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Arcana Summary

Team​ - ​Litepaper​ - ​Whitepaper​ - ​Crypto Zombie​ - ​Crypto Candor​ - ​Medium article

● Wallet Features​:
○ US-Compliant multi currency ​custodial*​ wallet
■ Currently supports: Bitcoin, litecoin, Ethereum/ERC20, Neo/Nep5 at launch. More
added later
■ Planned future support: EOS, Qtum, ZEC, ICX, XLM, XRP
■ *Custodial feature is being applied for in multiple jurisdictions
○ You will get returns from forks, POS dividends, and mainnet swaps.
○ Insurance up to 10K at launch and up to 100K in 2019
■ Initially they will hold 40% of assets as reserves and self-insure, however eventually will
have 3rd party insurance
■ Will offer institutional insurance over 100K for a fee
○ Liquidity
■ Ice Vaults (“Savings” Account)
■ Liquid Wallets (“Checking” Account): Small percentage of assets are stored in liquid
vaults for liquidity but custodial accounts will mostly be stored in ice vaults
○ Can serve as platform for financial applications (instead of building their own secured wallet
○ Sharding of private keys
○ No Fiat Gateway planned yet
● Proprietary​ distributed cold storage technology
○ We have engineered a secure and scalable distributed hardware cold storage solution called
Arcana Smart Vault Technology (SVT)​. SVT integrates physically secured hardware with
digitally secured multicloud platforms into a global infrastructure, which marries the proven
security of cold storage with the convenience and functionality of exchanges, hot wallets, and
smart contracts. SVT’s robust network safeguards our users’ cryptoassets across physical,
digital, and jurisdictional space.
○ **Arcana cannot open source their code at this time because it can compromise security
● SVT is composed of 3 layers of intra-network security:
○ 1) Vault layer
○ 2) Arcana Private Network
○ 3) Public Network
● Plans to host ​masternode pooling and trading algorithms​ that can be utilized by users.
● Will hire 3rd party security auditors to go through architecture to ensure security
○ EPN​: Top crypto auditing firm for IT audit
○ HackerOne: Company performs hacks on Arcana system to gain feedback for improvement
○ Enuma Technologies: Auditing net-gap machines

Token Metrics and Utility

● 100M ARCA will be created at token generation event
● 60% for token sale. 15% in initial sale and 45% for long term reserves and future token sale
○ Hard cap for initial 15% sale is $10 Million
● 20% founding team, 10% angel investors/advisors, 10% reserved for enterprise
● Tokens are recirculated. Plans to allow direct buying of the platform for users that missed the token
Sale - DZ from TG
● Token will be similar to BNB and offer 50% discounts on transaction fees. No profit sharing.

Potential Questions for JK

● Is it possible to get Vault12 White paper?
● Originally to be on EOS, but now unsure if EOS or Ethereum (according to CryptoCandor interview),
any decision on this?
● How will the distribution of the other 45% of tokens work? Future ICO’s or a stream of tokens?
● When moon?

How is Arcana different (From TG)

Safety Jargon

Random info

Random review

How is Arcana different ​(From TG)

Hey there! This is Ben, the CTO of Arcana. The simple answer is, we haven't found a wallet that meets all
the needs we have as beginner to intermediate level crypto holders. Specifically, one that is super secure,
well designed, supports all the tokens we have, accessible on all devices, AND allows me to put my
cryptoassets to work - not simply just storing them.

The long answer is: As investors in crypto since 2012, we’ve used a wide variety of wallets. Every wallet
we’ve used over the past few years has had some, and recently even most of what we needed, but
unfortunately never all. The five essential things we’ve longed for are:
1. Security
2. Full coin support
3. User-friendly interface
4. Accessibility on both desktop and mobile devices
5. Ability to maximize value from my stored assets

We see that every wallet in the game so far delivers 4 out of these 5 value propositions (to varying degrees).
But overall, the space appears to be missing the forest for the trees. As it stands today, wallets may be
storing many assets securely and provide liquidity, but it is not maximizing potential value of those assets for
its users.

