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Human resource management at work
1. What is management? (trang 4)
2. What is human resource management? (trang 4)
3. Why is HRM Important to managers? (trang 4, 5)
4. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM [trưởng phòng chức năng và trưởng phòng nhân sự]
(trang 5)
5. Line manager’s HR duties [nhiệm vụ của trưởng phòng chức năng] (trang 5, 6)
6. HR manager’s duties [nhiệm vụ của trưởng phòng nhân sự] (trang 6)
7. HR manager’s functions [chức năng của HR manager] (trang 6)
8. Size of HR department (HR organization chart: small) (trang 6)
9. Size of HR department (HR organization chart: big) (trang 7)
10. Cooperative line and staff HR management: some examples
[sự hợp tác của quản lý nhân sự và quản lý chức năng] (trang 8)
The changing environment of HRM
11. Globalization and its implication [toàn cầu hóa và ý nghĩa của nó] (trang 9)
12. Technological advances (trang 10)
13. Changes in the nature of work (trang 10)
14. Changes in workforce demographic
[những thay đổi trong nhân khẩu học của lực lượng lao động] (trang 10)
The changing role of HRM
15. What is strategic planning? (trang 10)
16. What is strategic HRM? (trang 10, 11)
17. Creating high-performance work systems
[tạo hệ thống làm việc năng suất cao] (trang 11)
18. Outsourcing HR activities
[nguồn nhân sự bên ngoài] (trang 11)
19. High-performance work systems
[hệ thống làm việc hiệu suất cao] (trang 11)
20. Measuring HRM team’s performance
[đo lường hiệu suất của nhóm] (trang 12)
21. Managing with HR scorecard
[quản lý nhân sự bằng thẻ điểm] (trang 12, 13)
Proficiencies of a HR manager (trang 13)
HRM and professionalism
22. HR certification (trang 14)
23. Is HR a profession? [nhân sự có phải là một nghề không?] (trang 15)
- Criteria for a profession [tiêu chí cho một nghề]
24. Professional institutes (trang 15)
25. Qualification and level of membership (trang 15)
26. Workplace challenge for the HR professionals
[thách thức tại nơi làm việc đối với các chuyên gia nhân sự] (trang 16)
HR and cultural values
27. Sun Tzu’s art of war (trang 16)
28. Han Fei Tzu: reward and punishment (trang 17)
29. HR and religious values(trang 17, 18)
30. Multicultural workforce in Malaysia (trang 18, 19)
31. National values (trang 19)
The plan of this book
32. Basic themes of this book (trang 20, 21)
33. Topics are interrelated (trang 21)
Chapter summary
Questions and case study (trang 23-30)


Basics of job analysis
1. What type of information is collected? (trang 76)
Uses of job analysis information
2. Recruitment and selection (trang 76)
3. Compensation (trang 77)
4. Training (trang 77)
5. Performance appraisal (trang 77)
Steps in job analysis ( 6 steps) (trang 77, 78)
Method for collecting job analysis
6. The interview (trang 78,79)
7. Questionnaire (trang 79-81)
8. Observation (trang 82)
9. Participant dairy/ blog (trang 82)
Writing job descriptions (trang 82)
10. Job identification (trang 83,84)
11. Job summary (trang 85)
12. Relationships (trang 85)
13. Responsibilities and duties (trang 85)
14. Standards of performance and working conditions (trang 85, 86)
Writing job specifications
15. Specifications based on judgment [dựa trên phán đoán] (trang 87)
16. Job specifications bases on statistical analysis [dựa trên phân tích thống kê] (trang 87, 88)
Job analysis in a “jobless” world [phân tích công việc trong thế giới thất nghiệp]
17. From specialized to enlarged jobs [từ công việc chuyên biệt đến mở rộng] (trang 88)
18. Why managers are “dejobbing” their companies
[tại sao các nhà quản lý lại bị phá sản] (trang 88)
19. Fatter organization [tổ chức tốt hơn](trang 89)
20. Self–managing work team (trang 89)
21. Re-engineering [tái thiết kế] (trang 90)
22. Competency-based job analysis [phân tích công việc dựa trên năng lực] (trang 90)
