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¿what are medicinal plants?

Medicinal herbs (or herbal remedies) are plants used as medicine. People use them to
help prevent or cure disease, they also use them to relieve symptoms, increase energy,
relax or lose weight

¿What is the importance of medicinal plants?

Medicinal plants are of socioeconomic importance for small communities that use
them with ancestral practices that provide nutritional and active benefits to human

Examples of Medicinal Plants:

The flowers and leaves are used to treat a large number of conditions: digestive
disorders (stomach pain, indigestion, dyspepsia, colic, diarrhea), kidney and bladder
conditions, menstrual pain

The biological activity of this plant is attributed especially to its essential oil that gives it
digestive, carminative, spasmolytic properties, as well as antiseptic (against bacteria
and parasites), insecticides and sedatives.

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