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Reese Te WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME, DOCTOR? Symptoms ast a8 Tong © Corrupted... Black veins appear all over your skin Se instant oily sweat. Highly Alamable Black. 7 fires thick and black as in pernanent Brittle... coe pale and gaunt as a ghost with dark sunken Creep We cuts randomly on your body omparivic o8, Grim fate This will happen to you when you are reduced to negative HP by the disease. ..Stench Rot takes your extremities, your hands and feet blacken and slough off Your nose and ears follow shortly after .. Worms Blood covered worms bore out of your skin and wriggle anay to find a new host Blood Your blood is thin and spills easily. The slightest nick jettisons a geyser that doesn’t stop while your heart beats Plague Your nouth becones a pit of rot, your tongue and teeth fall out. You vamit up the black tatters that’ used to be your organs Pulse You shed your skin and something new emerges, roll a new character using the Accursed Skinwalker class. You may or may not retain your menories. Shivers Vision blurs, hands shake, and muscles slacken, lose your stats and abilities and roll anew character using The Worst character class. This is your new Life Blight Your flesh Liquifies, leaving a pristine while skeleton and a pinkish goo that used to be you Death Your skin rots prenaturely, your corpse rises as a zonbie. ..Visitor You axake paralyzed to find a black dog standing on your chest. You vividly feel every sensation as it devours you alive. To everyone else, you appeared to have died peacefully in your sleep. Fungus lushrooms grow From your eyes and mouth, choking and blinding you. If your body rests undisturbed on soft earth, a person-shaped garden of rnushroons grows. Pox Green sores erupt on your face and body that incessantly leak yellow liquid. You dry out Like beef jerky and your corpse will never rot ..Fits You fly into an irresistible frenzy, clawing and biting at your flesh tearing it off in bloody ribbons. Spawn a Blood-Drenched Skeleton among a pile of guts and skin-rags

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