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Excelencia académica con valores cristianos


Estimado estudiante, Dios le bendiga. El siguiente proyecto está basado en el
contenido de la unidad 8 que estamos tratando durante estas semanas. Por favor siga
las indicaciones detalladas a continuación.
Nota: Cabe recalcar que la fecha límite de entrega es hasta el domingo 20 de febrero
de 2022 hasta las 23:59pm.
- Cardboard
- Pictures related to the topic
- Markers
- Pencil colors
- Creativity.
1. You are going to investigate about a traditional festival or celebration of any
place around the world. Include the next aspects:
- A brief story of the celebration.
- The food
- Dance
- What people do for that date
- Fun facts about the celebration
- Why this celebration called your attention
2. You are going to make a poster about a celebration or a traditional festival.
Moreover, you are going to use the materials described above and the
information that you have previously researched.
3. You must record a video to present your work. You will have to explain in detail
why did you choose that celebration, telling the aspects described above.
4. The video must last no more than 3- 4 minutes. And you will have to upload it
on the platform RUNACHAY in evidencias.
IMPORTANT: If the video is too long or weighs more than the platform can
admit, you can upload it on youtube as private and copy and paste the link in
the evidence section.

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