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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

First Of all, Let's thanks to our god Allah Swt, Who has Given us Health and bless so we can
attend in this place. The Second Let's say shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Saw.
Because him we are living in Islam now.

The teachers whom i respect and my entire friend that i Love. Let me introduce about myself.
My name is …..

Today, we will talk about special woman in our life. That is our mother. Mother is amazing
person. She takes care their children dearly. Her love is priceless. There is nothing can be
compared to her love. Starting the pregnancy, she has to carry us in her wombs for nine months.
Then, she risks her lives just to deliver us to see the beautiful world.
I am very lucky to have you mom. You are my mom, my angel and my everything. Please
forgive me for my entire mistake. I hope you will proud of me and always love me forever.
Thank you so much mom.
I just want to say, happy mother’s day. May happiness always with you. I love you mom.
Thank you so much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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