We envision a product that realizes the fundamental purpose of crypto assets: value generation. That’s what
a good asset is supposed to do.

Right now users are forced to choose between security and convenience.Either your assets are safe in a
hardware wallet but not creating value, or they’re investable in a hot wallet but you risk losing them all.
Under this paradigm, crypto is not a very good asset.

● Difference form Bread/Ethos

○ Both Ethos and us cover all of the basic user needs in order to better manage our crypto
assets. The key difference is that they're building on a lot of social building and gamification
within the app itself. This has its merits, but Arcana has chosen to focus our resources on
security instead.
● Difference from Kingdom Trust acquisition
○ Arcana is built for the new-to-crypto individual user, marrying functional UI + security so that
they are less intimidated by the crypto industry - Albert Chen

Safety Jargon
● We have designed our infrastructure to meet enterprise-grade security standards through the
application of distributed air-gapped cold storage, multisignature vaults, compartmentalized APIs and
databases, machine learning asset distribution, two-factor authorization, 256-AES encryption, and
next-generation firewalls (NGFW). We have ensured that our architecture and procedures are in line
with the best industry practices and are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and CryptoCurrency Security Standard
(CCSS) compliant
● How do you secure the physical storage sites
○ We are constantly monitoring the uptime of our global cold storage infrastructure. Upon
detection of any machine being compromised, we will backup the private keys and transfer the
assets to a non vulnerable location immediately. - JK
○ When our physical infrastructure is configured at each location, we will set up live monitoring
and remote control to restart the system. No human personnel is needed for maintenance
once the location is set up. - J
○ Will have duplicates used as backup if an air gap machine is compromised or nonfunctional
○ Simultaneous physical hacks at multiple locations would be necessary to obtain access to
private key
● Assets are not entirely held at any 1 location to discourage hackers any single point of vulnerability
● Utilize multi-sig functionality on all outgoing transactions

Random info
● We have engineered a secure and scalable distributed hardware cold storage solution called Arcana
Smart Vault Technology (SVT). SVT integrates physically secured hardware with digitally secured
multicloud platforms into a global infrastructure, which marries the proven security of cold storage
with the convenience and functionality of exchanges, hot wallets, and smart contracts. SVT’s robust
network safeguards our users’ cryptoassets across physical, digital, and jurisdictional space.
● Telegram started in late March
● Token will be similar to BNB and offer discounts on transaction fees (I have seen 25% discount on
telegram, but WP says 50% discount. Unsure where that stands now)
● You do not need to hold stake token in order to claim insurance
● Will hire 3rd party security auditors to go through architecture to ensure security
● Will build their product before they get a risk manager
● Exchange/token info
○ We are still working out which exchange will work best for us. Users can use ARCA token to
pay for all transactional fees for all features on our platform, users will receive 25% discount
when using ARCA to pay network fees
● When you sign up for the Arcana Wallet you will get 10 ARCA token
● MVP will be for browser. Trading functionally slated for V2, which was slated for end of Q3
● We are working with multiple infosec and IT audit companies such as HackerOne and BPM to ensure
our platform is air-tight
● With the Smart Vault Technology we've created, the wallet address you get as an Arcana Wallet user
is a cold storage address. That being said for the security of the system itself, on the front-end, we
provide the best means possible for users to keep their accounts safe. We require MFA (email and
sms/2FA pin) for all sensitive actions such as withdrawal and account settings changes.
● Auto claim forks, auto mainnetswap, trading/liquidity, security, sleek interface for user experience
● From the get go, we will support BTC, LTC, ETH + ERC20 tokens, NEO + NEP5 tokens, collectively
500+ tokens
● Sharding of private keys
● Arcana allows users to maximize value of their crypto, via subscribing to trading algorithms, master
node pooling for proof of stake coins, automatic claiming of forks, erc20 main net swaps. And we will
definitely have airdrops for a bunch of other efforts.
● Can serve as platform for financial applications (not sure what this means, but I think the they are
basically saying that they can go to current and future companies and say that they can host their
assets on their platform. Specifically ICOs that may have a good product but not a good wallet)
● Enterprise Insurance coverage is available for monthly fee starting at $100k.

