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00:05:21,360 --> 00:05:24,360
De-a lungul istoriei,
levănţica a fost la loc de cinste.

00:05:24,440 --> 00:05:27,560
Se crede că romanii
au adus-o în Regatul Unit

00:05:27,640 --> 00:05:29,720
pentru proprietăţile curative.

00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:34,440
Pentru Tudori,
era planta curăţeniei şi a calmului,

00:05:34,560 --> 00:05:38,360
iar victorienii făceau din ea parfum
şi înmiresmau hainele.

00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:42,840
Din secolul al XVI-lea
şi până la Al Doilea Război Mondial,

00:05:42,920 --> 00:05:45,120
târgul Hitchin din Hertfordshire

00:05:45,200 --> 00:05:48,600
a fost printre principalele
surse de levănţică din ţară.

00:05:49,960 --> 00:05:55,040
În epoca de glorie din anii 1500,
aici se cultivau 40 ha de levănţică,
00:05:55,120 --> 00:05:59,840
dar în perioada postbelică
s-a trecut la culturi mai prospere,

00:06:01,960 --> 00:06:05,440
industria acestei plante
cunoscând declinul.

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respectând toate regulile prezentate la cursuri

10:07:40:05 Diarmaid
This farm has demonstrated that there definitely is the interest for
people to come and enjoy this wonderful plant. Let’s hope they
start growing lavender in their own gardens.
10:07:59:24 Hidcote Manor garden is famous for its eponymous lavender
which has grown amongst a whole host of other colorful plants.
The garden is a series of distinct rooms created during the
Edwardian era. Garden curator Andrew Hunt knows all about the
gardens history and famous connection to lavender.
Tell me about Lawrence Johnston, the guy who created this
garden very early in the 20th century.
10:08:25:13 Andrew
Well Lawrence between 1907 and 1948 he created Hidcote
garden that people can see today. He had no formal training in
horticulture but he was very passionate and loved plants. He
would only select the best of the best varieties um and that’s
exactly what he did with this lavender. He saw this growing in the
south of France and absolutely loved it and brought it back to this

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