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Bilo je vedro a oblacno jos vise

Imali smo sunce imali smo kise

Bilo je tuge, a bese I radosti
Naizmence:srece kao I zalosti
Znamo za sirotinju, znamo I za zlato
Takav nam je zivot NJEMU hvala zato.
Dragi prijatelji I poznanici
Sretni vam bili ,HRISTOVI PRAZNICI<
Bosko I Rista Pecelj sa porodicom
Los Angeles, Kalifornija, Holivoud.
There were
It was clear ,and cloudy even more
We had sunshine and we had storm.
There was grief, and anger and joy
Sometimes happiness as well as sorrows.
We know about the poor, we know about gold
Thanks for that's,this is how our life goes.
Dear friends and familly
Bosko I Rista Pecelj with family

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