendant served him milk in the flask.But the flask was lying flat...Meaning it
was empty.Whatever its content, milk or water......was already consumed.Could Mr. Shashtri have been trying
to say......that his condition was due to
drinking the contents of the flask? Did it contain poison?

AIYESHA ALI SHAH-Why the flask?Poison can also be in the air.

GANGARAM JHA-That's your job to find out. You are the historian.

AIYESHA ALI SHAH- Look here, Jha.Every Historian's job is to record the events......and not reshape it
according to our convenience.And every historical fact is being restructured.The flask was straight or lying
flat.What was the angle of the flask? How does it all matter?How does it matter if
the PM was pointing towards it?A man who's experiencing a heart attack could be wading his hand in any
direction.Common Sense?Historians have been doing
their research for over 50 years......but no one raised such questions before.How far was the Dancha?Did they
have oxygen or not?How does the content of the flask make any difference?Everyone agrees that he suffered a
heart attack.

GK ANANTHASURESH- The question should have been that......why weren't the contents of the flask sent for
a forensic investigation?

GANGARAM JHA- How could they, Ananth?Because the flask went missing.Same as the red diary.

OMKAR KASHYAP- So the question that arises is......what happened to his personal diary?


SHYAM SUNDHAR- Yelling and screaming will not lead to anything.It's not the solution. Well, at least we all
agree that the medical report is correct... ...and we have no other evidence to prove it wrong.

RAGINI- Which medical report, sir?


RAGINI-Which medical report, sir? Indian or Soviet?

GK ANANTHASURESH- What difference does it make?

RAGINI-There is...We were told the Indian and Soviet were each given a medical report.Identical.Same to


RAGINI-But that information is wrong.Because they were not identical.Because one report states that it can be
considered......that the death was due to an acute attack of infark-myocardium.Whereas the other report states
that it may be considered......that the death was caused by the myocardial infarction.How can that be identical?

ALIYSHA ALI SHAH-My God, what is all this?Could be a spelling mistake or a translation error or something.

GK ANANTHASURESH-if these reports were identical, then how can there be a mistake?

RAGINI-Exactly my point, thank you.Thank you, sir.Look here, sir.One report states that
He was given glucose,adrenalin, and potassium chloride.The other report stateS that he was given
glucose,adrenalin, and calcium chloride.So, isn't there a difference between potassium chloride and calcium

GANGARAM JHA- Yes, they are two different things.

AYESHA ALI SHAH- Yes, they are two different things.Let me tell you. The words for potassium and calcium
are very similar in Russian.'Cali' means Potassium and 'Calci' means Calcium.So the guy who translated the
Russian report......translated 'Calci' wrong, and he wrote potassium,whereas it should've been Calcium.

RAGINI- Okay, ma'am.

Then tell me this...Only 6 Soviet doctors
signed the report prepared by the Indian doctor Dr. Chug.

But exactly 3 days later when

the Soviet report was prepared... was signed

by 8 Soviet doctors.
Two more doctors signed this report.
INDIRA JOSEPH ROY- That is a point.

RAGINI- And one of them was...

GK ANANTHNATH- Dr. Shamirzen.

RAGINI- Dr. Shamirzen.

And the other was...
Yes...Dr. EG Yeremenko.

The senior doctor who

arrived on the spot first.

And when she couldn't revive

Mr. Shashtri...

When Yeremenko was asked why she couldn't revive him...

...she stated this...

"That would be possible

if death due to heart failure."

Revival would've been possible

only if Mr. Shashtri had

died of a heart attack.

That means she was

out-and-out in doubt...

...which is why she signed

the report which as doubtful.


available on this book.

It's all mentioned here.

K.R. Malkani.

The Governor of Pondicherry.

RAGINI- Sir is it possible, during the Parliament

proceedings on 16th February, 1966...

...the foreign minister

Swaran Singh gave a statement

included the medical report.

But when a copy of the

same procedure was published...

...the medical reports

were missing. Why?

GANGARAM JHA- That is an important point,

we cannot ignore it.

INDIRA JOSEPH ROY- When the government has

systematically ignored Mr. Shashtri...

...then this doesn't

make a point at all?
Kurian Abraham - After everything,
I heard and read here...

...I am convinced that there is something

fishy about Mr. Shashtri's death.


SUNIL SHASTRI (SON OF LBS) -"All father said

was what is the news."

"To which he replied

that the people seem angry..."

" you can sign

the Tashkent Declaration?"

"But father replied

with a smile..."

"...there is nothing
to be worried about."

"Let me return to my country..."

"When I tell them

the real reason..."

"...I am sure the entire

country will side with me."

As a son, I have a big question...

What was that important

piece of news father had?

Was it a big secret?

