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Name of Experiments

01 A program of Java Basic “Hello World”

02 A program of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of two
03 A program of Factorial of a number
04 A program of Fibonacci Series
05 A program of making Palindrome of a String
06 A simple program on Instance Variable Hiding
07 A program of Stack
08 A program of Queue
09 A simple program of Method Overloading
10 A program of Call-by-Value
11 A program of Call-by-reference
12 A simple program using the “Static” Keyword
13 A simple program of Inheritance
14 A program of inheritance using “super” Keyword
15 A program of Method Overriding
16 A program of Dynamic Method dispatch
17 A program of executing the area of a rectangle, circle and a triangle using
abstract class
20 A program of executing your two preferable geometrical shape name and
the colors of them using interface
21 A simple program of try-catch block in
22 A program of multiple catch block
23 A program of throw and throws keyword
24 A program of Bubble Sort
25 A program of Insertion Sort.

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