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i NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI LOI TUA Cac em hge sinh than mén, Trén tay cdc em dang cm 13 cuén “90 ngay lam chit ngir phép Tiéng Anh”. Diy la cudn ma 6 di dinh rat nhiéu théi gian va tm huyét dé bién soan véi mye dich gitip cdc em hiéu sau va giai quyét tat ca cdc dang bai tip lign quan téi ngit phép Tiéng Anh trong cdc bai kiém tra trén 1ép, bai thi hoc sinh gidi, thi THPT Quée Gi hay cdc chimg chi qudc té. Cuda sach bao gom 25 chuyén dé, trong 46 c6 20 chuyén dé kien thite ngit phap trong tam va 0S chuyén dé ki nang. Mdi chuyén dé 06 02 bai luyén tap gitip cdc em van dung ly thuyét vao thye hanh m6t céch higu qua. Dng thai, voi 1700 céu hoi ngit phép duge chon Ic va phan loai voi mite dé tir dé wi kh6, cdc em 66 thé cg sat vi c6 thém cho minh kinh nghigm khi Kim bai thi, Tai sao tén séch Ia “90 ngay lam chit ngit phdp Tiéng Anh"? Khi bién sogn cuén sich nay c6 nghi 90 ngay 1d khoiing thai gian vita va dii dé cae em c6 thé Tinh hi tron ven cdc kién thite vé ng phap Tiéng Anh. Dé sir dung sich mOt cach c6 higu qua, cic em cé thé chia ngay va ¢ghi myc tigu dat duge cita timg ngay. Nhu vay sé gitip céc em biét minh dang 6 dau va da hgc duge nhiing gi. ‘Trong qui tinh ¢6 bign sogn evn sich kho trénh khoi sai st. Vi vay, néu ede em e6 thie mc cn gi dap thi o5 thé lign hé v6i c6 qua email: lieupham.fatima@ Tée gid Phgm Liéu, Di nét vé the gid: ~ Tét nghigp Su phgm Ngoai ngir - Dai hoc Quéc gia Ha Ngi. — Chang chi giang day quéc té TESOL (ching nhan giang day duge & 80 quéc gia). 10 nam kinh nghiém giang day luyén thi IELTS, TOEIC va luyén thi Dai hoc. Mue Lye SIT Bai hge ‘Thanh phan kién thie Trang ART 1. Cac chuyén dé NGU PHAP trong tam thi THT Quéc Gia Chuyén dé 1 Nouns (danh tit) Dinh nghia, phan loai danh tir, vi ti, chite niing danh tit, Iurong tir két hop danh tir, cfc tir chi don vi do lung Chuyén a8 2 Subject-Verb agreement (Hoa hgp S-V) Cae dang hoa hop chi vi Chuyén dé 3 Adjectives (Tinh tit) Dinh nghia, phan loai tinh tir, vi tri, chite_ niing tinh tir, 30 cp tinh tir dé gay nham lin, tinh tir ghép, tat tu tinh tir, tinh tir biéu cam Chuyén a8 4 Adverbs (Trang tit) Dinh nghia, phan logi trang tir, vi wi, chae niing | trang tir, mét s6 trang tir dé gay nham lan Chuyén a3 5 The comparison of So sdnh bing, so sanh hon, so sinh nhit, So Chuyén 48 6 tir), Bare Infinitive and To Infinitive Adjectives and Adv sanh - kép, so sanh bdi s6, so sinh bat hop ly | V-ing, to V,V (nguyén), danh d6ng tir hoan Gerunds (Danh d6ng_| thanh va phan tir hoan thanh, hién tai phan t qua khir phan tir, bi dng véi danh déng tir va dong tit nguyén thi Cach sir dung a/an/the va céc tung hop dac Chuyén dé 7 | Articles (Mao tir) biet Chuyén dé 8 | Tenses (Thi) Tong hop 12 thi va su ket hop thi Chuyén 489 Passive Voice Nguyén tac chuyén d6i bi dong vai cac thi, (Thé bi dong) cac dang bi dong dac biét Chuyén ag | Conditional oo Sentences Cau digu kign co ban va cdc dang dc biét (Céiu diéu kign) Chuyén ad | Reported Speech Nguyén tic chuyén di edu true tiép sang cau ul (Cau tong gin | tiép va cdc dang twong thuat dic biet thud) 8 Méah dé déc lap, ménh dé danh ngit, ménh dé Clauses trang ngir, ménh dé chi nguyén nhan, két qua, (Céic logi ménh dé) ménh dé tinh ngit (ménh dé quan hé, rit gon ménh dé quan hé) Cach sir dung cac tir chi sé long, cdc cp Quantifier (Luong _ | lwong tit dé gay nham Vin va phan biét tie) “another, other, the other, others, one another, together, each other" Chuyén a@ 14 Subjuntive Mood Gia dinh hign tai, gid dinh qua kit, gid dinh (Thé gia dinh) qué khir hoan thanh Chuyén dé Conjunctions (Lién | Lién tir ding lap, lién tir phu thude, mot sé 15 tir) cap tuong lién tir, mét sé lién tir dé nhim lin Chuyen ad | Modal verbs Déng tir khuyét thiéu va khuyét thiéu hoan 16 thanh (modal perfect) Chuyén dé Inversion (Bao Céc dang dao ngit thing gip 17 ngit) Chuyén d2 | Tag Question (Ciu | Cac dang cau hoi duéi va cae trrng hop dac 18 hoi dudi) biet Chuyén dé | Preposition (Gidi GiGi ti theo sau dOng tw, tinh tir, danh vir 19 tie) Chuyén dé Cleft: Sentence (Cau Cie dang cau nhén manh 20 ché) betel Ge | rin Idi sai Téng hop 13 16i sai thuréng gp trong bai thi Cnyén de | vid tai caw Cac dang viét lai cu trong bai thi Chuyén de | Chite ning ngén Cae miu céu giao tiép thong dung 23 ngit Chuyén dé a, Phat am dudi es, ed, phat am nguyén am, phu y Phat am aout han ioe pts 3 24 4m va nhan biet cac am cam Chuyén de | oe a Trong am cua tir hai am tiét, tirba am tiét tro. rong dm 25 lén PART 2. TONG ON CAC CHUYEN DE NGU PHAP Dé tong 6n ngir phap sé 1 Dé tong 6n ngit phap sé 2 Dé tong 6n ngir phap sé 3 Dé ting 6n ngir phap sé 4 Dé tong 6n ngit phap s6 5 DAP AN BAI TU LUYEN VA DE TONG ON CHUYEN DE 1: NOUNS (DANH TU) I. DINH NGHIA DANH TU Danh tir trong tiéng Anh 1a tir hoje nhém tir dig dé chi ngudi (Peter, worker, father,...) vat (door, cai,...) noi chén (countryside, market, France,...) pham chit (laziness, beauty,...) sy hoat dng (traveling, coughing, walking,...) khai nigm (love, happiness...) IL PHAN LOAI DANH TU’ Danh tir dém durgc (Countable nouns) Danh tirs6 it (Singular nouns) Danh tir s6 nhieu (Plural nouns) Danh tir khong dém duge (Uncountable nouns) = al anfone + danh tir so it dém duge - Néu danh tir sé it dém durge dong vai trd chi ngit thi dong tir sé sé chia 6 so it. = Chi cé mot dang duy nhat (khéng c6 dang sé it hay nhiéu) - Néu danh tir khong dém duge déng vai tro chi ngir thi déng tir chia 6 sé it = Thém “s/ es” phia sau danh ir 86 it thi sé duge danh tir s nhigu ~ Néu danh tir sé nhigu déng vai trd chit ngit thi ddng tir sé chia 6 s6 nhiéu. Keat Two cats Chat Tig: paper, wood, A wife ‘Their wives Thitc an/d6 uéng: food, meat, A child Children Danh tr triru trong: happiness, freedom, courage. Cach chuyén dang sé al 1, Thém “s” vio sau hau hét cac danh tir A chair — chairs A picture - pictures A desk - desks A teacher — teachers 2. Thém “es” vio sau danh tir két thie béi “sh, ch, S, X,Z, 0” A toothbrush — toothbrushes Potato - potatoes Hero — heroes A bus - buses NGOAI LE: - Nhiing danh tir tan cing bing “nguyén im + 0” chi thém “s” 6 s6 nhiéu: cucko0s (chim cu cu), cameos (46 trang site di cham), bambo0S (cay tre), curios (vat hiém 6, ctia quy, dO c6), studios (xudng vé, xuéng phim,...), radios (radio), videos - Nhing danh tir tan cing bing “phy am + 0” chi thém “s” 6 sé nhiéu: pianos, photos, memos (ban ghi nhé), autos (xe 6 té, may tw dong), zeros 3. Chuyén y —ies A lady — ladies A story — stories Diary — diaries Faculty — faculties 4, Chuyén fife — ves A knife — knives One half - two halves A thief — thieves A leaf leaves NGOATLE: - Mét s6 tung hop van gidt nguyén fife va thém “s”: roofs (mai nha), beliefs (niem tin), cliffs (bo da déc), safes (chan dung d6 an, két sat), chiefs (tha link), handkerchiefs (khan tay), proofs (bing ching), gulfs (vinh), reefs (44 ngdm), turfs (Isp dat mat), griefs (ndi dau khd) - M6t s6 truémg hop chap nhan ca hai cach: the seven dwarfs/ dwarves (bay cht lin), a few wharfs/ wharves (vai cau tau g6), scarfs/ scarves (khan quang), staffs/ stayes (can b6), hoofs/ hooves (mong guéc) 5. Nhirng danh tir s6 nhieu dec bigt aman — men a woman — women a person ~ people a foot ~ feet a goose — geese a tooth — teeth a child — children an ox ~ oxen a mouse ~ mice . a louse — lice (ran, chdy) a die ~ dice (con xite xc) 6. Danh tir ¢6 hinh thire s6 ae nhiéu vi sé a deer — deer a shrimp ~ shrimp (con 6m) a fish — fish (fishes: chi cae loai ca khde nhau) a hundred - several hundred men a sheep — sheep a swine ~ swine (con heo) a moose - moose (nai simg tam) a dozen — two dozen roses, (nhung cé thé ndi: dozens of roses, hundreds of people) 7. Danh tir s6 it mang hinh thire s6 nhieu = News (tin tire) - Cac loai bénh tat: rabies (bénh dai), mumps (bénh quai bi), measles (bénh si), rickets (benh coi xutong), shingles (bénh Zona) = Cac linh vue nghién ctu: economics (kinh té hoc), ethics (dao dite hoe), linguistics (ng6n ngit hoc), politics (chinh tri), physics. (vat — ly), mathematics > Cac mén thé thao: gymnastics (thé duc dung cu), aerobies (thé ducnhip diéu), billards (Bi-a), dart (mén ném phi tiéu), draughts (mén c& vua), bowls (mén ném bong g6), dominoes (dé ~ mi - nd), cards (bai) = Mét s6 danh tir co dang sé it thie bing chit headquarters (tng hanh dinh), va sO mhiéu ging nhau, déu két “s: barracks (doanh trai), means (phuong tién), crossroads (nga tu), a TV series (chuong trinh truyén hinh dai tap), species (loai) 8. Danh tir ludn & dang s6 nhieu Quan 4o: jeans (quan jean), pyjamas (d6 ngii), pants (quan), shorts (quan ngin) Khac surroundings, earnings, thanks, stairs, belongings, clothes, ‘Dung cu: binoculars (6ng nhom), headphones (tai nghe), glasses (mat kinh), scissors (cay kéo), nail clippers (cdi kim) ‘Mot so danh tir khac, két thie bi customs (hai quan), guts (sur can ing “s” lai mang mét nghia khéc: dam), quarters (phong 6), clothes (quan 40), goods (hing héa), arms (va khi) 9. Danh tir so nhiéu mon tir ngon ngit khac. Tir ket thic bang um/on> a: bacterium - bacteria, datum - data, medium - media, curriculum =~ —_ curricula, criterion - criteria, phenomenon — phenomena Tir két thie bang a— ae: antenna- antennae (anten, rau cita sdu bo), alga - algae (tao), formula ~ formulas/ formulae, vertebra - vertebrae (xtrong s6ng, cét song) Tit két thac bang ex/ix - ices: index - indices/ indexes (ngén tay tro, chi s6), matrix - matrices (da con, ma tran), appendix - —_appendices/ appendixes (phu luc) Tir két thc bing is - es: analysis — analyses, crisis — crises, basis — bases, hypothesis - hypotheses., thesis - theses, emphasis emphases, oasis, oases, parenthesis:I-parentheses Tir két thitc bang us/ 0 : radius| - radii (ban kinh), fungus - fungi (ndm, nét sii), alumnus — alumni ( (aguyén) nam sinh vién dai hoe), syllabus - syllabi/syllabuses, | stimulus - stimuli, cactus, cacti, focus - — foci/focuses, graifito - graffiti (nghé thuat grafit6) , concerto - concerti (am nhac) céngxecto), virtuoso - virtuosi (nghé sy bac thay). CHUC NANG VA VI TRI CUA DANH TU Chire nang va vj tri cia danh tir T. Chi ngir cia dong tir (dau cau, dau ménh dé) Maths is the subject I ike best 2. Sau tinh tir (good, beautiful...) Tinh tw so hau (my, your, our, their, his,..). She is a good teacher. His father works in hospital 3. Lam tan ngi, sau dong Gr Lam bé ngit chu ngit khi dimg sau cae dOng tir lin két (linking verbs: become, be, seem... Lam bé ngit tin ngit khi dimg sau mét sé dong ti’ nh: ~— make, —_ consider, recognize, Tom gave Mary flowers. Iwill become a teacher in the future. Board of directors elected her father president. 4, Sau “enough” (enough + N) He didn't have enough money to buy the car. 5, Sau ede mao tir (a, an, the), This book is an interesting book Dai tir chi dinh (this, that, these, those), _ | This boy is so handsome. Luong ti (each, no, some, a few, little.) Thave alittle money to go to the movie. 