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1. How do you solve those problems?

1. Determine what the problem is.

2. Prepare any possible alternatives

3. Compare advantages and disadvantages

of each alternatives

4. Choose the best choices

2. Mention 5 steps you will do along with examples of each step!

- Calm down

This is important to avoid other possibilities that are worse and to reduce stress.

- Positive thinking

Positive and optimistic thoughts will attract more positive things that will happen.

- Be creative

To solve these problems requires a creative attitude. Because creative attitude can make us think
harder and can find a way out of the problem.

- Ask Allah for help Subhanahu wa ta'ala

Get closer to God, so that not only helping to deal with problems is also expected to help avoid them
and prevent them from appearing again.

- Make decision

The right decision will be the problems faced, so we can learn from the problems faced in the future.

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