23. What are competencies? [năng lực là gì?] (trang 90, 91)
24. Reasons to use competency analysis (trang 91)
25. How to write a competencies-based job description (trang 91)
Self-managed teams in Asia (trang 91-93)
Chapter summary (trang 94)
Questions and case study (trang 95-99)


Recruitment and selection process (trang 102)
Planning and forecasting (trang 102, 103)
Forecasting HR needs
1. Trend analysis (trang 104)
2. Ratio analysis [phân tích tỷ lệ] (trang 104)
3. Scatter plot [biểu đồ phân tán] ( trang 104, 105)
4. Computer forecast (trang 105)
5. Managerial judgment [sự phán đoán của người quản lý] (trang 105)
Forecasting the supply of internal candidates
6. Manual systems and replacement charts
[hệ thống thủ công và biểu đồ thay thế] (trang 106)
7. Personnel replacement charts [biểu đồ thay thế nhân sự] (trang 106)
8. Computerized information systems [hệ thống thông tin được máy tính hóa] (trang 106)
9. Matter of privacy [vấn đề riêng tư](trang 107)
Forecasting the supply of external candidates
10. Effective recruiting (trang 108)
11. Consistent with company’s strategy [phù hợp với chiến lược của công ty] (trang 108)
12. The recruiting yield pyramid [kim tự tháp tuyển dụng] (trang 108, 109)
Internal sources of candidates (trang 109)
13. Finding internal candidates (trang 110)
14. Re-hiring (trang 110)
Succession planning [lập kế hoạch kế nhiệm] (trang 110)
Sources of external candidates
15. Advertising (trang 111, 112)
16. Employment agencies (trang 112)
17. Using an agency (trang 113)
18. Temp agencies and alternative staffing
[cơ quan tạm thời và nhân sự thay thế] (trang 113)
Executive recruiters (trang 113, 114)
Campus recruiting [tuyển dụng tại cơ sở: trường học,...]
19. Campus recruiting goals (trang 115)
20. On-site visits [tham quan] (trang 115)
21. Internship [thực tập] (trang 116)
Referral [giới thiệu] (trang 116)
Walk-in (trang 116)
Recruiting by the internet (trang 116)
22. An effective web ad (trang 116, 117)
Developing and using application forms (trang 117, 118)
23. Application forms (complying with US employment laws) (trang 118)
Recruitment practices in Asia
24. Recruitment in China (trang 119)
 Two-way recruitment and selection (trang 119)
 Recruiting managers for China operations (trang 119, 120)
 Recruitment in Hong Kong (trang 120)
 Discrimination laws (trang 120)
25. Recruitment in Indonesia (trang 120, 121)
 Recruiting foreign workers
 Recruitment of civil servants
26. Recruitment in Malaysia (trang 121)
 Recruitment methods
 Recruiting foreign skilled workers
 Preferential treatment for MSC companies
27. Recruitment in Philippines (trang 122)
 Overseas Philipino workers
 Recruitment foreign workers
28. Recruitment in Singapore (trang 122, 123)
 Tripartite guidelines on non-discriminatory advertisement
 Helping retrenched employees to find jobs
 Attracting overseas talents
 Employing foreigners
 New personalized employment pass
 Singapore workers in demand aboard
29. Recruitment in South Korea (trang 124, 125)
 Abolish restraint on skilled foreign workers
30. Recruitment in Thailand (trang 125, 126)
 Recruitment methods
 Foreign-trained granduates
 Recruiting Thai workers for overses jobs
31. Recruitment in Vietnam (trang 126, 127)
 Employment agencies
 Flexibility in recruitment
Chapter summary (trang 127)
Questions and case study (trang 128-133)


Basic features of interviews (trang 158)
1. Type of interviews
- Structured versus unstructured interview
[phỏng vấn có cấu trúc và không có cấu trúc] (trang 158-162)
 Pros and cons (trang 158)
 Type of interview (trang 158-162)
- Administering the interview [quản lý cuộc phỏng vấn] (trang 162-164)
 Individual interview (trang 162)
 Sequential interview (trang 162)
 Panel interview (trang 163)
 Telephone interview (trang 163)
 Computerzied interview (trang 163, 164)