6. Sau gidi tir: in, on, of, with, under, | Thanh is good at literature. about, at Diu higu nh§n biét cia danh tir Cae dudi danh tir thong dung: -ion (distribution), -ment (development), er (teacher),-or (actor), cant (accountant), -age (marriage), -ship (friendship), -sm (enthusiasm), -ity (ability), -ness (happiness), -dom (freedom), -ist (terrorist), -ian (physician), -hood (childhood), -ance (importance), -ence (dependence), -ety (society), -ty (honesty) IV. LUQNG TU KET HQP VOI DANH TU Danh tirsd it | DanhtirsOnhiéu | Danhtirkhdng | Danh tir sd nhiéu + dém duge danh tit khong dém duge Every (moi) A few (mot vai) A little — (mét| All (tat ca) chut) Each (mdi) Few (hu nhu khong) [Lite (hau ahu | a bit of (mot chit) khéng) ti ci | ether (ltrong 2) | Several (mot 55) A great deal of A lot off lots of sO (mét lugng lén) | (nhiéu) LU@NG | Neither (ci 2] A number of (méi s6) [A large amount | Plenty of (nhiéu) déu khéng) of (mét_ lugng lon) Some (mot it) | Many (ahigu) Much (nhigu) _| No (khdng 6) Any (bat kj) Some (mét vai) Enough (di) v. CAC TU’ CHi DON VI DO LUONG A bar of (mot thanh, thoi) A bag of (mot tilly A bar of chocolate: Mot thanh s6cola A bag of sugar: Mot tai duong A bar of gold: Mét thoi ving A bag of flour: Mét tai bot mi A bar of soap: Mét banh xa phing A bag of rice: Mét tii/bao gao A bottle of (mot chai) A bow! of (Mot bat) A bottle of water: Mét chai nude A bottle of soda: Mét chai soda A bottle of wine: Mot chai row A bowl of cereal: Mot bat ngii coc A bowl of rice: M6t bat com /ga0 A bow! of soup: Mot bat siip A cup of (Mit tich/chén) A carton of (Mt hgp cig) K cup of coffee: Mot tach c& phé A cup of tea: Mot chén tra A cup of milk: Mot tach sita ‘Kearton of ece cream: Mot hop kem A carton of milk: M6t hop sta A carton of juice: Mot hop nuée trai cay X drop of (MOt gigt) A glass of (Mot cdcily) A drop of blood: Mat giot mau A drop of oil: Mét giot dau A drop of water: Mét giot nude A glass of water: Mat cde nuée A glass of milk: Mét ly sita A glass of soda: Mét cde nude gidi khit cd ga A jar of (Mt vai, lo, binh) A piece of (M6t manh/mau/miéng/mén dé, A jar of jam: mot Io mirt hoa qua A jar of peanut butter: M6t lo bo dau phéng Mot lo A jar of sét mayonnaise mayonnaise: A piece of advice: Mot Idi Khuyén A piece of information/News: Mot mau tin A picce of furmiture: Mot mon 46 g6 noi that) A grain of (mgt hadhgt) A slice of (Mt i/migng mong) A grain of ric : Mot Hat gao A grain of sand: Hat ct A grain of truth : Mét su that A slice of bread: Mot lat banh mi A slice of meat: Mot miéng thit A slice of cheese: Mét miéng phé mai A roll of (Mét cudn/ cudn) A roll of tape: Mot cudn bang ghi am A roll of toilet paper: Mét cuén gidy vé sinh Cum tir vgng do luing thire in ‘Cum tir vyng do long chit long A bowl of rice: Mat bat com A dish of spaghetti: Mét dia my Y (dia thir an) A kilo of meat/cheese: Mat can thit /pho mai A piece of cake/pie: Mot miéng/ mau banh A can of soup: Mét lon nue sét A box of cereal chocolate: 1 hop ngii céc/ socola A bag of flour: Mét tai bot A carton of ice cream cigarettes: Mét hép kem/M6t thanh thuée 1d (g6m nhiéu bao) A loaf of bread: M6t 6 banh mi A slice of bread pizza: Mét lit banh mi/ pizza A package of pasta: Mét tai m A dash of salt: Mét chit muéi/ gidm A cube of ice: Mét vién da A pack of gum: Mt thanh keo cao su A teaspoon of medicine: Mét thia café A tablespoon of vinegar: Mot thia canh gidm A glass of water: Mét ly nuée A cup of coffee: Mét cdc café A pint of blood: Mét pt-0.4731 (My)/0.581 (Anh) A quart of milk: Khoang mot lit A half gallon of juice: Khoang hai lit A gallon of punch = 3.8~4.51 A tank of gas: Mot thing xing A jug of lemonade: Mét binh nuée chanh (cé tay cam & voi) A bottle of wine: Mét chai A keg of beer: Mét thing/vai (khoing 401) A shot of vodka: Chén rou A drop of rain: Giot mua Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the Question 1: This foot of the chair is broken, but the other. A. foot B. foots Question 2: The World Series this year was more exciting than all the. A. series B. sery Question 3: Your first photo is focused, but the other A. photo B. photos PART I {following questions. are fine. C. feet D. feets before C. serie D. serius are out of focus. C. photoes D. phota there. Question 4: Take out one parenthesis and leave the other two A. parenthesis B. parentheses Question 5: Type one zero here and type three A. zero B. zeros Question 6: A bread knife and several butter __ A. knives were B. knife was Question 7: This red fish and those green, blue, and black A. fishs are B. fishes are C.. parenthesises _D. parenthesese there. C. zeroes D. Both B& C __leftin the sink. C. knifes were D. knife were Question 8: This tooth hurts and so do my other A. tooth B. tooths Question 9: One thief got away, but the other two beautiful C. fish are D. fish is C. teeths D. teeth caught. A. thiefs were B. thieves were C. thief was D. thieves are Question 10: A bacterium to create more in seconds A. multiplies! bacteria B. multiply/ bacteriums C. multiplies/ bacterium D. multiply/ bacterias Question 11: There's a new of toilet paper in the bathroom cupboard, A. picce B. bag C. roll D. carton Question 12: Can you give mea of advice? A. piece B. grain C. drop D. bow! Question 13: She likes it sweet, so put two of sugar in her tea. A. jars B. slices C. spoonfuls D. bottle Question 14: The spare____of soap are in the cupboard. A. bars B. pieces C. items D. glass Question 15: I wonder how many of sand there are on this beach. A. grains B. items C. drops D. slices Question 16: John cannot make a to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car. A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively Question 17: You are old enough to take for what you have done. A. responsible B. responsibility C.responsibly —_D. irresponsible Question 18: My parents will have celebrated 30 years of by next week A. marry B. married C. marriageable —_D. marriage Question 19: During his his family lived in the United State. A. child B. childhood C. childishness _D. childlike Question 20: His pronunciation causes me a lot of A. difficulties B. difficult C. difficulty D. difficultly Question 21: He has been very interested in doing research on since he was at high school A. biology B. biological C. biologist D. biologically Question 22: Some people are concerned with physical when choosing a wife or husband. A. attractive B. attraction C. attractiveness. attractively Question 23: The will judge you on your quality and performance A. examining B. examinees C. examiners D. examination Question 24: Thanks to his parents’ , he tried his best to win a place at a university. A. approve B. approval C. disappove D. disapproval Question 25: English is used by pilots to ask for landing in Cairo A. instruct B. instructors C. instructions D. instructive Question 26: How many. took part in the 30th SEA Games? A. competitors B. competitive C. competes D. competitions Question 27: The problem of. among young people is hard to solve. ‘A. employment B. employees C. employers D. unemployment Question 28: All Sue's friends and came to her party. A. relations B. relatives C.telationship D. related Question 29: Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in A. disagreement B. agreeable C. agreement D. agreeably Question 30: Communist is the highest form of A. social B. socialist C. society D. socialism GIAI CHI TIET PART 1 Chon C. Danh tir s6 nhiéu cita “foot” la “feet” do ddng tir phia sau chia Li “are” Dich: bi gay, nhung chan kia van 6n. Question Chan gh Question 2: Chon A. “series” lu6n 6 dang so nhieu. All the +N sé nhiéu dém duge Dich: World Series nam nay thi vi hon tat ca cac series truée 46. Chon B. Bong tir trong cau 1a “are” nén dank tir phia truée 6 dang sé nhiéu cia 'photos” Dich: Anh dau tién ciia ban ay durge nét, nhung cc anh khac nim ngoai tiéu cv. Question 4: Chon B. Sau “two” + danh tir s6 nhiéu cua “parenthesis” la “parentheses” Dich: Lay ra mét dau ngoae don va dé lai dau ngode kia 6 46, Question 5: Dich: Nhap mét sé 0 6 day va go ba sé 0 6 dé. ‘hon B. Sau “three” la danh tir s6 nhiéu cia “zero” 1a “zeros” Question 6: Chon A. Several + danh tir sé nhiéu + déng tir sé nhiéu Danh tir sé nhiéu cita “knife” 1a *knives’ Dich: Mét con dao cit banh mi va vai con dao cat bo da bi bé lai trong ban riza. Chon C. Those + danh tir sé nhiéu +V sé nhiéu Danh tir sé nhiéu cia “fish” la “fish” Dich: Con c4 mau dé nay va nhiing con ca mau xanh 14 cay, xanh va den rat dep. Question 8: Chon D. Trong cau sir dung tro déng tir “do” nén danh tir phia sau & dang sé nhiéu ctia “tooth” la “teetho Question Dich: Cai rang nay dau va nhiing cdi ring khée cita t6i eding vay. Question 9: Chon B. Sau “two” 1a danh tir sé nhiéu cita “thicf” 14 “thieves” +V sé nhigu 6 thi qua Kit (do déng tir phia truée chia qua khit ) Dich: M6t tén trom da trén thodt, nhung hai tén trom cdn lai da bi bit. Question 10: Chon A. “a bacterium” + V sé it “more” + N sé nhiéu cia “baterium” 1a “bacteria” Dich: Mot vi khuan nhan lén dé tao ra nhiéu vi khuan hon trong vai giay. Question 11: Chon C. a roll of toilet paper: 1 cuén gidy vé sinh Dich: Cé mét cudn gidy vé sinh méi trén ké bon tim. Question 12: Chon A. a piece of advice: t vai loi khuyén Dich: T6i cé thé xin ban mét vai loi khuyén khong? Question 13: Chon C. spoonful of sugar: thia dang Dich: Cé dy thich ngot, vi vay hay thém 2 thia duéng vio tra cia c6 dy. Question 14: Chon A. a bar of soap: mot banh x phong Dich: Cac banh xa phong dir phdng & trong ti Question 15: Chon A. grain of sand: hat cat Dich: Téi ty hoi c6 bao nhiéu hat cat trén bai bién nay. Question 16: Chon B. Sau “a/an” sé 1a danh ti Dich: John kh6ng thé dua ra quyét dinh két hén voi Mary hode sng déc than cho dén khi anh tac thé mua duoc nha va xe hoi. Question 17: Chon B. Danh ti: “responsibility lim bé ngit cua dong tir “take” Cau trite: take responsibility for st: chiu trich nhigm cho diéu gi Cu tric: make a decision to V: quyét dinh Lim gi Dich: Ban du tudi dé chiu trich nhiém cho nhimg gi ban da lam. Question 1 Dich: Bé me tdi sé ky niém 30 nam két hon vao tuan téi Question 19: Chon B. Danh tit “childhood ~ thai tho du” dimg sau tinh tir sé hitu “his” Dich: Tho tho 4u, gia dinh anh séng 6 Hoa Ky Question 20: Chon A. A lot of + danh tit khong dém diroc/ danh tir dém duge sé nhiéu “Difficulty ~khé khan” la danh tir dém due Dich: Phat m cita anh Ay gay cho tdi rit nhigu khé khan 1on D. Danh tir “marriage” lim bé ngit cho gidi tir “of” Question 21: Chon A. Danh tir “biology ~ mén sinh hoc” la bd ngit cua giéi tir“on” Danh tir “biologist — nha sinh vat hoc” khéng hop ly vé nghia Dich: Ong da rat quan tim dén vige nghién citu vé sinh hoc tirkhi con hoc trung hoc Question 22: Chon C. Cum tir “physical attractiveness ~ str thu hat vé ngoai hinh”. Dan tir “attraction — chi hanh déng thu hat” khéng hop ly vé nghia Dich: M6t s6 nguéi quan tam dén su hap dan vé thé chit khi chon vo hoic ché Question 23: Chon C. Danh tit “examiners - gidm khao” dimg sau mao ti “examinees — thi sinh” va danh tir “examination — cudc thi” khong hop ly Dich: Cac giam khao sé danh gia ban dua trén ning luc va su thé hién cua ban. Question 24: Chon B. Danh tit “approval ~ su tin thanh” dimg sau sé hitu ech Danh tir “disapproval ~ su khdng tan thanh” khong hgp nghia cia ciu Dich: Nhé su chap thuan cia cha me, anh da cé gang hit site dé gianh duoc mét vitri tai mot trudng dai hoe. Question 25: Chon C. Danh tit “instructions ~ huéng dn” 1a bé nghia ciia gigi tir “for” Cum tir “landing instruction — huéng din ha canh” Danh tir “instructors ~ ngudi hudng dan” khéng hop ly vé nghia Dich: Cac phi cong sir dung tiéng Anh dé yéu cau huéng din ha cinh 6 Cairo. Question 26: Chon A. Danh tit “competitors ~ 46i tha canh tranh” dimg sau hrong tir “many” Danh tir “compititions — cudc thi” khong hgp ly vé nghia Dich: C6 bao nhiéu déi thi da tham gia vio Sea Games lin thir 30? Question 27: Chon D. Danh tir “unemployment — su that nghiép” Lim bo ngit cho gidi tir “of” Cac danh tir “employment Danh tir Gp thé chi 1 ahom ngudi Afier the accident, the injured were taken to hospital (the injured — nhing ngudi bi thuong) 3. Each/ Every/ Either/ Neither + N (s6 it) Every teacher likes teaching Each student in the class has to have a book ‘ither/ neither/ any +of+the+N Each of the students regulations. observes all the Neither of the oranges is ripe. 5. Each/ every +N (sé it) and (+ each/ every) +N (sé it) Every man, woman, and child is protected under the law. 3. Some, a few, both, many, a lot of, lots of, several, all, ...