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Groub 1

Member :

 Nurul Husna ( Presentation )

 Aliya Nabila ( Moderator )
 Uswatun Hasanah
 Mutia Ulfa
 Rizka Ananda
 Syafira Saskia
 Zahratun
 Balyan


1. Why children with fever should not be compressed with cold water? (Mauliza Syahra Nandia
grub 4 )
Answer :
Compress the child with warm water, not cold water or alcohol. Beucause, When given cold
water, the brain will think that the body temperature is cold so the brain will instruct the body
to correct its temperature by shivering to produce heat. As a result, the child's body
temperature does not go down but the heat increases ( Uswatun Hasanah )
2. To what extent can parents care for their child when he has a fever? ( Dara Maghfirah groub 2 )
Answer :
The child should be immediately taken to a doctor or puskesmas or hospital when the heat has
lasted for 3 days, the heat does not fall for 1X24 hours. Vomiting and diarrhea, when given a lot
of drinking and febrifuge but not going down, heat accompanied by convulsions and unwilling to
drink and decreased appetite. And If the child's fever increase for less than 3 days then it must
also be taken to the hospital . ( Mutia Ulfa )
3. What happens if parents are late to reduce fever in a child who has a fever? ( Riky Rezeki groub
Answer :
If treated too late, a fever that goes up and down will be at risk of causing serious complications.
such as typhus, dengue fever, convulsions and so on ( Syafira Saskia )

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