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Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Task 01: Transformation:

Apply following Transformation techniques on images of your choice:

Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22


Affine Transformation:
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Prospective Transformation:

Task 02: Morphological Transformations:

Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22


Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Morphological Gradients:

Top Hat:
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Black Hat:

Task 03: Image Gradients:

Apply following Image Gradients techniques on images of your choice
Sobel and Scharr Derivatives:
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Sobel and Scharr Derivatives:

Task 04 Canny Edge Detection:

Apply following Image Canny Edge Detection techniques on images of your choice:
Canny Edge Detection:
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Task 05 Histograms:
Apply following Image Histograms techniques on images of your choice:
Histograms Equalization in OpenCV
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization)

Application of Mask:
Machine Learning 3rd Semester 21MSCS22

Plotting Histograms using matplotlib

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