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Search for cases which highlight that a good rational moral decision is not

always executed. Explain your given cases and submit your word file here in the

A moral decision is one made in such a way that one's actions or inaction conform to one's
ethics. Normally, we speak to an ethical option when the conclusion reached is not one that
would be significant based on some criteria, such as greater comfort, monetary reward,
reduced cost, or resolution of a problem. Ethics are learnt (or self-created) norms of conduct
that are classified as 'right' or 'bad,' with the principles frequently overlooking context and
A friend discovers her best friend's boyfriend is cheating, as in this example. She must choose
between telling her pal and keeping it a secret. To begin with, this is a terrible and tough
situation for you to be in, and there is no simple solution. Whatever you do will almost certainly
have consequences, and you may be held responsible. Even if you don't say anything, this is
true. What if your friend discovers the infidelity and discovers that you were aware of it all
along? "You mean you were aware and didn't inform me!" "How could a friend do that?" they
would ask. " You may begin by asking yourself how you think you would feel in your situation as
a guide.
situation of a friend -

You will no doubt be worried about hurting your friend. Telling them may seem like the ‘right’
thing to do, but is it the ‘good’ thing to do? An article in Psychology Today investigates this
moral debate between the ‘right’ and the ‘good’ in more detail and explains why this is such a
hard decision to make which depends on your overall moral outlook. It may also be worth
considering how close a friend that person is to you.

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