+ N (s6 nhiéu) Some books I bought are in English All the seats have a number. Some rivers here are polluted by chemicals from that factory. A few people graduate with two degrees. Many schools ask students to wear uniforms 6. Dai tir bat dinh (Someone, somebody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, everyone,...) Everything looks bright and clean. Nobody works harder than John does. 4. The police/ the sheep/ the fish The sheep are breaking away The police come only to see the dead The fish aren't biting today. 7. MOt sO danh tir cé hinh thire so nhiéu nhwng mang nghia sé it ~ News (tin tic) Mén hoc: Physics, Mathematics, Politics, Economics, - Mén thé thao: athletes, gymnastics, ~ Bénh tat: measles (séi), mumps (quai bi), rickets (cdi xuong),... - Quéc gia: the Philippines, the United States,. The United States is located in North America. Economics is Peter's favorite subjects. 5. Cae danh tir lu6n @ hinh thite so nhieu Scissors | Jeans Eyeglasses Shorts Tongs Pliers Pants Trousers | Tweezers The trousers you bought for me don't fit me. These scissors are very dull - Nhung khi sit dung “a pair of” truée cde danh tir nay thi dong tir chia theo s6 it The pants are in the drawer. A pair of pants is in the drawer. 8. Cac tir chi sO rong, thoi gian, khoing cach va tign: Three months is a long time to wait Twenty miles is a long way to walk. Five dollars is too much to pay for that book: 9. Tén mt bai bao, mot cudn sich, mot cfu chuyén, mét bd phim, .. “Tom and Jerry” is very well known all over the world. 10. More than one + N (dem durge so if) More than one person has known the news. 11. Cie cum tir chi mOt nhém dong hoje gia sic. (flock of birds/ sheep, school of fish, herd of cattle, pride of lions, pack of dogs...) The flock of birds is circling overhead IL. HAI DANH TU'NOI VOI NHAU BANG “AND Singular Verb (dng tir so it) (is, was, has, Vsles,...) Plural Verb (dong tir so nhieu) (are, were, have, Vint...) Hai danh tir n6i véi nhau bang “and” cing é Hai danh ti néi voi nhau bing and chi hai nguéi, chi vé mét ngudi, vat hoc mot y trong, hai vat hodc hai su vat khac nhau My friend and adviser, Tom, is arriving tonight, Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast food. The pen and paper are on the desk Water and oil don't mix. I. CHU NGU VA DONG TU DUQC NGAN CACH BOI MOT NGU GIOI TU (Preposition + Noun) S + Preposition + Noun +V(chia theo chi nga phia truréc) The teacher in front of the children is very good. Several theories on this subject have been proposed. S1 + with/ as well as/ together with/ in addition to/ along with/ accompanied by/ no less/ including + $2 +V(chia theo chi ngir thir nhat) My son, as well as my daughter, likes reading Maria together with her sister is going to France. IV.NO VA NONE Singular Verb (d6ng tir sé it) (is, was, has, Vs/es....) Plural Verb (déng tir so nhieu) (are, were, have, Vinf....) None of the + N (khong dém duge/ 86 ft) + V(s6 it) None of the counterfeit money has been found None of the+N (dém duge sb nhiéuy + V (65 nhigu) None of the students have finished the exam yet No +N (Khong dim duge/ 6 it) + V (6 it) No example is relevant to this case. No +N (dém duge so nhigu) + V (0 nhieu) No examples are relevant to this case. V. EITHER ... OR/ NEITHER ...NOR/OR.. /NOT ONLY...BUT ALSO Singular Verb (dng tir so it) (is, was, has, Vs/es,..) Plural Verb (dong tir so nhieu) (are, were, have, Vinf,...) DéOng tir chia theo chit ngir gan nhat Neither he nor she likes playing chess. Either John or Bill is going to the beach today. Mary or her manager is going to answer the press, interview. Not only John but also his brother is helpin; Neither Bill nor his friends are going to play tonight Either the mayor or the elder men are to blame. The manager or workers are going to answer the press interview. Not only Tom but his parents live here. me. VI. A COUPLE/ THE COUPLE/ A NUMB: ER OF/ THE NUMBER OF Singular Verb (d6ng tir sé it) (is, was, has, Vs/es,...) Plural Verb (dng tir s6 nhiéu) (are, were, have, Vinf,...) 1. A couple/ the couple A couple + V (s0 it). A couple is walking on the path A couple is standing at the bus stop. The couple +V (sd nhigu) The couple are quarreling about money and the way to teach their children. 2. A number t of/ the number of The number of + N (sé nhiéu) + V (s6 it) The number of days in a week is seven A number of + N (sé nhigu) + V (s6 nhiéu) A number of students are going to the class picnic 3. There + be There is +N (s6 it). There was an accident last night. There are +N (sO nhigu) There have been a number of telephone calls today. There is + N (s6 it) + and + N (s6 nhieu) There is a table and two chairs. There are + N (so nhieu) + and N There are two chairs and a table. VI. NHUNG TU CHI TY LE: percent (phi plenty, half, a lot, most, the last, the rest, th ‘in trim), fraction (phan s6), part (phin), some, all, ¢ remainder (nhirng cai cdn lai) + of + Percent, fraction, part, some, all, plenty, h lf, a lot, most, the last, the rest, the remainder + of +N (s6 it) +V (s6 it) +N (sé nhidu) + V (sé nhiéu) Fifiy percent of this money has been stolen One-third of the city is unemployed Allof the pie is gone Some of the milk was sour. A lot of time is needed to learn a language. Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared. One-third of the people are unemployed. All of the pies are gone Some of the apples were rotten. A lot of my friends want to emigrate. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer followin questions. Question 1: Five thousand dollars PARTI sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the big sum of money. It's worth trying. A. area B. are Cisa D. would be Question 2: Someone upstairs when I entered the house. A. are talking B. is talking C. were talking D. was talking Question 3: Not only Linda but also John down the names for the course in French. A. has put B. have put C. are put D. are putting Question 4: Half of the letters she sent him in purple ink. A. wrote B. has written C. was written D. were written Question 5: Psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have only reason for loneliness. A. are not the B. is not the C. are not an D. is not an Question 6: None of the students to go outside the Main Hall while the ceremony was taking place. A. was allowed B. is allowed C. are allowed D. were allowed Question 7: Can I borrow your scissors? Mine broken. Ais B. has been C. are D. was Question 8: The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file, ____ wonderful. Aare C. has been D. was Question 9: Every man and woman in our country the same equality. A. have B. had C. have had D. has Question 10: In the hotel, the bread and butter, for breakfast. A. is served B. are served C. serves D. serve Question 11: The herd of cows towards the river! What is happening? A. are running B. is running C. has been running D. have been running Question 12: Everyone who a ticket should be in this line. A. hasn't purchased B. doesn't purchase C. dor't purchase D. haven't purchased Question 13: 75 percent of the students in this school very stupid. Fortunately, I belong to the remaining 40 percent A. were B. have been C. are D. is Question 14: Billiards considered to be an artistic sport. A. has B. are C. have Question 15: Here the clown that you best. ‘A. comes’ likes B. come’ like C. comes/ like D comellikes Question 16: Cattle raised mostly in the south of the United States A. has B. are C. have Question 17: Mcasles proven to be caused by a kind of virus A. are C. has D. have Question 18: The United Nations its headquarters in New York city. A. to have B. having C. have D. has Question 19: What he told you to be of no importance? A. have seemed B. seems C. must seem D. seem Question 20: Mr John, accompanied by several members of the committee, proposed some changes of the rules. A-has Care D. have Question 21: Tom doesn't agree but the rest of us, A. does B. done D. doing Question 22: A lunch of soup and sandwiches not appeal to all of the students. A. does B. are is D. do Question 23: The young in this country to take part in more extra-curricular activities A. is being encouraged B. is encouraging C. are encouraging D. are being encouraged Question 24: John or you to be responsible for the unfinished work. Aare C. have D. has Question 25: Three kilos of potatoes the basket heavier. ‘A. makes B. do C. does D. make Question 26: Pliers for holding things firmly or cutting wire. Aare C. be Question 27: My sister, together with her two children, to Hawaii at the moment A. flies B. fly C. are flying D. is flying Question 28: The police come to the site of the accident. A. have B. have been C. has been D. has Question 29: Jim as well as 1 always busy doing English homework Aare D. be Question 30: Both of the girls pretty, but neither of them intelligent. A. are/ is B. is/is C. are/are D. is/ are GIAL CHITIET PART 1 Question 1: Chon C. Céc tir chi sé Iuong, théi gian, khoang cach va tién +V sé it Dich: Nam ngan dé la 1d mét khoan tién Ion. Rat ding dé thir. Question 2: Chon D. Dai tir bat dinh + V si Dich: Ai dé dang néi chuyén trén liu khi tdi vao nha. Question 3: Chon A. Not only...but also ...+V chia theo cha ngtt gin nhét Dich: Khong chi Linda ma ca John cting da ghi chép lai nhitng cai tén cho kha hoc bang tiéng Phép. : Chon D. Half of the +N sé nhiéu + V s6 nhiéu Question Dich: M6t nia sé thu cé ay giri cho anh ta duge viét bang muc tim. Question 5: Chon B. The number of +N sé nhiéu + V sé it The + only (duy nhit) Dich: Cac nha tam ly hoc da phat hién ra rang sé luong giao tiép x4 hoi ma chung ta co kh6ng phai a ly do duy nhat cho sur c6 don. Question 6: Chon D. None of the + N sé nhiéu + V sé nhiéu Dich: Khéng ai trong sé cdc sinh vién duroc phép ra khu vue hi trréng chinh trong khi buéi Ié dang diga ra. Question 7: Chon C. “mine” 4m chi “scissors” chia theo hinh thire sé nhiéu Dich: Téi cé thé muon cdi kéo cita ban khéng? Cai cita tdi bi hong rdi. Question 8: Chon A. S1 + with/ as well as/ together with/ in addition to/ along with/ accompanied by/ no less/ including + $2 +V(chia theo chit ngit thir nhat) Dich: Cac digu kién thun Ioi tai th vién nghién cia méi, bao gdm mét tép vi phim xuat ching, rat tuyét voi. Question 9: Chon D. Every +N sé it and N sé it +V sé it Dich: Moi dan 6ng va phu nit & nude ta déu cé sir binh dang nhw nhau. Question 10: Chon A. The bread and butter (bénh mi bo) +V sé it Dich: Trong khach san, banh mi bo duge phue vu cho biia sang. Question 11: Chon B. Cac cum tir chi mét nhém déng vat hoa gia stc (flock of birds/ sheep, school of fish, herd of cattle, pride of lions, pack of dogs,...) + V 36 it Dich: Dan bé dang chay vé phia song! Chuyén gi dang xay ra vay? Question 12: Chon A. Dai tir bat dinh + V sé it Dich: Tat ca nhiing nguéi chua mua vé nén 6 trong hang nay. Question 13: Chon C. Nhiing tir chi ti lé: percent (phan tram), fraction (phan s6), part (phan), some, all, 2! plenty, half, a lot, most, the last, the rest, the remainder (nhiing cai cn lai) +of+N (s6 nhiéu) + V (s6 nhiéu) Dich: 75 phan tram hoc sinh trong truong nay rat ngu ngoc. May man thay, t0i thude vé 40 phan trim con lai. Ne Question 14: Chon D. “Billiards - mén Bi-a” +V 86 it Dich: Bi-a duge coi la m6t mén thé thao nghé thuat. Question 15: Chon C. Chi ngit “the clown” +V sé it. Chi ng “you"+V sé nhiéu Dich: Day la cht Question 16: Chon B. “Cattle - gia stic” +V sé nhiéu Dich: Gia sie duge nudi chit yéu 6 mién Nam Hoa Ky. Question 17: Chon B. Measles (sci) +V sé it Dich: Bénh séi dirgc chitng minh 1a do mét loai virus gay ra. Question 18: Chon D. The United Nations ~ Lién Hop Quéc + V sé it Dich: Lign Hop Quéc e6 tru s@ chinh tai thanh phd New York. Question 19: Chon B. Ménh dé +V sé it Dich: Nhang gi anh dy néi véi ban dudng nhu khong quan trong? ma ban thich nhat. Question 20: Chon A. Si + with/ as well as/ together with/ in addition to! along with/ accompanied by/ no less/ including + $2 +V(chia theo chi nga thir nhat) Dich: Ong John, cing véi mot sé thanh vién cita tiy ban, da dé xuit mot sé thay déi cia cée quy dinh. . Question 21: Chon C. The rest of us ~ nhiing ngudi cén lai trong ching ta + V s6 nhiéu Dich: Tom khéng déng ¥ nhung nhiig ngudi cén Iai thi c6. Question 22: Chon A. Chu ngit “a lunch of...”