RAGINI- Could that secret be this?

AYESHA SHAH- Fake news.

GK ANANTHNATH- Ms. Ayesha, back in those days...

...there were no
fake news or Photoshop.

ANANTHNATH JI- Ms. Ayesha, Dr. Homi.J. Bhabha...

...who was given charge of India's

Nuclear Program by Mr. Shashtri...

...his plane crashes in the Alps, exactly

13 days after Mr. Shashtri's death.

Is this just a coincidence?

Aiysha Ali Shah No. It was an accident.


OMKAR KASHYAP- Sir, I've something

to show all of you.

This book...
called Conversations with the Crew.

A high ranking CIA officer Robert Crowley

gave an interview to Gregory Douglas.

I am going to read out a small, but

important snippet of this interview.

During the interview, Douglas

asked him who are these jokers.

Who are they?

And Crowley replied that

he doesn't exist anymore.

And his name was Bhabha.

And when Bhabha was traveling to

Vienna, on a 747 Boeing airplane Plane...

...when an explosion occurred

in the plane's cargo section.

The plane, it's passengers

and crew, disappeared.

Crowley even says here

that there as no real evidence

and the world was

a much safer place.


But we're talking about America,

the biggest country in the world.

And their CIA was forced

to kill one of our scientists,

to make the world a safer place.

Device a conspiracy
on such a large scale?

Are you serious?

They could've rigged

his car with explosives...

...or killed him in the park or

even drugged his sweets for god sakes.

OMKAR KASHYAP - What a coincidence...


Same question.


As you said, sir. Identical.

Douglas asked Crowley

the same question.

And do you know what

Crowley replied...

The cow-loving,
ragged-looking, stupid leader...

...had come pretty close to building a

nuclear bomb, with the help of Bhabha.

And it had become crucial

for us to get him out of the way.

And we got rid of that cow-loving,

ragged looking, leader

and Bhabha at the blink of an eye.

So sir...

who according to the

CIA was that cow-loving,

ragged-looking, stupid leader?

It was the 2nd Prime Minister

of India Mr. Lal Bahadur Shashtri.

And let me read out

Crowley's exact lines to you.

This is what he wrote.


"We knocked up Bhabha

and nailed Shashtri!"

INDIRA JOSEPH ROY- We knocked up Bhabha

and nailed Shashtri?

What is this?
Some kind of video game?

Imperialistic cold-blooded
murderers, savages.

Make the rich, richer

and the poor, poorer.

That's it.


coincidences in this case... Dr. Chug meeting with an accident,

where he and his wife died.

And there was no inquiry ordered.

Even Ramnath,
his personal assistant...

...met with an accident once,

where he survived.

But then he met with another accident,

which happened right here in Janpath...

...that left him crippled.

Later he passed away.

RAGINI: There were only two witnesses

in Lal Bahadur Shashtri's case.

His personal assistant, Ramnath.

And the other was Dr. Chug.

Both of them, coincidentally,

died in an accident...

...on two separate days, of course.

Two witnesses.

And they both died.


No witnesses, no case... Nothing!

GANGARAM JHA: Striking coincidence.

Even science and common sense
can't find an answer to this.

What would you call it?

INDIRA JOSEPH ROY: It's...exactly like fiction.

AYESHA ALI: Life is fiction.

GK ANANTHSURESH: Intelligence Agencies always

submit detailed evidence.

We all know who

makes them disappear.

JUSTICE KURIAN ABRAHAM: When the jury tries hostile witnesses

or cases with missing evidence ...

...then there's nothing

much they can do.

INDIRA JOSEPH ROY: Maybe that's why no one from

my generation knows that the

Nuclear program,
Green revolution...

...White revolution, the fact that India

is a world leader in milk production...

...was started by Mr. Shashtri.

Mr. Shashtri was the first

Economic reformer of India.

And no one knows this.

And there's another thing

I want to tell all of you.

Not as Indira Joseph Roy...

...but as a mother.

It's so shameful,
that even my son is unaware...

...that 2nd of October is also

Mr. Shashtri's birthday.

INDIRA: I have the least doubt in my mind

that we killed Mr. Shashtri twice.

First in Tashkent,
and then we systematically erased
him from the memory of this country.


LAL BAHUDAR SHASTRI’s SON (INTERVIEW): "When we saw his dead

body at the airport..."

"...we noticed that his

face had turned blue."

"And later, when we

spoke to some cardiologists,

some very renowned


...they confirmed that

the white spots on his temple,

are conclusive with

either snake bite..."

"...or a poison that causes brain

hemorrhage or damage to the brain."

EVERYONE SCREAMING (IN THE BACKGROUND): This is not sufficient evidence.

This is not enough evidence...

Not enough evidence...

