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Process only files modified after the specified date.

Files matching the specified date exactly are also included.

Format of the date string is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

It is allowed to insert separators like '-' or ':' to
the date string and omit trailing fields. For example,
the following switch is correct: -ta2001-11-20
Internally it will be expanded to -ta20011120000000
and treated as "files modified after 0 hour 0 minutes
0 seconds of 20 November 2001".

Use 'm', 'c', 'a' modifiers to specify modification,

creation and last access time accordingly, such as -tac20011120
for creation time. If such modifier is omitted, modification
time is assumed.

It is allowed to use several modifiers in the same switch,

such as -tamc20190215, to set the same date for all specified
times. Alternatively you can add several time filtering
switches to command line. By default, time filters use AND logic,
so a file must match all such filters to be processed.
It can be changed to OR logic with 'o' modifier, so a file will
have to match at least one 'o' filter. For example, use
-taco20190201 -tamo20190210 to include files created after
2019-02-01 or modified after 2019-02-10.

Process only files modified before the specified date.
Files matching the specified date exactly are not included.

Format of the switch is the same as -ta<date>.

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