Random review

Project to watch:

Arcana is an all-in-one portal that gives you the security of cold storage, the convenience of a hot wallet, and
the insight of a portfolio tracker.

As Mainnets launch for blockchains using Ethereum placeholder tokens, users will be forced to maintain an
absurd amount of wallets and private keys. This makes a unified portal for cryptoasset management an
absolute necessity as the blockchain matures.

1. TRADING - Arcana Wallet users can place buy and sell orders directly from their wallet. Our users can
enjoy liquidity without exposing assets to the risks of exchanges. Transfer times between personal wallets
and exchanges are eliminated, allowing users to capitalize on fast-moving trade windows.

2. PORTFOLIO TRACKING - Arcana provides an information-rich dashboard with portfolio breakdown,

international fiat values, historical performance, and aggregated newsfeed to give our users a solid grasp of
their cryptoasset standing.

3. FREE, INSTANT SENDING WITHIN NETWORK - All transactions within the Arcana ecosystem are free
and instant because user activity is handled off-chain.

4. ERC20 TO MAINNET SWAPS - For our users’ convenience, ERC20 tokens stored in Arcana Wallet are
automatically swapped to Mainnet for supported blockchains.

5. AUTOMATIC CLAIMING OF FORKS - Major Bitcoin forks will be automatically credited to all eligible
wallets on our platform once the new blockchain is supported.

* David Zhu - CEO
David Zhu is a veteran entrepreneur and angel investor with over 14 years of experience in tech and
entrepreneurship. In 2011 David founded Enplug, the largest platform for enterprise smart TV apps in the
world. Following his success at Enplug, David went on to found Urbanflat, a luxury apartment rental service
with a portfolio of over 100 properties around the world. Urbanflat serves corporate clients such as Apple,
Facebook, Google, and the NFL. In total, David’s ventures are valued at over $50m.

* Craig Kuang - CFO

Craig Kuang graduated in 2014 from New York University with a Bachelor of Science in Finance. Craig has
worked at HSBC Private Wealth Management as an analyst and Merrill Lynch as an Equity Research
analyst. Post Wall Street, Craig became an angel investor, and subsequently founded Eversource Capital,
Craig has invested in over 80 companies, with notable investments in Dollar Shave Club, Snap, Spotify, Lyft,
etc. Craig’s VC fund has returned 30%+ since inception, which places him in the top 10% of all VC funds.

* Benjamin Tse - CTO

Since founding Hundredfold Studios at the age of 15, Ben has earned several design awards while serving
over 100 enterprises such as Starwood, Shanghai Film Festival, and Swire Group. Since 2013, Ben’s
technical and strategic expertise has been sought by venture-backed startups in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los
Angeles, New York, and Tel Aviv. Besides building companies for clients, Ben also co-founded Cocoon
Worldwide in 2011 - a hardware manufacturing startup featured on Dragon’s Den and National Geographic

* Jon Malach - Head of Marketing

Jon is the founder of which serves 14 billion impressions a day and uses a variety of digital
marketing strategies and advanced retargeting specifically to 9 million cryptocurrency investors. John also

Q2 2018

* Private Alpha launch - Public V1 launch

* Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum/ERC20, NEO/NEP5

Q3 2018

* Expand physical infrastructure to 5 jurisdictions

* Binance API integration
* Enterprise partnerships
* Expand digital asset support - EOS, Qtum, ZEC, ICX, XLM, XRP

Q4 2018

* Expand physical infrastructure to 10+ jurisdictions

* Additional exchange API integration - Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken, 0x supported exchanges
* Investment management platform for institutions
* Arcana private blockchain

Total % for sale = 60

Future token sales (2018 - 2022) = 45%
This round = 15%

Private Pre-sale: 1.5m USD

Public Sale: 6m USD
Total Hard Cap: 7.5m USD

Public Beta Launch - Expected June 2018

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