+V sé it Dich: Mét bita tra vi sip va banh sandwich khéng hap din duoc tat ca cdc sinh vién. Question 23: Chon D. The + tinh tir 2 danh tir tip thé chi m6t nhém ngudi +V sé nhigu Dich: Giéi tré 6 dat nuéc nay dang duge khuyén khich tham gia cic hoat déng ngoai khéa nhiéu hon. Question 24: Chon C. Either... or../ neither... nor.../ or... not only...but also... +V chia theo chit ngit gan déng tir nhat Dich: John hogc ban phai cé trich nhigm véi cng vige con dang dé. Question 25: Chon A. Cac tir chi s6 Iwgng, théi gian, khoang cach va tién +V sé it Dich: Ba kilogam khoai tay lim cho gio nang hon. Question 26: Chon A. Cac danh tir luén 6 hinh thie sé nhiéu “Pliers — cai kim” +V sé nhiéu Dich: Kim la dé gitt moi thit chic chin hodc la dé cit diy. Question 27: Chon D. Si + with/ as well as/ together with/ in addition to! along with/ accompanied by/ no less/ including + $2 +V(chia theo chit ngit thir nhat) Dich: Chi tdi, cing véi hai dita con ciia minh, dang bay dén Hawaii vao lite nay. Question 28: Chon A. The police +V sé nhiéu Dich: Canh sét vita dén noi xay ra vu tai nan, Question 29: Chon B. Si+ with/ as well as/ together with’ in addition to/ along with/ accompanied by/ no less/ including + $2 + V(chia theo chii ngir thir nhat) Dich: Jim cing nhu t6i luén ban rén lim bai tap tiéng Anh. Question 30: Chon A. Both of the + N sé nhiéu +V sé nhiéu Neither of them + V sé it Dich: Ca hai c6 gai déu xinh dep, nhung ca hai déu khéng théng minh. PART 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: A number of unexpected events us from carrying out the plan. A. has prevented B. have prevented C. was preventing D. have been prevented Question 2: Sometimes, Mathematics very difficult to understand to me! How can 550 divided by 2 equal 275? A. was B. are C. were D. is Question 3: What I admire about the Japanese is A. how disciplined they were B. how disciplined it is C. how disciplined it was D. how disciplined they are Question 4: The City Committee trying to make the final decision about the matter. Ais Care D. be Question 5: In the past, measles incurable. A. is thought to be B. were thought to be C. was thought to be D. are thought to be Question 6: To leam a language effectively determination and patience. You must never give up! A. requires B. is requiring C. require D. has required Question 7: The Smiths, together with their son Jamie, to Paris next week. A. is going B. are going C. was going D. were going Question 8: Neither the coach nor the players happy about the referee's decision to award the opposing team a penalty in last week's match Ais B. are C. were D.was Question 9: That's incredible! He defeated Thomas! Nobody, to do that before! A. was managing B has ever managed C. have ever managed D. has been managing Question 10: The number of applicants this year unbelievable! A. had been Bis C. were D. are the Question 11: One of the girls who, working in this department, my niece. A. was/ were B. arelis C. is/ being D. is/ are Question 12: Above the fireplaces a portrait of Lenin. Ais B. be C. tobe D. are Question 13: What you used in picking a winner in the art contest? A. are the criterions B. isthe criteria C. are the criterion D. are the criteria Question 14: Each of the 4 types of human suited for a specific purpose. B. teeth is C. tooth is D. teeth are A. tooth are Question 15: Several sleeping under a tree. A. of lions were B. lions were C. lion was D. of the lions was Question 16: The fact that the new staff members were complimented on their achievement known to the whole company. A. has B. have C. was D. are Question 17: Neither Jim nor his brothers. to school. Their father teaches them at home. ‘A. have never been B.hasever been C. have ever been D. ever go Question 18: The first two problems very difficult but is not. A. are ~ the rest—the other C. are ~ another D. are ~ the last Question 19: Many of the not used today. They are remnants of the past. A. railroad's tracks around here are B. railroad’s tracks around here is C. railroad tracks around here is D. railroad's track around here are Question 20. Ten minutes actually a very long time if you have nothing to do. Ais B. have been C. are D. has been Choose your best options to indicate the part which needs correcting in each of the following sentences. Question 21. Either the father or his children is going to be interviewed next week, but nobody knows for sure who will be chosen, A. his children is B. to be interviewed C. will be chosen D. knows Question 22. A number of equipment was broken yesterday. Needless to say, we have received a lot of complaints since then, including those from students who were almost injured. A. have received B. were almost injured C. was broken D. A number of, Question 23. While 25 percent of the students in this class are bilingual, the remaining 75 percent of them has no knowledge of any other language besides their mother tongue. Aare B. has C. language D. the students Question 24. I really feel that the increase in government funding is going to enable us to help the poor, who is desperately in need of help, more effectively. A. feel B. is going to D. to help Question 25. Someone has set the building on fire and now we can see that the police is ordering people to stay away from the area. It is also reported that some officers are in pursuit of 2 suspects. A. are B. is also reported _C. has set D. is Question 26. A bouquet of red flowers were placed in the middle of the wooden table. Strangely, all children except Valerie were unable to see it. A. were unable Bit C. were placed D_ all children Question 27. As breaking and entering are against the law, the thief and his accomplice were sentenced to 6 months in prison. However, not everyone is satisfied and some people have already demanded for a more severe punishment. A. are B. were Cis D. have already demanded Question 28. Excitement, along with a twinge of nervousness, was the cause of her constantly shaking. However, she was certain that her performance would be successful and that everybody as well as the judges were going to be amazed A. were going to be B. would be C. was certain D. was Question 29. If Joanne was here, she would certainly be very unhappy! Your decision was absolutely outrageous and now nobody is going to trust our company anymore! A. would certainly be B. was absolutely outrageous C. was D. is going to trust Question 30. The doctor suggested that he exercise more regularly. But for him, to exercise are to torture himself. A. But B. are C. suggested D. exercise CHUYEN DE 3: ADJECTIVES (TINH TU) PART A: KHAI QUAT CHUNG VE TINH TU 1 NGHIA TINH TU’ Tinh tir (adjective, viét tit 1a adj) la tit bé tro cho danh tir hoe dai tit, né giip miéu ta cdc dae tinh cuia sur vat, hién tung ma danh tir d6 dai dién. Il. PHAN LOAI TINH TU Phan logi theo vj tri Phan loai theo chite ning 1. Tinh tir dig truée danh tir - Cac tinh tir dimg truée danh tir déu cd thé dimg mét minh, khéng c6 danh tir kém theo E.g.a beautiful girl. The girl is beautiful. ~ Nhung ciing cé mot sé tinh tir ludn di kém danh tir nhu: former, main, latter E.g. Former teacher 2. Tinh tir dig m$t minh, khong cin danh tir: aware, afraid, alive, awake, alone, ashamed, exempt, content. Eg. We should be aware of the environment 1. Tinh tir miéu ta: nice, green, big, good, Eg. a colorful painting, a nice girl, a big city 2. Tinh tir chi mire dé: 1a nhitng tinh tir co the dign ta tinh chat hoe dic tinh & nhing mite d6 (én, nho) khac nhau, Nhiing tinh tir ndy c6 thé ding 6 dang so sinh hodc 6 thé phim dinh bai cde phé tir chi mite 46 nhur “very, rather, so,...” Eg. big - bigger very old, so hot, extremely good biggest 3. Tinh tir chi s6 dém (cardinals): one, two, three... va tinh tir chi sé thir ty (ordinals): first, second,. (possesives): my, his, their va bat dinh (indefinites) some, many, any, all, every, each,. Luu ¥: Cac tinh tir miéu ta thudng dugc sap xép theo trat tur sau: Rule: OpSASCOMP Determiner,quantity, number __| (a, an, the, this, that, my, your, some, many,...) Op ‘Opinion/ Quality General opinion (good, bad, wonderfal,...) (Quan dién/ phim chat) Specific opinion (tasty, delicious, intelligent,...) 5 Size! condition Size (little, big, large...) Condition (broken, (Kich c@/ trang thai) rotten, fresh...) x ‘Age (Tuoi tic) (new, old, young,...) Ss ‘Shape (Hinh dang) (square, round, triangle,...) Cc Color (Mau sic) (Gellow, red, orange,...) a Origin (Neudn gdc) (italian, Australian, Japanese...) M Material (Chat ligu) Gilk, plastic, leather,...) P Purpose (Mue dich) (sleeping, sports,...) ‘A wonderful old Malian clock. [opinion A big square blue box. [size - shape A disgusting pink plastic omament. [opinion - color age - origin] color] material] ‘A wonderful old Italian clock. [opinion - age - origin] 1. VITRIV CHUC NANG CUA TINH TU va chire ning cia tinh tir 1. Trude dank tir: (a/an/the) + (adv) + adj +N Britney Spears is a famous singer. 2, Sau dong tir lién két: be? seem/ appear’ feel/taste/ look/ keep/gel/ keep/ make (sb/ st) + adj Peter seems very tired now The homework keeps me busy all the time. 3. Sau “too”: S+be/ seem/ look/... + too + adj. Coffee seems too hot for me to drink. 4. Trude “enough”: S+be+ adj + enough She is tall enough to play volleyball 3. Trong cau tric so adj + that The weather was so bad that we had to stay at home. 6. Dang dwai cae dang so sinh Meat is more expensive than fish. 7. Ding trong clu cam than: How + adj + stv! What + (a/an) + adj +N! How intelligent she is! What a beautiful girl! Dau hiéu nh§n biét tinh tir Cée dudi tinh tir thong dung: -ful (helpful), -less (homeless), -ly (iriendly), eal (national), Jble (acceptable), -ive (active), -ous (famous), -ish (selfish), -y (foggy), -like (childlike), -ic (scientific), -ed | (bored), -ing (interesting), -ary (necessary), -ant (important), -ent (different), IV. TINH TU BIEU CAM (ADJECTIVES OF ATTITUDE) Adjectives ending with “V-ing” Adjectives ending with "V-ed” Dién ta finh cam/ cam xc cia 1 nguoi trude 1 sy vige bén ngoai. Dién ta tinh chat, ban chat cia I ngwoi/ vat. The film I watch on TV last night was very exciting, I'm bored because my exam result is so bad. She is the most boring person that I've ever met, She felt so tired that she wanted to do nothing. The evil face makes the baby frightened. I found your present interesting. NH TU’ GHEP (COMPOUND ADJECTIVES) H TU GHEP PART 1. CACH THANH LAP TI Grey haired (c6 toe mau xam) Right-angled (cd géc vudng) Strong-minded (cé tinh thin manh mé) Tinh tir+Danh tir-ed | Mang nghia “co” Low-paid (duoc tra tién thap) Full-grown (phat trién day da) Ready-made (duoc lam sin) Tinh tir + Qua kh phan tir Mang ¥ bi dgng Well-known (néi tigng, dure nhiéu ngudi biet den) Pho tir + Qua khir phan tir . Well-behaved (duoc doi xir tot) Ill-advised (bi xui bay) Danh tir + Qua khir phan tir Home-made (néi hba) Wind-blown (bi gio cuén di) Silver-palted (ma bac) Tinh tir + Hign tai phan tir Good looking (dep) Close-fitting (bé sat) Danh tir + Hign ti Record-breaking (pha ki luc) han tir | Mang ¥ cha dgng | Heart-breaking (cam d6ng) Top ranking (xép hang dau) Pho tir + Hign tai phin tir Long lasting (Iau dai) Off putting (nhé ra) Far-reaching (6xa) Danh tir + Tinh tir Mang nghia “nhu” Ice cold (lanh nhu da) Snow-white (tring nhu tuyét) Blood-red (46 nhu mau) ‘Tinh tir + Tinh tir Dead_tired (qua mét moi) North-west (phia tay bac) Blue_black (mau xanh den) Tinh tir + Danh tir Red carpet (rai thim d6, mang tinh trang trong) Deep sea (duéi bién siu) Full-length (toan thin) (Qua khit phan tir cia cum déng tir Stuck-up (tur phu) Run-down (Kiet