 Are interview useful? (trang 164)
- Common interview mistakes (trang 164-165)
 First impression (trang 164)
 Poor knowledge of the job (trang 165)
 Candidate-order error (trang 165)
 Pressure to hire (trang 165)
 Impression of non-verbal behavior (trang 165)
 Effect of personal characteristics (trang 165)
 Interviewer behavior (trang 165)
Design and conduct an effective interview
2. The structured situational interview (trang 165-167)
- Step 1: job analysis
- Step 2: rate the job’s duties
- Step 3: create interview questions
- Step 4: create benchmark answers
- Step 5: appoint interview panel and conduct interviews
How to conduct a more effective interview (trang 167-172)
3. Steps useful for conducting an inteview effectively (trang 167-170)
- Step 1: structure the interview
- Step 2: prepare for the interview
- Step 3: establish rapport
- Step 4: ask questions
- Step 5: close the interview
- Step 6: review the interview
4. Prepare for the interview (trang 170)
- Knowledge and experience
- Motivation
- Intellectual capacity [năng lực trí tuệ]
- Personality factors [yếu tố nhân cách]
5. Specific factors to look for the interview (trang 171)
6. Conducting the interview – have a plan (trang 171)
- Follow your plan
7. Match the candidate to the job (trang 171-172)
Chapter summary (trang 173)
Questions and case study (trang 174-182)


Orienting employees (trang 186)
The training process (trang 186-189)
1. The five-step training process (trang 187)
2. Training, learning and motivating (trang 187-188)
- Make the learning meaningful
- Make skills transfer easy
- Motivate the learner
Training needs analysis (trang 188-189)
3. Can’t do and won’t do
4. Setting training objectives [đặt mục tiêu đào tạo]
Training methods (trang 189-193)
5. On-the-job training [đào tạo tại chỗ](trang 190-191)
- Step 1: prepare the learner
- Step 2: present the operation [trình bày thao tác]
- Step 3: do the tryout [thực hiện thử]
- Step 4: follow up
6. Apprenticeship training [đào tạo học việc] (trang 191)
7. Lectures (trang 192)
8. Programmed learning (trang 192)
9. Audiovisual-based training (trang 192-193)
10. Simulated training [đào tạo dựa trên mô phỏng] (trang 193)
11. Computer-based training (trang 193)
12. Distance and internet-based training (trang 193)
13. Teletraining (trang 193)
Management development (trang 194-196)
14. Succession planning (trang 194)
15. Managerial on-the-job training đào tạo quản lý tại chỗ] (trang 194)
- Job rotation [luân chuyển công việc]
- Mentoring [kèm cặp]
- Action learning
16. Off-the-job management training [đào tạo quản lý ngoài công việc] (trang 195-196)
- Case study method [phương pháp nghiên cứu tình huống]
- Management games
- Seminar and conference [hội thảo và hội nghị]
- University-related program
- Role play [đóng vai]
- Behavior modeling [mô hình hành vi]
- In-house training center [trung tâm đào tạo tại nhà]
- Excutive coach
Organizational development (trang 196-199)
17. Human process applications [ứng dụng quy trình của con người] (trang 197-198)
18. Techno-structural intervention [can thiệp công nghệ cấu trúc] (trang 198)
19. Human resource management application
[ứng dụng quản lý nguồn nhân lực] (trang 198)
20. Strategic OD application (trang 199)
Evaluating training programs (trang 199-200)
21. Design the study (trang 190)
- Controlled experiment [thí nghiệm có kiểm soát]
22. Measuring training outcome [đo lường kết quả đào tạo]
Training and development in Asia (trang 200-211)
23. China (trang 200-202)
- Management development
24. Hong Kong (trang 202)
25. India (trang 202-203)
26. Indonesia (trang 203)
27. Japan (trang 204)
28. Malaysia (trang 204-206)
- The public sector
- Private and foreign universities in Malaysia
- SDF and HRDF
- Training in the manufacturing sector
- Budget for training
