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XactAnalysis Configuration in Xactimate

Answer ID 2119 | Updated 02/27/2020 11:08 PM

XactAnalysis Configuration is blank or contains IP addresses instead of Domain Name

System (DNS).

The following error may also appear: "Input string was not in a correct format."

Internal Note: In cases where the error comes after the login window and does not allow them to enter
Xactimate, the connection settings will need to be corrected in the ini_files table of the shared database.
This requires the use of an L2 code with the XactSupport tool. Contact L3 as needed.

This error occurs when Xactimate is missing the proper DNS addresses to communicate through the
XactNet system which connects Xactimate to XactAnalysis. The following steps will guide you through
correcting this.

This document contains instructions for multiple versions of Xactimate. To jump to the appropriate section
for your version, click on the appropriate link below:

Xactimate 28
Xactimate 27
Xactimate 25
Xactimate 28

Step 1: In the Tools menu of the blue Xactimate tab in the upper left, click XactAnalysis Configuration.

Step 2: Click Add and add up to 6 default addresses.

2a. The XactAnalysis IP Address SmartList window will appear blank. Click Add.

2b. Enter the following information and click OK.

• For the first Address, enter: .
• For the Port, enter: 18710 .

2c. Repeat this step for all the way through . All 6 Addresses
will use the same port of 18710. After you are finished, the IP SmartList window should look like this:

*When working with the test environment a single address should be used. (

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