site) Cast-off (bi b6 roi, bi virt bd) Nhimng cach két hyp khac ciia tinh tir ghép Hard-up (hét sach tién) Day-to-day (hang ngay) All-out (hét sire) Well-off (khdm kha, kha gia) So so (kh6ng tét lam) Per capita (tinh theo dau nguéi) Hit-or-miss (ngiu nhién) Touch-and-go (khéng chic chin) IL. MOT SO TINH TU SHEP THONG DU NG TRONG CAC DE THI Tinh tir ghép sir dung hign tai phan tir Tinh tir ghép sir dung qua khir phan ti Danh tired All knowing: cAi gi cing biét Attention — seeking; thu hut su chit ¥ Close-fitting: bd sit, via sét_ngudi (quan fo) Energy — saving: tiét kim nang rong Far — reaching: co anh hung sau rong Forward - thinking: biét nhin xa trong rong Good-looking: ua nhin Heart-breaking: giy xtc déng, cham dén cam xtc Long-lasting: dai ding Mouth-watering: thom ngon, migng Nerve — wracking: cng thing than kinh Record — breaking: pha vi ky Ine ngon Thought - provoking: dang suy ngim Wide-ranging: dai rong, dién rong ‘Tinh tir ghép voi “heart” Big - hearted: mot long mot da Faint-hearted: nhiit nhat, nhat gan Hard-hearted: hin tim, khong biét thuong x6t Cold - blooded: lanh nhat, hé hing, nhdn tam Heavy - hearted = broken-hearted: Long nang Kind — hearted: tét bung, c6 long tt Light - hearted: vé tu, vui vé Soft — hearted: da cam, dé mém long, tir tam . Warm -hearted: nhiét tim, tot bung, nhieu tinh cam Whole - hearted: hao hiép, réng rai All —aged: dimg tudi Dead — tired: qua mét moi Deep - rooted: dn su, bam 8, lau dai Goggle - eyed: tré mit III - advised: khé dai, khéng khén ngoan, nhe da IIL- assorted: kéch com Light - headed: mé man Light — footed: nhanh chan, nhanh nhen Long - sighted: vién thi Long - awaited: ché doi da lau Be caught red-handed: bi bit qua tang Snow-covered: phii day tuyét, cé nhiéu tuyét Top - ranked: duge xép thir hang cao Weather - beaten: ram ning, chay ning Strong - willed: kign quyét, quyét tim Quick — wi Slow — witted: cham hiéu, khéng nhanh tri fed: nhanh tri, tng d6i nhanh Half — witted: khd dai, ngéc nghéch Warm - blooded: nhiét tinh, soi ni, néng nhiét tru dau budn, phién mudn, chin nan Good — tempered: thuan hau Short-tempered Bad - tempered: ndi néng, hay cau Ready-made: lim sin, may sin Lion-hearted: diing cam, diing manh Hand-made: dé lam bing tay Tinh tir ghép voi “self” Tinh tir ghép voi “well” Self — centered: tu cho minh 1a trung tam Self- consciou: Self - directec ngai_ tu quyét Self — righteous: ty man, luén cho minh la dang Self - satisfied: ty thoa man Self — sufficient: tu cung ty cdp Self-confident: ty tin Self — depre Well — behaved: ‘5 hanh kiém tot, c6 gido duc Well — done: tét, gidi Well — dressed: an mac dep d@, thanh lich Well - informed: hiéu biét ring Well — known: néi tiéng Well— mannered: well - paid: diroc tra Inong ca0 Tinh tir ghép véi “mind, spirit” MOt sé tinh tir ghép khac ‘Absent-minded: dang tri Air-tight: kin hoi Fair-minded: Céng bing, vé tu, khéng thién vi Feeble-minded: nhu nhugc, kém thong minh High-minded: cé tam hén cao thugng Narrow-minded: bao tha, cé chap, hep hai Open-minded: cai m6, sin sang tiép thu cai méi Simple-minded: Chat phéc, don gidn, ngé ngan Single-minded: chuyén tim, chi c6 mot mue dich Strong-minded: cing c6i, minh man lau dai Poor ~ spirited: nhat gan Low ~spirited: xuéng tinh than High - spirited: ding cam, can dim Right-minded: Ngay thiing, chan that Day - to-day: hang ngay Disaster — stricken: bi thién tai Deep_down: trong tham tim Full - length: toin than Full all Hard — up: hét sach tign seal but: toin dién, hét stie Hit — or — miss: ngau nhién | Homesick: ahé nha Long-term: dai han,, thiéu can dam Low — income: cé thu nhap thap Non-existent: khong 06, khéng ton tai Panic — stricken: hoang so Praiseworthy: dng khen nggi, dang ca tung Rock-hard: cing nhu dé Run-down: mét méi, kiét site So — so: khéng tét kim Stuck - up: ty phu Touch — and - go: khong chac chan Up-to-date: cap nhat, méi nhat PART C: TINH TU DE GAY NHAM LAN (CONFUSED ADJECTIVES) 30 CAP TINH TU DE GAY NHAMLAN 1, Appreciate — Appreciative Appreciable /a'pri:Sabl/: large enough to be noticed or thought important (dang ké) SYN: considerable Appreciative /a'prisfativ’ (of st): fecling or showing that you are grateful for something (tran trong) E.g Success requires an appreciable amount of efforts. (Thanh céng ddi hoi nd lure dang ké) Eg. The company was very appreciative of my efforts. (Céng ty da dinh gid rat cao nhimg nd luc cita t6i). 2. Beneficent - Beneficial Beneficent bi'nefisnt/; giving help, showing kindness (tét bung) SYN: generous E.g. I have a beneficent uncle. (Téi cd mot ngudi chi tdt bung), Beneficial/, bear'fisi/ (to sb/st): improving a situation, having a helpful or useful effect (c6 loi) SYN: advantageous/ favorable OPP: detrimental Eg. Good pronunciation is beneficial to speaking English. (Phat 4m tt rat cé loi khi giao tiép tiéng Anh). 3. Classic - Classical Classic /klesik/- accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind (kinh dién, hang nhit) COLLO: a classic novel/study/goal E.g. Mona Lisa is a classic work of all times. (Mona Lisa li téc phim kinh dién cia moi théi dai). Classical /Klesikl; widely accepted and used for a long time, traditional in style or idea (cd dién) COLLO: music classical theory/ architecture/ Eg. | love classical music. (Téi thich nhac ¢} dién) 4. Continual - Continuous Continual /kon'tinjual/: repeated many times in a way that is annoying (lap di lap lai) COLLO: continual complaints/interruptions Eg. This car has experienced continual problems though I have taken it to the garage hundreds of times. (Chiée xe nay cit hong di hong lai mic dii t6i dura né di stra hang trim lan r0i). Continuous /kan'tinjuas/: happening or existing for a period of time without interruption (lién tue, khéng ngimg nghi) COLL Eg. I'd love to see your continuous improvement after this book. (Tdi mun thay sit tién b6 khéng ngimg nghi cua cdc ban sau khi doc cuén sach nay) continuous process) improvement 5. Considerable - Considerate Considerable /kon'sidorabl/- great in amount, size, importance, etc. (dang ké) SYN: significant COLLO: a considerable amount of time/ money, considerable progress e.g. He spent considerable time on this book. (Anh ay da danh mt thai gian ding ké cho cuén sich nay). Considerate /kon'sidorot/: always thinking of other people's wishes and feelings, careful not to hurt or upset others (@n edn, chu dao) SYN: thoughtful opp: Eg. As for me, my mom is the most considerate woman in the world. (Véi tdi, me la ngudi phu nit an can nhat trén thé gidi nay) inconsiderate 6. Economic - Economical Economic / i:ke'nomik/: connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society (thude vé kinh t€) COLLO: Economie reform/ development! cooperation/ policy/ growth The current economic climate E.g. Students should be aware of economic policies. (Sinh vién nén biét vé cic chinh sich kinh té Economical / i:ko'npmikl/: using no more of st than is necessary tiét kiém, ré) 1 COLLO: economical car OPP: unecono: Eg. What's the most economical way of heating this building? (Cach tiét kiém chi phi nhat trong vige xay dumg tOa nha nay 1A gi?) 7. Responsible - Responsive Responsible /ri'sppnsobl (for st): having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong (day trich nhigm, chiu trich nhiém cho céi gi) OPP: irresponsible COLLO: be (held) responsible for E.g. You should be responsible for your own future. (Cac ban can cé trach nhiém cho tuong Iai cia chinh minh) Responsive /risponsiv/ (to sb/ st) reacting quickly and in a positive way (phan hoi tich cuc véi cai gi) COLLO: responsive to treatment/ new ideas/ consumer demand Eg. The disease has proved responsive to the new treatment. (Cin bénh di chimg to c6 phan img tich cure véi cach diéu tri méi). 8. Sensitive - Sensible Sensitive /" sensativ/ (to st): aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings (nhay cam, dé phat hién ra cai gi) OPP: insensitive E.g. Women are sensitive. (Phu nit rat nhay cam). Sensible /sensabl/ able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion, practical (hop ly, nhay ben) Eg: My mom is a very sensible woman. (Me toi 1a mot ngudi rt nhay bén) 9, Successive - Successful Successive /sek’sesiv/ following immediately one after the other (lién tuc, lién tiép) SYN: consecutive E.g. He won the World Championship for the third successive year. (Anh dy gianh chée vO gidi 3 nam lién Successful /sok sesil/ (in st): achieving your aims or what was intended (thanh céng) opp: E.g. My second attempt at making bread was a little more successful. (N8 luc Lim bénh mi Lan thir hai cua 161 44 thanh céng mét chat) successful 10. Effective e - Efficient Effective /ifektiv/producing the result that is wanted or intended, producing a successful result (hitu higu, c6 higu qua) COLLO: An effective treatment/ way/ use of color OPP: ineffective Eg. Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment. (Aspirin 1a mét céch diéu tri don gin nhung higu qua cao) Efficient /ifisnt/: doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money or energy (c6 nang suat cao, c6 higu suat cao (méy.).) COLLO: an efficient secretary, the efficient use of energy Eg. We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. (Ching tdi cung cp mét dich vu nhanh chéng, than thign va higu qua) 11, Farther - Further Farther /fa:da(r)/ at a greater distance in space, direction or time (ding dé chi khoang cach c6 thé do dac duge vé mat dia ly) E.g. My house is farther from school than yours. (Nha cita tdi xa truéng hon nha anh ho cia ban). Further /£3:Oa(r) more, additional (ding dé chi khong cach khong thé do dac due vé mat dia ly E.g. I need further help. (T6i cn thém su git 3) 12. Historic - Historical Historic /hi'stprik/ important in history (mang tinh lich sit, utc ghi vao lich sit) COLLO: a histori visit/ occasion/ decision/ day/ ictory/ building/ monument E.g The party has won a historic victory at the polls. (Dang di giinh duoc mét chién thing lich sir tai cdc cudc bau cit) Historical /hi'stprikl/ connected with the past (thugc) lich sir, ¢6 lién quan dén lich sit) COLLO: historical documents! records/ research Eg. The building is of historical importance (Téa nha cé tim quan trong lich sit). 13. Grateful - Thankful Grateful /greitfY (to sb for st) fecling or showing thanks because somebody has done something kind for you or has done as you asked (ding dé thé hign long biét on vi ai dé i Lm ditu gi dé cho minh) E.g. We would be grateful for any information you can give us. (Ching tdi sé rat biét on néu ban c6 thé cung cap cho ching tdi théng tin gi). Thankful /Oaykfl/ (for st/ to do st) pleased about something good that has happened, or something bad that has not happened (ding dé thé hign sw biét on, cam thay nhe nhom khi cé thé tranh duge chuyén khong may) Eg. I'm thankful that we got home before the storm started. (On tri, ching toi vé nha truéc khi con bao bat dau). 14. Wounded - Injured Wounded /wu:ndid/ injured by a weapon, for example in a war (bi thuong bai vi khi) COLLO: seriously wounded E.g. There were 79 killed and 230 wounded. (C6 79 nguéi chét va 230 ngudi bi thuong). Injured /indzad/ physically hurt, having an injury an injured leg (Bi ton thong, bi lam hai, bi thong) Eg. Carter is playing in place of the injured OReilly. (Carter dang choi thay cho O'Reilly bi thuong). 15. Alone - Lonely Alone /o oval without any other people (mot minh, riéng: khéng diing true danh tir) E.g I don't like going out alone at night. (T6i khéng thich ra ngoai mét minh vao ban dém). Lonely /Tovnli7 unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to (cé don, hiu quanh) | Eg. She lives alone and often feels lonely. (C6 dy séng mét minh va thuéng cm thiy c6 don). 