RAGINI: Just hear what I have to say.

When Mr. Shashtri's body

arrived at Palam Airport... had completely swollen

up and turned black.

AYESHA ALI: It turned blue and not black.

When the body decomposes

it turns blue.

GK ANANTHASURESH: Its the discoloring of the skin,

what does it matter?

- Most of them were black and..

- white pictures.

Look at this,
you decide blue or black.
And that's not all...

There were numerous cuts on Shashtri's

body and blood was oozing from it.

AYESHA ALI: His closest friend, CP Srivastav,

had consulted two British Doctors.

Dr. Liam West, and Dr. Spyro.

And they both

confirmed that the color blue

is quite consistent with

death from natural causes.

RAGINI: And what about the

cuts and the blood?

Is that consistent
with natural death as well?

RAGINI: Sir, could it be that someone already

conducted a post mortem in USSR.

AYESHA ALI: I studied everything and came to the

conclusion that there was no foul play...

...and he died of a heart attack.


AYESHA ALI: Since no one's

believing a historian...

...I thought you might

believe a journalist.


Kuldeep Nayar,
India's most senior journalist.

And Shashtri's Press Secretary.

He was present there at that time.

And answer me this, if they

had any suspicion of foul play...

...wouldn't they have conducted

a post mortem of him in USSR?

Wouldn't our
government had done it?

We're truth seekers,

not a conspiracy theorist.
Parliament proceedings,

the Soviet Government

requested a post mortem report...

...from the Foreign minister,

and the Home Minister.

But they denied.


A question was raised in

the parliament in those days...

...which still
remains unanswered...

Who served milk to Mr. Shashtri

in the flask on that day.

His own cook,

or the Ambassador's cook.

If it was the Ambassador's cook,

then why on that particular day?


In the milk,
which was in the flask... which Mr. Shashtri

was pointing at.

So the question is who

cooked for him on that day,

who served him the milk,

in that flask?

Who was it?



Jaan Mohammad

Who never served food

to Mr. Shashtri prior to this.

Never cooked for him.

AYESHA ALI: Oh come on,

this is all Google knowledge.
He had cooked for
him once before...

...when in 1965 Shashtri

had gone to USSR.

GANGARAM JHA: That could've been a rehearsal.

Ramnath was Mr. Shashtri's cook.

He always accompanied him.

He cooked for him every day.

So why not on that day?

Why did Jaan Mohammad

cook for him on that day?

CHARACTER:The 2nd Prime Minister

of world's largest democracy...

...goes to Tashkent

Signs the war treaty

And dies.

Thousands of suspicions
are raised...



No IB,

No SIT...

Not even an Inquiry Commission.

when Pakistan surrendered...

...all the spies around the world

knew that

Mr. Shashtri will be

serving a very long term as the PM.

And even a few entities

in India seemed concerned.

Lal Bahadur's case... the biggest cover-up

in the history of India.

I think you haven't

read the Mitrokhin Archives.

CHARACTER: Mitrokhin Archives is the world's

best Counter-Intelligence report.

It led to many legal proceedings

in Britain and Italy.

If the Indians read

the Mitrokhin archives... will start a civil war.

RAGINI PHULE - If a citizen has

no right to know the truth...

...then at least they should

be allowed to tell the truth.

You know, sir,

puppetry is the only

art in this world...

...where the puppet doesn't know that

someone else is pulling the strings.

Ragini- Honorary members of the Committee,

thank you for allowing me.

Many theories relating to Lal Bahadur

Shastri's death are floating, right now.

I don't know which is

the most popular theory of all...

...but I do know which

is the least popular one.

The truth.

Many concerns were raised here.

But there is just one question which

is linked to all other questions.

Post Mortem.

Why wasn't a post mortem

ordered for Mr. Shashtri?

Aiysha -You've been told before.

Ragini- There was no post mortem conducted

because of the lack of reasonable doubt.

We've been told that a post mortem is

only conducted when there's a suspicion.

When there's a strong

reason for doubt.

And there are no suspicions

in Mr. Shashtri's death.

There is no strong

reason for doubt.

I want to tell all of

you that we were lied to.

It was a state-sponsored lie.

A few hours after Mr.

Shashtri's death...

when his body was still in Tashkent,

then the 9th Director of KGB...

...arrested Russian butler

Ahmed Sattarov, his fellow cooks,

and Indian cook Jan Mohammad.

On what charges were they arrested?



A few hours after Mr.

Shashtri's death...
...when his body was still in Tashkent,
then the 9th Director of KGB...

...arrested Russian butler

Ahmed Sattarov, his fellow cooks,

and Indian cook Jan Mohammad.

On what charges were they arrested?

They were arrested on the

charges of poisoning Mr. Shashtri.

