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The purpose of this essay is to describe how the speaker manages to show the transformation

of Cinderella’s personality during the poem.

First the speaker addresses the reader by making allusion to the fairy-tale as the begging of the
poem is the same but he warns that this version is gorier. “I guess you think you know this
story. /You don’t. The real one’s much more gory. /The phoney one, the one you know, /Was
cooked up years and years ago, /And made to sound all soft and sappy/Just to keep the
children happy.”

As Regards Cinderella, she is described as a rude and shallow girl. When the magic Fairy
appears to help her she shouts to her demanding a list of things in order to go to the ball: “I
want a dress! I want a coach!/‘And earrings and a diamond brooch/‘And silver slippers, two of
those!/‘And lovely nylon panty-hose!/Done up like that I’ll guarantee/‘The handsome Prince
will fall for me!”

Moreover, the speaker uses visual and auditory images to show Cinderella’s determination to
conquer the Prince: “She held him very tight and pressed/herself against his manly chest. /The
Prince himself was turned to pulp, /All he could do was gasp and gulp.”

Finally, after discovering the prince cuts head for fun Cinderella is disappointed and changes
her attitude. When the Magic Fairy appears again she is kind to her and realises she should
have been more wary. The speaker uses onomatopoeia to shows the magic of the fairy:” Just
then, all in a blaze of light, / The Magic Fairy hove in sight, /Her Magic Wand wents woosh and
swish!‘Cindy!’ she cried, ‘come make a wish!”

In conclusion this poem shows a different Cinderella to the one we are familiar with. She is
shallow and rude but then she becomes humbler because she learns the lesson that
appearances are deceptive. She realises she can be happy without money and at the end she
has her happy ending with a decent man. The poem is appealing to be read because it has
paired rhyme and it is also humorous as it has some curse words.

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