16. Latte r- Latest Latter /‘lxta(r)/ used to refer to the second of Latest /leitist/ the most recent or newest (méi two things or people mentioned (sau, thir hai) OPP: former E.g. The latter point is the most important. (Diém tha hai la quan trong nhit) nhat, gan day nhat) E.g. Have you heard the latest news? (Ban da nghe nhiing tin tire méi nhat chua?) 17. Forgetful - Forgettable Forgetful /f> getil/ often forgetting things (hay quén, c6 ti nhé t6i) SYN: absent-minded Eg. She has become very forgetful in recent 6 ay di to nén rat hay quén trong nhiing nam gan day). Forgettable /fagetabl! not interesting special and therefore easily forgotten (cd thé quén durge) OPP: unforgettable Eg. It is an instantly forgettable tune. (Dé la mot giai digu dang quén ngay lap tirc). 18. Imaginary - Imagi ina tive — Imaginable Imaginary /i'medzinori/ existing only in your mind or imagination (twang twong, khéng cé thu, 40) COLLO: friend imaginary fear/ an imaginary E.g. Children experience a lot of imaginary fears at this age. (Tré em trai qua rat nhieu ndi sq turéng tong 6 46 tudi nay) Imaginative /imadzinotiv/ having or showing new and exciting ideas (gidu tri twang tuong, sang tao) SYN: inventive OPP: unimaginative COLLO: child an imaginative approach/ idea/ Tmaginable /imadzinabl/ possible to imagine (c6 thé tung tong duoc, c6 thé hinh dung duge) E.g. These technological developments were hardly imaginable 30 years ago. (Nhirng phat trién cong nghé nay hau nhu khong thé tuéng twgng duye 30 nim truée). Eg. You'll need to be a little more imaginative if you want t old their attention. (Ban sé can phai c6 tri tuéng tuong phong phi hon mét chat néu ban muén git sur chit y ctta ho) 19, Fun = Funny Fun /fAn/ amusing or enjoyable (vui, tha vi) E.g. There are lots of fun things for young people to do here. (Cé rit nhiéu digu tht vi cho nhirng ngwoi tré tudi dé lam 6 day). Funny /fani! making you laugh, amusing (buén cudi, khoi hai, hai huéc) Eg. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. (Dé la digu Khoi hai nht tdi timg nghe. 20. Aloud - Loudly ‘Aloud /o‘lavd in a voice that other people can hear (to, lén tiéng) COLLO: think aloud/out loud E.g The teacher listened to the children reading aloud. (Gigo vin nghe cac em doc to). Loudly audi’ im a way that makes a lot of noise dim 7, inh oi) Eg. She screamed as loudly as she could. (CO dy het to hét mic ©6 thé). 21, Tastefful — Tasty Tasteful /teistfl/ attractive and of good quality and showing that the person who chose them can recognize good things (clothes, fumiture, Tasty Tiersti/ having a strong and pleasant flavor (ngon, diy hurong vi) decorations, etc). (trang nha, c6 dc thiim mj) E.g. Their house is very tasteful, but it doesn't have any soul. (Ngdi nha cia ho rat trang nha, nhung né khéng cé lin hon). Eg. The food is wholesome, tasty and wellpresented. (Céc mén An rat inh, ngon va trinh bay dep). 22. Exhausted - Exhaustive Exhausted /ig zorstid/ very tired (kit stic, mét tir) COLLO: completely/utterly exhausted E.g. The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter. (Nhing ngudi leo nui kiét site da dugc giai ciru bing trurc thing) Exhaustive /Igzastiv) including everything possible, very thorough or complete (hét moi Khia canh, hét moi mit, thau dao, toan dién) COLLO: exhaustive research/tests E.g. Exhaustive research has been carried out into the effects of the drug. (Nghién ctru toan dign da duoc thu hién vé tac dung cia thuéc). 23. Conclusive - Concluding Conclusive /kan'klu:siv/ proving something, and allowing no doubt or confusion (Xée dinh, quyét dinh, thuyét phuc durgc) OPP: inconclusive COLLO: conclusive evidence/ proof/ results E.g. They produced some fairly conclusive evidence. (Ho dua ra mét sé bang chimg kha thuyét phuc) Concluding /kon Klu:d/ coming to an end, bringing something to an end (két Iudn, két thiic) Eg. Let me make just a few concluding remarks. (Hay dé t6i dua ra mét vai nhan xét két lun). 24, Respectful - Resp) pective - Respectable Respectful /ri'spekifl” showing or feeling respect (bay td su kinh trong, to vé tn trong, to vé ton kinh) OPP: disrespectful E.g. We were brought up to be respectful of authority. (Ching tdi di duge dua len dé tén trong chinh quyén) Respective /ri'spektiv/ belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned (riéng timg ngudi, riéng timg cai, tuong img vai vi tri, thir ty, dia vi...) Eg. They are each recognized specialists in their | respective fields. (Ho 14 méi chuyén gia duge céng nhan trong Tinh vue tuong dng cia ho). Respectable /ri'spektobl/considered by society to be acceptable, good or correct (kha kha, ding ké, dang kinh) E.g Go and make yourself look respectable. (Di va lam cho minh tréng dang kinh hon di) 25, Terribl je - Terrific Terrible /terabl/- very unpleasant, making you feel very unhappy, upset or frightened (dé so, ghé gém, khing khiep) SYN: awful/ horrible/ dreadful E.g. That's a terrible thing to say! (Dé lé mot diéu khiing khiép dé néit) Terrific /ta'rifik/: sic, tuyét vai) excellent, wonderful (xuit Eg. You look really terrific in that dress. (Ban trong thy sir tuyét voi trong chiée vay dé). 26. Favorite = Favorable Favorite /‘feivarit/: liked more than others of the Favorable Ifervarsbl/: positive and showing our | good opinion of sbist (thuan loi, cé thién same kind (Duge wa chudng, dirgc ua thich) E.g. Its one of my favourite movies. (Dé IA m6t trong nhirng bé phim yéu thich cia chi, c6 trién vong) Eg. Reviews of the book have been favourable | (Nhing nh§n xét vé cudn sich rit ¢6 lg 27. Awful - Awesome ‘Awful Pod: very bad or unpleasant (dé so, khung khiép, kinh khiing) E.g. There's an awful smell in here. (C6 mot mii khing khiép 6 day) ‘Awesome I'o:sam/ difficult and perhaps rather frightening (tuyét vai) ‘very impressive or very E.g. The show was just awesome. (Chong trinh that | tuyét voi) 28. Luxurious- Luxuriant Luxurious Mag'zverias/ containing expensive and (sang trong, long lay, xa hoa) very comfortable, enjoyable things E.g. The car felt luxurious. (Chiée xe c6 vé sang trong). Luxuriant lagboriont/ growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive (sum sé, um tim, phong phi, pn thinh) Eg. thick, luxuriant hair (t6c day, um tim) 29. Alternate - Alternative Alternate /o:1'3:not/ (of two things) happening or following one afier the other regularly (xen kg, ludn phién nhau, thay phién) E.g. alternate layers of fruit and cream (xen ké cac l6p trai cay va kem) Altemative /o:1'3 notiv/ different from the usual 0 traditional way in which something is done (dé lors chon, thay thé, khac) Eg. Do you have an altemative solution? (Ban cé giai phap thay thé khong?) 30. Disinterested - Uninterested Disinteresied /dis'intrastid/ not influenced by personal feelings, or by the chance of getting some advantage for yourself (v6 tu, khong vu lgi, khong cau loi) E.g. disinterested help (sur gitip 46 vé tu) Uninterested lan'intrastid’ not interested, not | wanting to know about (lanh dam, thé o, khong quan tam, khéng chi §, khong dé 9). E.g. He was totally uninterested in sport. (Anh dy hoan toan khéng himg tha véi thé thao) PARTI Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questio, Question 1: My friend lost her job, she hasn't gat She's really unhappy and and her situation makes me feel A. depressed/ depressed C. depressing! depressing any money and she had to move out of her flat. too. B. depressed/ depressing D. depressing / depressed Question 2: Now, don't tell anyone else what I've just told you. Remember, it is A. confidence B. confident C. confidential D confidentially Question 3: Zero-waste seems to be one of the most ways to save the environment. A. cheapest B. inexpensive C. economical D. economic Question 4: Feeling_ is a common cause of hidden depression A. alone B. lonely C. loneliness D. lone Question 5: | think that an academic subject is only if the teacher or lecturer talks about it in an way. A. interested/ interested B. interested/ interesting B. C. interesting! interesting D. interesting) interested Question 6: He spent 5,000,000$ to buy a car. A. beautiful Italian brand-new racing B. brand-new beautiful Italian racing C. racing beautiful brand-new Italian D. beautiful brand-new Italian racing Question 7: I can't stand people who are intolerant of new ideas simple-minded B. narrow-minded _C. fair-minded D. right-minded Question 8: The detective solved the crime before anyone else had a clue. A. quick-witted B. slow-witted C. fast-witted D. half-witted Question 9: A. Ox sits on a table in the middle of the room, engraved on its surface are the words "dachremmah a cr'uoy, xob siht ta gnikool cno cht oT”. A. heart-shaped pink beautiful paper atend. B. beautiful heart-shaped pink paper C. beautiful pink heart-shaped paper in D. heart-shaped beautiful pink papers Question 10: The club is to new ideas. A. respond B. responsive C. responsible D responsibility Question 11: He was caught cheating in the exam, A. blue-handed B. red-handed C. grey-handed D. black-handed Question 12: He plays music, as well as pop and jazz. A. classical B. classic C. classics Dclassically Question 13: The police carried out an research for criminal. A. exhausted B. tired C. persistent von. D. exhaustive Question 14: My mother always dresses very A. tastily B. tastefully C. fruitfully D. deliciously Question 15: My teacher often tells me to read it___ when answering the question A. loudly B. loud C. aloud D. outloud Question 16: The company was highly __of my efforts. A. Appreciate B. appreciable. appreciative D. appreciated Question 17: The update about the storm has been sent to the headquarter. A. last B. latter C. later D. latest Question 18: I'm so that you have come and helped me with the housewarming party A. grateful B. thankful C. appreciate D. respectful Question 19: I left the house without hesitation when I saw the room. A. ugly cramped old living B. ugly old cramped living C. cramped ugly old living D. old ugly cramped living Question 20: The equator is an line around the middle of the earth. A. imaginary B. imaginative C.unimaginative D. imagine Question 21: There has been low rainfall for two years. A. successful B. unsuccessful —_C. successive D.succeed Question 22: I think the thing would be to take a taxi home A. sense B. sensitive C. sensitivity D.sensible Question 23: His grandfather has passed away and now he is so A. hard-hearted B. faint-hearted —C. half-hearted D. heavy-hearted Question 24: She is always polite and towards her employees. A. consider B. considerate C.considerable D. considering Question 25: She is so that she is determined to do what she wants. A. strong-willed B. strong-hearted _C. strong-minded D. strong-brained Question 26: | think it would be for each committee member to have a copy of the report. A. benefit B . beneficial C. beneficent Db. benefited Question 27: The baby sitter has told Billy's parents about his behavior and how he starts acting as soon as they leave home. A. meditation — seeking B. focus ~ seeking C. concentration - seeking D. attention — seeking Question 28: The presenter started his speech with a few jokes to build rapport with the audience. A. whole ~ hearted B. lighthearted —_C. soft - hearted D. kind -hearted Question 29: After we each had been assigned an installment part of the project, we came back to our. section. A. respectively B. respectful C. irrespective D. respective Question 30: 21st century teachers need to serve as a guide or mentor for their students, not as the_ sage providing them with everything they need A. all ~ knowing B.all—absorbing _C. all ~ access D.all aged GIAL CHITIET PART 1 Question 1: Chon A. S ngwi+ be + adj -ed (chi cm xic) - St make sb feel + adj ~ ed (Lim cho ai cam thay diéu gi) Dich: Ban t6i mit vic, c6 dy khng e6 tién va c6 dy phai rdi Khoi cin ho eta minh. Cé dy thyre su khéng vui va chén nin, va hoan canh cua cé dy cing khién t6i cam thay chan nan. Question 2: Chon C. - confidential (adj) tuyét mat - confidence (n) su ty tin - confident (adj) ty tin - confidentally (adv) ty tin Dich: Bay gié dimg néi cho bit ki ai khac vé nhiing gi toi ni voi ban. Hay nhé ring né la tuyét mat. Question 3: Chon C. - economic: thuéc vé kinh té = economical: mang tinh kinh té, tiét kigm Dich: Séng xanh dudng nhw 1a mét trong nhitng cach tiét kiém nhat dé bio vé mai trudng. Question 4: Chon B. lonely/ lonesome: ham ¥ tiéu cue, chi cdm gide ed don trong cude séng ~ alone: mét minh, khong 6 ai & xung quanh (khang dirng trréc danh tir) loneliness (n) sit ¢6 don, ednh 6 quanh | - lone +N (thay cho alone) Dich: Cam thay 6 ddc la mt nguyén nhin phé bién cta trigu chimg tram cam tiém an. Question 5: Chon C. S vat + be + adj ~ ing (n6i vé ban chét ctia sur vat). | - a/ an + adj ~ ing +N (noi vé ban chat ctia danh tit) Dich: Ti nghi ring mét cha dé hoc thuat chi tha vi néu gido vién hodc giang vién ndi vé nd mét cach thi vi. Question 6: Chon D. | - beautiful: dep-Opinion | - brand-new: mdi toanh- Age - Italian: thudc Y-Origin - racing: dé dua- Purpose Dich: Anh ta da chi 5.000.000 d6 la dé mua mét chiée xe dua cita Y méi toanh rit dep. H AN6i Question 7: Chon B. narrow-minded: hep héi, khéng chiu tiép thu ¥ tuéng méi Me rong: - simple-minded: chat phac, don gian, ngé ngan - right-minded: ngay thang, chan that - fair-minded: céng bang, v6 tu, khéng thién vi Dich: Tdi khéng thé chiu duge nhing ngudi cé tur tuéng hep hdi, khéng chiu tiép thu ¥ tuéng méi Question 8: Chon A. | -quick-witted: nhanh tri, ung déi nhanh< slow-witted (tri dén, din dén, khéng nhanh tri) half-witted: khé dai, ngéc nghéch Dich: Ngudi tham tir nhanh tri da gidi quyét vu an trude khi ai dé 6 niém gi Question 9: Chon B. — beautiful: xinh dep-Opinion — heart shaped: hinh trai tim- Shape - pink: mau hong-Color - paper: bing gidy- Material Dich: Mét chiéc hép bang giay mau hong hinh trai tim rat dep nim trén mot cdi ban & gidta phéng, duge khac trén bé mit ciia né [i dong chit “darremmah a er'uoy, xob siht ta gnikool eno eht oT”. Question 10: Chon B. = responsible (for st): having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong (Diy tréch nhiém, chiu trach nhiém cho cai gi) - responsive (to sb/ st) reacting quickly and in a positive way (Phan hoi tich cure véi edi gi) Dich: Cau lac b6 phan héi rit tich cure véi nhiing ¥ tuéng méi. Question 11: Chon B. be caught red-handed ~ be caught doing sth wrong: bi bit qua tang. Dich: Anh Ay bi bat qua tang gian lan trong ki thi. Question 12: Chon A. - classic: accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind (Kinh dign, hang nhit). - classical: widely accepted and used for a long time, traditional in style or idea (Cé dién) 0 d Dich: Anh Ay choi nhac cé dién, ciing nhw pop va jazz. Question 13: Chon D. - exhaustive: nonstop, not giving up, looking everywhere, continually - exhausted: extremely tired Dich: Canh sat da tién hinh nhitng cuéc tim kid Question 14: Chon B. — tasteful: attractive and of good quality (trang nha, c6 oc tham my) (Gi pham khéng ngimg nghi. — tasty: having a strong and pleasant flavor (ngon, day huong vi) | Dich: Me t6i lu6n an dién chin chu, trang nha. Question 15: Chon C. - say sth loudly ~ say out loud: speak louder Ro b ~read aloud: Dich: C6 gido ctia téi thing bao t6i doc to Ién mdi khi tra lai cau hoi. Question 16: Chon C. - appreciable: large enough to be noticed or thought important (dang ké) ad sth so as to be heard (Ién tiéng) — appreciative (of st): feeling or showing that you are grateful for st (iran trong, dah gid cao) Dich: Cong ty da danh gid rat cao nhiing nd lure cua toi. Question 17: Chon D. ~ latest: most recent - latter: the second of two things or people mentionco cond of two things or people mentioned — last: the opposite of first - later: the antithesis of the former, the second Dich: Tinh hinh cap nhap méi nhat vé con bio da duge giti téi tru sé. Question 18: Chon A. - grateful: 1a — thankful: biét on, cam thdy nhe nhom khi tranh duge chuyén gi iét on vi ai dé da lam diéu gi gidp minh Dich: TOi rat biét on ban vi da gitip t6i t6 chute bita tiée mig nha méi, Question 19: Chon A. - ugly: xdu xi—Opinion - cramped: chit hep- Size - old: ci- Age Dich: Téi ri khéi can nha ma khéng chat do du khi nhin thay phing khéch cii nat, chat hep, x4u xi. Question 20: Chon A. - imaginary: existing only in your mind or imagination (tuéng tuong, khong 6 thu, ao) . - imaginative: having or showing new and exciting ideas (gidu tri tuong tuong, sing ta0) Dich: During xich dgo 14 mét durdng tung tong xung quanh gitta trai dit. Question 21: Chon C. | - successive: following immediately one after the other (lign tue, lién tiép) Téng - successful: (in st): achieving your aims or what was intended (thinh céng) Dich: Da ed Iwong mua thdp trong hai nam lién tiép. Question 22: Chon D. - sensitive (to st): aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings (nhay cam, dé phat hign ra cai gi) ~ sensible: able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion, practical (hop ly, nhay bén) Dich: T6i nghi rang diéu hop ly sé 1a di taxi vé nha. Question 23: Chon D. heavy-hearted - be broken-hearted: Long nang triu dau budn, phién muén, chan nan Mé réng: ~hard-hearted: nhiin tam, khong biét thong x6t - faint-hearted: nhut nhit, nhat gan Dich: Ong cia anh Ay vira qua déi va gig anh ay rat buon Question 24: Chon B. - considerable: great in amount, size, importance, etc. (dang ké) - considerate: always thinking of other people's wishes and feclings (an can, chu dao) Dich: Cé ay luén lich sir va an cin véi nhin vién cita minh. Question 25: Chon A. V — strong-willed: kién quyét, quyét tam ~ strong-minded: ctg c6i, minh man Dich: C6 dy rit quyét tam lim nhing gi minh muén. Question 26: Chon B. - beneficent: giving help, showing kindness (tét bung) MA - beneficial: (to/ for sb/st) improving a situation, having a helpful or useful effect (c6 loi) Dich: T6i nghi rang sé c6 Igi cho mai thanh vién ty ban dé c6 mét ban sao ciia bao cdo. Question 27: Chon D. attention — seeking: thu hit su chat y. Dich cau: Ngudi trong tré noi v6i b6 me Billy vé hanh vi gay su chi y cita anh ay va céch ma anh ta bat dau cu xtr ngay khi ho ra khéi nha Question 28: Chon B. light — hearted: vui vé Dich cau: Ngwai thuyét trinh bit dau bai dign thuyét cia ng Ay bang vai cau chuyén wai vui ve dé tao khéng khi cdi mo cho khan gid. Mé réng: - whole ~ hearted: hao hiép - soft — hearted: tit bung — kind — hearted: tir t& Question 29: Chon D. TAICAC THANH - respectively (adv) theo thir tw THU HUE — respectful (adj) dang nguing mo - irrespective of: bat ké ~ respective (adj) tuong tig, ciia riéng minh Dich: Sau khi ching tdi mdi nguéi déu durge phan chia mét phan du 4n, ching tdi quay tré lai phan rigng cia " minh, Question 30: Chon A. all ~ knowing: cdi gi eting biét Dich cau: Gido vién ca thé ki 21 d6ng vai tro 1A ngudi huéng din cho hoe sinh chit Khong phai 1a mét nha hién triét cdi gi eiing biét cung cdp moi thir hoc sinh cin Mé réng: ~ all — aged: dig tuéi ~all — absorbing: hap thy tit ca — all — access: tét 4 moi ngudi déu cé thé tray cap duge PART 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: He told mea most story about his days as a footballer. He's a very person A. entertaining / amusing B. entertaining / amused B. C. entertained / amusing D. entertained / amused Question 2: He bought that house for 1,000 VND? How is that even remotely possible? ‘A. humongous gorgeous new brick B. new humongous gorgeous brick C. gorgeous humongous new brick D. new humongous brick gorgeous Question 3: Last year, “Endgame” earned an estimated $2.79 billion in worldwide revenue in just 13 weeks, surpassing "Avatar's” $2.789 billion to become the Highest-Grossing Film. A. all-the-time B. all-of-time C. of-all-time D. all-time Question 4: You have to be about things so that you can gain more knowledge. A. narrow-minded B. high-minded C. fecble-minded D. open-minded Question 5: I prefer my boots to yours since they are much more durable A. red Spanish leather riding B. leather riding red Spanish C. Spanish red leather riding D. Spanish leather riding red Question 6: My father told me to never give up in tough situations even in the moments when everything seems to have come to an end. A. latest-minutes B. last-minutes C. last-minute D. latest-minute Question 7 architects focus on the long-term environmental impact of their buildings. A. forward-thinking B. forwards —looking —C. front-end planning =D. forward - running Question 8: You must place these events in their context, A. history B. historian C. historic D. historical Question 9: The medicine was so that I felt better after taking one pill. A. efficient B. effective C. productive D. powerful Question 10: On the top of the hill stands a castle. A. singular huge medieval stone B. stone huge singular medieval C. huge singular medieval stone D. medieval huge singular stone Question 11: He has worked so hard to prepare for the competition that the audience found his performance completely A. praiseworthed B. praiseworth C. praiseworthy D. worthy-praise Question 12: Our teacher scolded her because it's the third time she forgets to turn in her homework and he told the girl that her being will get her into big troubles one day. A. absent-minding B. absent-minded C. mind-absenting D. mind-absented Question 13: Economic growth has averaged at a 2.5 per cent. A. respected B. respectful C. respective D. respectable Question 14: Everyone was impressed by the contestant who had performances A. record-breaked B. record-broken —_C. broke-record D. record-breaking Question 15: David Cameron said in his speech as Prime Minister of Great Britain that he would still find out the solution to the Brexit. A. concluding B. conclusive C. finished D completed Question 16: Last night, a girl was caught on her way back home by a fearsome criminal becoming the unfortunate victim of a brutal mugging. A. off-guarding B. off-guard C. off-guarded D. off-her-guard Question 17: The United States Armed Forces is preparing for a attack to destroy the enemy's headquarters and wipe them out once and for all A. fully-scaled B. full-scale C. full-scaled D. fully-scale Question 18: The position - President of a country requires a person who can adapt and show resilience facing challenges as well as transmitting positivity through uncertainty. A. solution-oriented B. solving-oriented C. solving-orienting D. __ solving- oriented Question 19: The tab for the dinner buffet with 3 sets menu, each of which include 10 courses is $150 A. all-included B.all-inclusive _C. included-all D. including all Question 20: His way of talking is very since he always makes sure everything that came out of his mouth lengthy if not flowery A. thinking-provoking _B. thought-provoking_C.. think-provoking D. _ thought- provoked Question 21: Afier Henry got the scholarship, he received a opportunities, an email from one of the biggest corporations in the world saying they would like to offer him a position A. one-in-a-lifetime B. once-in-a-lifetime _c. once-a-lifetime D. once- of-a-lifetime Question 22: There were arguments because he felt he was being treated unfairly. A. continuous B. continue C. continual D. continuant Question 23 progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. A. Considering B. Considerable C. Considerate D. Consideration Question 24: Greenland is so that it holds first place in the world’s top 10 least-densely populated territories list with a rate of 0.03 people per square kilometer. A. sparsedly-populated —B. sparsed-populated _C.. sparsely-populated D. sparse populated Question 25 teachers minimize the amount of paperwork they have to do. A. Effect B. Efficient C. Effective D. Efficiency Question 26: You'll need to be a little more. if you want to hold their attention. A. imaginary B. imagine C. imaginative D. imagination Question 27: Everyone was