Isn't this suspicion a strong reason

for doubt to carry out a post mortem?


But maybe it was

their secret mission...

...and our government

knows nothing about it.


Is it possible...

that an Indian cook...

An Indian Ambassador's
cook was arrested

on the charges of poisoning

our Prime Minister...

...and our government and

Intelligence doesn't know.


Maybe it was just

for routine questioning.


Then why only Jaan Mohammad?

Why not Ramnath?


And ma'am you said that Kuldeep

Nayyar stated that there was no doubt.

Please pay attention to this.

nayyar (interview):

See, TN Kaul was the Ambassador

during the Tashkent agreement.

And now when this issue

was raised here in the Parliament,

by Dharam Yashdev who raised it...

During that time, he was

the Foreign Secretary here.

So I was then the

State Press Executive

So he called me saying "Why don't you

give a statement and end this for good".

And I said I've no reason

to get into this now?

I am not longer the press...

But he kept badgering me.

And that's when I got suspicious.

Because he called
me over and over again.

I said this can be

one of the aspects too.

But, that must

have been...recently.


You also said that two British doctors,

Dr. Liam West, and Dr. Spyro said...

...that the color blue is very

consistent with natural death.

The body turns blue

when it starts to decompose.

And that was selective reporting.

Because it was further

mentioned in that report...

...that without a postmortem

report, and toxicological studies,
it is impossible to say
that Mr. Shashtri wasn't poisoned.


All of you think for a minute...

One of your family member,

a relative...

...who travels outside the country.

And suddenly dies on foreign soil.

And you're told

it's a natural death.

Heart attack.

But when you receive

the dead body... has completely swelled

up and turned black.

There are numerous cuts

on the body and also bleeding.

As a family member, do you have

no right to conduct a postmortem?

Isn't it true, back in those days

the KGB would extract the organs... that there's no

trace of poison left behind?

Did Mr. Shashtri

suffer the same fate?

Is that why he had

so many cuts on his body?


Let's talk about motives now.

Within the next 10 years of Shashtri sir's

death, India was colonized again.


India became a colony again.

Let me tell you.

By using our own constitutions,

our politicians,

our media,
our intellectuals, our systems...

...India became a colony again.

Would it still be possible

if Mr. Shashtri had been alive?

And on whose orders was it done?


The question is

who had an opportunity to benefit

most from Mr. Shashtri's death... murdering our democracy,

and changing our constitution?

Who wanted our country to sink our knee

deep in the ideology of Socialism?

Sir, the clues of murder

are found in the events that follow

after the murder and not before it.

This book...

This book...

The Mitrokhin Archive...

written by Vassili
Nikitich Mitrokhin.

He was the KGB's

director of Archives.

When the USSR split in 1992,

Mitrokhin gave 25,000 secret

documents to Britain.

After which there as a Mitrokhin

Commission formed in Britain and Italy.
And there were cases filed against
all corrupt politicians and leaders.

There's another
chapter in this book...

which is about India.


Why wasn't this brought in?


But we...don't know

anything about it.

Mitrokhin Report is considered the world's

best counter-intelligence report...

...but in India... suppress it.

Sweep everything under the carpet.

Mitrokhin Archives Volume 2...

Former KGB Major General

Oleg Kalugin said... seemed like the

entire country was for sale.

India was for sale.

If Shashtri sir was still alive...

would India still be for sale?

Is this why Shashtri

sir was poisoned in Tashkent?

Is this why there were cuts on Mr.

Shashtri's body?

Is this why there was

no postmortem conducted?

Who put a for sale sign

on the forehead of India?


Let her speak!

Child's play.

I want to tell you,

in the 1970's

India had a status... was Disneyland for spies.

Disneyland meaning amusement park.

KGB had more spies in

India than around the world.

Around 21 political leaders,

out of which four were Ministers...

...and there's something

I want to read.

A top leader,
Codename VANO, V A N O...

...was sent suitcases

of money by the KGB.

On one occasion
a secret gift of 2 million

was personally delivered

by the KGB head in India.

Another million rupees were

given on the same occasion to

a newspaper supporting
the top leader.

In 1978, the KGB was running

over 300 agents in India.

The biggest number in the world.

It's all available in this book,

for you to read.

Is selling the security

of our country nationalism?

During the 1970s, within

10 years of Shashtri sir's death..., journalists,
politicians, intellectuals,
scientists, professors, security...

...were on the payroll of the KGB.

If you believe that a citizen's

first right within a democracy... to know the truth.

The right to know the truth.

Then you find out

what the truth is now.

And that will be

the right way to pay

our respects to late

Nationalist Prime Minister

Lal Bahadur Shashtri.

Real Justice.

And that sir will be nationalism.

That's all, sir.

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