29. Philippines (trang 206-207)
- Technical education
- Training in large local companies
30. Singapore (trang 207-209)
- On-the-job training in Singapore
- OJT training package
31. South Korea (trang 209)
- Management development
32. Taiwan (trang 209)
33. Thailand (trang 210)
- Entrepreneurship development program
- Formal training at corporate level
34. Vietnam (trang 211)
- Managemnet education
Regional management organizations (trang 211-212)
35. The Asian association of management organizations (trang 211)
36. The association of Southeast Asia Institutes of higher learning (trang 211)
37. Association of deans of Southeast Asian graduate schools of management (ADSGM)
(trang 212)
Chapter summary (trang 212)
Questions and case study (trang 213-218)


Purpose of this chapter (trang 222)
Basic concepts in performance management and appraisal (trang 222-223)
1. Comparing performance appraisal and performance management
[so sánh đánh giá hiệu suất và quản lý hiệu suất] (trang 222)
2. Defining the employees’s goals and work standards
[xác định mục tiêu và tiêu chuẩn công việc của nhân viên] (trang 223)
Introduction to appraising performance (trang 223)
3. The supervisor’s role
4. HR’s role
Step in appraising performance (trang 224)
Appraisal methods (trang 224-235)
5. Graphic rating scale method [phương pháp thang điểm đánh giá đồ họa] (trang 224-229)
- What to measure?
6. Alternation ranking method [phương pháp xếp hạng luân phiên] (trang 230)
7. Paired comparison method [pp so sánh theo cặp] (trang 230)
8. Forced distribution method [pp phân phối cưỡng bức] (trang 230)
9. Critical incident method [pp sự cố nghiêm trọng] (trang 230-231)
10. Narrative forms [hình thức thương nhật] (trang 232)
11. Behaviorally anchored rating scales [thang đánh giá cố định về mặt hành vi] (trang 233-
- Reseach insight (trang 233-234)
- Advantages (trang 235)
Management by objectives (trang 235-237)
12. A simple MBO program (trang 235)
- Step 1: set the organization’s goals
- Step 2: set departmental goals
- Step 3: discuss departmental goals
- Step 4: define expected results (set individual goals)
- Step 5: performance review
- Step 6: provide feedback
13. Problem with MBO (trang 236)
14. Computerized and web-based performance appraisal (trang 236)
15. Mixing the methods (trang 236-237)
Appraising performance: problems and solutions (trang 237-239)
16. Potential rating scale appraisal problems
[các vấn đề về thẩm địnhthang điểm xếp hạng tiềm năng] (trang 237-238)
- Unclear standards
- Halo effect
- Central tendency
- Lenient or strict [khiêm tốn hoặc nghiêm khắc]
- Bias
17. How to avoid appraisal problems (trang 238-239)
Who should do the appraising? (trang 239-240)
18. Direct supervisor [người giám sát trực tiếp]
19. Peer appraisals [đánh giá ngang hàng]
20. Rating committee [ủy ban đánh giá]
21. Self-rating
22. Appraisal by subordinates [đánh giá từ cấp dưới]
23. 360-degree feedback
The appraisal interview (trang 240-243)
24. Types of interviews (trang 240-242)
- Step 1: repare for the interview
- Step 2: prepare the employee
- Step 3: choose the time and place
25. How to handle a defensive subordinate (trang 242-243)
26. How to criticize a subordinate [phê bình cấp dưới] (trang 244)
27. How to ensure the interview leads to better performance (trang 244)
28. How to handle a formal written warning [cảnh báo bằng văn bản] (trang 244)
Creating the total performance management process
[tạo quy trình quản lý hiệu suất tổng thể] (trang 243-244)
Performance appraisal in Asia (trang 244-248)
29. China (trang 244-245)
30. Hong Kong (trang 245-246)
31. Singapore (trang 247)
32. South Korea (trang 246-247)
33. Thailand (trang 247)
34. Vietnam (trang 247)
Chapter summary (trang 249)
Questions and case study (trang 250-255)

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