towards him, listening carefully to his long explanations. A. respective B. respectable —_C. respected D.respectful Question 28: My boyfriend told me he doesn't want our love story has a happy ending, he, instead, said that he want a love story. ‘A. no end B. never-end C. never-ends D.never-ending Question 29: More emphasis should be placed on developing energy sources such as wind, solar energy, and tides. D. alternative A. altemate alternation Question 30: Determination must be made by A. interest B. interesting C. disinterested C. alter B. trustees or independent legal counsel. D. uninterested CHUYEN DE 4: TRANG TU (ADVERBS) I. DINH NGHTA TRANG TU. Trang tir trong tiéng Anh 1a tir loai duge ding dé bé ghia cho tinh tir, dng tir, mét trang tir khac hay cho ca cau IL PHAN LOAI TRANG TU ‘Trang tir chi cach thie ‘Trang tir chi mite 49 fh thire mOt hanh dng duge thuc hig nhu thé nao (ding dé tra 16i cée cau hoi voi “How”) E.g. Peter can cook very well. | - Trang tir chi cdch thite thudng dimg sau dong tir hode tan ngir néu trong cau cé tin ngit E.g. My teacher speaks French very fluently. ~ Dién ta mire dé, cho biét hanh dOng dién ra dén mite 49 nao (thudng dimg trude cde tinh tir hay mét trang tir khic): too, absolutely, completely, entirely, greatly, exactly, extremely, perfectly, slightly, quite, rather, Eg. This kind of cookies is very delicious. Trang tir Hién hg ‘Trang tir chi s6 lugng, - Ding dé dién ta dia diém, thoi gian hoac ly do, trang tir lién hé cé thé ndi hai ménh dé véi nhau. E.g. I remember the day when he went away. - Ding dé nhan manh, nhac tai cae su viéc duge dign ra véi sé lugng it hode nhigu. Eg. Myson studies rather little. ‘Trang tir chi tin suat ‘Trang tir nghi van. ~ Dign ta mie d@ thudng xuyén cia mét hank déng (diing 4é tra 1di cau héi “How often”) - Vi tri ctia trang tir chi tin sudt duoc dat sau déng tir “to be” hofic trude déng tit chinh E.g. Carol is never late for school. Louis often goes to school by bus = Cén duge goi la mét trong cde tir dé hoi, trang tir nghi van thudng dig dau cau ding dé héi, gom: when, where, why, how. - Cée trang tir khing dinh, phi dinh, phong doan nhu: certainly, perhaps, maybe, surely, of course, willingly, very well. Eg. Why didn't you go to school yesterday? ‘Trang tir chi noi chon ‘Trang tir chi thoi gian ~ Dién ta hanh dong xay ra noi nao, 6 dau hoae gan xa thé nao (ding dé tra loi cho cau hoi “Where”) - MOt sé trang tir noi chén thuéng xuat hign: here, there, out, away, everywhere, somewhere, above, below, along, around, away, back, somewhere, through. E.g. Sara went somewhere when I came. - Dién ta thoi gian hinh déng duoc thuc hién (diing dé tra loi cau hoi voi “When”) - Vi tri ciia cdc trang tir chi thoi gian thuong duge nam 6 cuéi cau hoie dau cau néu muén nhan manh. E.g. I want to go to the movie tonight! a CACH THANH LAP TRANG TU’ - Phan lon trang tir durgc thanh lap bang cach thém hau to ‘-ly” vao tinh tir theo cau tric: Trang tir tinh tir + ly E.g quiet - quietly, quick — quickly - Tuy mhién, ¢6 3 trudng hop ngoai Ié cin phai uu y: - Métsé tinh tir c6 hau td ly nhu: friendly, ugly, homely, lonely, - Mét sé trang tir khéng cé dudi ly nhu: some, very, often, never,, - Mét sé trang tir ¢é hinh thire nhur tinh tit: carly, fast, hard, low, high, straight,... IV. CHUC NANG VA VI TRI CUA TRANG TU Vi tri ciia trang tir 1. Trude dong tir thudng gita tro déng tir va dong tir throng (dae biét la cac trang tir chi tin sudt: always, usually, They seldom get up early in the morning. I don't usually go to school late. Ihave recently finished my homework. 2. Truréc tinh tir: to be/ feel look... + ady + adj He looks extremely unwell 3, Sau “too”: V(thueng) + too+ adv The teacher speaks too quickly. 4, Trude “enough”: V(thudng) + adv + enough Peter speaks understand. slowly enough for us to 5. Trong cau trac V(thubng) + s0 + ady + that... Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident, 6, Ding cudi cau (trang tir thoi gian) T finished my essay last week T. Trang tir cing thuong dimg T minh o dau cau/ gitta ciu va cach cic thanh phin khac cia cau bang dau phay (,) Last summer came back my home country. Its raining hard. Tom, however, goes to school Tau yt - Trang tir bé nghia cho tir loai nao thi phai dimg gan tir loai Ay. (Quy te “can ké”) E.g. Sara often says she loves her grandmother so much. (“ofen” bé nghia cho “says”). Sara says she often visits her parents on Sundays. (“often” bé nghia cho “visits”) - Trang tir chi théi gian trong tinh huéng binh thong nén dat no 6 cudi cau. E.g. He took an English exam yesterday. - Trang tit khong duge dat/ding gitta Déng tir va Tin ngi. E.g. Tom speaks French very fluently -Khi c6 nhiéu trang tir trong mét cu, vi tri ctia trang tir nam & cudi cau sé ¢6 thir tu wu tién nh sau: Noi chén - Cach thitc - Tn suat - Thoi gian E.g I went to Thailand by plane twice a week last year. - Nhiing trang tir chi phim chat cho ca mot ciu (luckily, fortunately, eventually, certainly, surely..). thudng duge dit 6 dau mdi cau, E.g. Luckily, Rose didn't live where the war broke out in 1914. Luu ¥ 2: Mot sé tir 06 dudi “ly” nhung Ii tinh tir : daily: hang ngay, early: sém, elderly: gid, ln tudi, friendly: thin thién, likely: cé kha nang s€ xay ra, costly: dat do, lively: sinh dong, lonely: Ié loi, lovely dang yéu, manly: nam tinh, silly: ngé ngan, ugly: xau xi, unlikely: khéng cé kha nang xay ra, monthly: hang thang, weekly: hang tuan, brotherly: nhu anh em, comely: duyén dang, goodly: c6 duyén, homely gian di, lowly: hen mon, masterly: tai gidi, scholarly: uyén bac, shapely: dang dcp, timely: ding lic, unseemly: khong phi hop Liru ¥ 3: mot s6 tinh va trang tir c6 cach viét va doc giéng nhau Adjectives ‘Adverbs Adjectives Adverbs fast fast hard hard only only fair fair! fairly late late even (ding, ngay ca) even pretty pretty cheap cheap/cheaply right right carly carly short (non, true thoi han) short much much sound (yén gidc, ngon linh) sound little little V. MOT SO TRANG TU DE NHAM LAN LATE LATELY Late vira 1a tinh tir, vira IA trang tir mang nghia "after the correct time”/ “muén” I'm not hungry because I had a late lunch. (T6i khéng 46i vi 16i an tra muda). He slept late and missed his first class. (Anh ta nga mu6n va nghi budi hoc dau tién). Lately 1a trang ti, nghia la recent méi day” Its only lately that she’s been well enough to go out. (Chi gin day théi, ¢6 dy da dit khde dé ra ngoai). T haven't been sleeping well just lately. (Gan day t6i khong ng ngon). HARD HARDLY Hard vita [a tinh tir (Khé, cimg), vita li trang tir (vat va, cue nhgc). This book is too hard for me. | can't read it (Cudn sich nay qua khé véi ti. Toi khong thé doc nd). This mattress is too hard. I can't sleep. (Ném nay qué cing. Téi khéng thé ngit due). She's working hard to finish the project by tomorrow. (Cé dy lam viée chim chi dé hoan thanh du an truée ngay mai). Hardly Ti trang tir cd nghia “almost not’ “hau nhu khong” We have a bad connection - | can hardly hear cua ching ta t8 qua - 61 kh 06 ban). Hardly @ day goes by without my thinking of her. (Hau nhu khong mét ngiy ndo trdi qua ma tdi khong nghi vé cd ay). HIGH HIGHLY High via 1A tinh tir, via 1a trang ti khi mudn dign ta y lign quan dén dé cao. The sky is so high. (adj) (tri rit 18 cao) Highly 1a trang tir mang nghis with admiration or praise” “ véi y ton trong, ca ngoi” “very much/ Throw it as high as you can. (adv) (Ném né cng cao cing t6t)/ Ican highly recommend this product. (Téi rat cé thé gidi thigu san pham nay). MOST/MOST OF MOSTLY Most/ most of (adj) = "the majority, the greater par”/ “phan lin” (more than 50%) Most people like the country's president. (Hau hét moi ngudi thich chu tich nude). Most of the students in the class are nice. (Hau hét cdc sinh vién trong Isp déu tot). Most (adv)= “to the greatest degree”/ “nhiéu nhat” - ding trong so sénh hon nhat, “very, extremely, completely”- “rat”. This is the most confusing chapter in the book. (Day li chuong khé hiéu nhat trong cudn sdch). Mostly (adv) ="mainly, generally, usually”/ “thug | 1a, chi yéu li, phan lon” I've mostly dated athletes, I love women who play | sports. (T6i thung 1 hen ho véi cae van dong vién, Toi yéu nhiing nguoi phu nit choi thé thao). The paintings consist mostly of still lifes. (Céc bite | tranh bao gém chit yéu 1a cude sdng tinh ling), Disposal of hazardous waste is mostly handled by the public sector. (Viée xir ly chit thai nguy hai cha yéu duge xir ly bai | Khu vuc céng). Almost ‘Almost = nearly gan nhu (adv): + Adj, Ady, V , Prep, anybody, anything, anyone, no one, nobody, nothing, everybody, everything, everyone, every, all The castle is almost entirely surrounded by water. (Lau dai gin nhw hoan ton bao quanh béi nurdic) Luu : Ching ta khéng thé sir dung “almost” véi cae danh tir, ma phai ding véi “most” PART 1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: Were women. allowed to participate in the Boston races in 1957? A. office B. official C. officially D. officer Question 2: The film was both commercially and successful. Aart B. artist, C. attistic D. artistically Question 3: _ nobody was injured in the accident last night. A. Luckily B. Unlucky C. Lucky D. Unluckily Question 4: However, it is important that we conduct the debate and as openly as possible A. mature B. maturely C. immature D. maturity Question 5: speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story. A. Strict B. Strickness C. Stricture D. Strictly Question 6: He grinned B. mischief Question 7: The cost has been A. mischievous A. variously B. various Question 8: Have you seen Chrissie's new leather jacket? It's C. mischievously C. variety and quickly jumped into the water. D. mischievousless estimated at between £10 million and £20 million. D. vary cool. A. major B. majority C. majorly D. majors Question 9: Visitors are requested to sign the book. A. kindness B. kind C. unkindness D. kindly Question 10: His teachers think very. of him (= have a very good opinion of him) A high B. highest C highly D. higher Question 11: It makes sense as well as economically. A. politician B. political C. politically D. politic Question 12: The design is intended to use space as as possible. A. economics B. economies C. economists Dz economically Question 13: Not , most local business depends on tourism. A. expect B. expectation _C. expected D. unexpectedly Question 14: She accepted that she had acted and mistakenly, which broke up her marriage. A. romantically B. unwisely C. wisely D. attractively \ Question 15: He was looking at his parents waiting for recommendations. A. obediently B. barely C. randomly D. lively Question 16:1 walked away as as I could. Or else, they would have thought I was a thief. A. correctly B. perfectly C. calmly D. randomly Question 17: If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees A. conrectly B. calmly C. wrongly D. appropriately Question 18: Although satisfied with the contract, the officials hesitatingly agreed to sign it.\ A. mostly B. wrongly C. wisely D. completely Question 19: During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown with only a few major setbacks. A. constantly B. harmfully C. friendly D. wrongly Question 20:1 think that scuba diving is more of danger than adventure. A. wrongly B. unexpectedly C. wisely D. personally Question 21: If you book in advance you will certainly have a better table at our restaurant. A. mostly B. almost C. wrongly D. wisely Question 22: the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts. A. Carefully B. Surprisingly C.. Wisel D. Personally Question 23: When a woman works outside the home and makes money herself, she is independent from her husband. A. calmly B. financially C. politically D. philosophically Question 24: She was knowledgeable about the history of China.

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