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Present Continuous Negative - Test 6

1. You see, she __________________ on her legs. (stand)

2. I ________________ you to break your engagement. (ask)

3. You know the rule-and she ________________ better. (get)

4. You handle yourself very carefully, all the time, under the silly impression that if it
_________________, your trifling weight will start it unless you are particular not to
"bear down" on it. (fall)

5. We ___________________ in proportionate numbers a race of independent and

independence-loving landowners, for a lack of which no growth of cities can
compensate. (breed)

6. It should be clear by now to all citizens that we __________________ to freeze the

status quo. (seek)

7. Of course, during all this time we had met with some disappointments, for I
____________________ everything that happened on that voyage. (describe)

8. I can comprehend that, my friend: for it __________________ in a gentleman to

borrow from his inferior, without returning to him principal and interest. (become)

9. A promise to do an immoral act _________________: therefore an oath to support

the Constitution of the United States, does not bind one to support any provisions of
that instrument which are repugnant to his ideas of right. (bind)

10. Besides, how do I know she ________________ me some game? (play)

11. I __________________ of what I owe you. (speak)

12. You ________________ back on all that? (go)

13. I hope you ________________ to each other. (lie)

14. But you-you __________________ to your word. (keep)

15. She is telling that she is hearing, that she ___________________, that she is not
telling. (listen)
16. I think of little else when I _________________ with you, Harry. (talk)

17. You see we _______________________ little creatures, but with animals that
make a step of six feet nine inches; and their remains must have been left somewhere.
(deal with)

18. I think you're a good fellow, but I ________________ any chances. (take)

19. Now then, we __________________ a race. (run)

20. I ___________________ a girl into society. (launch)

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