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Date: June 20, 2022

To: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

From: Ayisha Riaz, member of National Drinking Water Advisory Council
Subject: Distribution of at-home water quality kits
Distribution List: Science Advisory Board of the Drinking Water Advisory Committee

Dear Board Members,

As a highly accomplished federal agency, the Environmental Protection Agency is aware that
clean water is the foundation of all life. Through it, the United States has formed its world-
renowned industries, supported the economy, and secured the health of the nation. The
emergency efforts of the EPA are phenomenal and reliable. This is evident from the actions
taken to combat the massive hurricanes the US has experienced in recent years. Unfortunately,
some non-emergency federal policies fall short, and there are few systems in place to address the
clean drinking water issues on a local level.

The United States lacks more localized policies to ensure clean drinking water across the
country, particularly in smaller cities. Through research we have gathered that there is no
national standard for clean drinking water. Despite passing The Safe Drinking Water Act of
1974, there are still filtration issues that fall through the cracks. This act only sets the maximum
contaminant levels of established contaminants, not new ones. This act also does not apply at all
to bottled water and companies are allowed to sell bottled water from any source with any sort of

I am calling for the EPA to send water filters and water quality testers to every home in the US.
Sending water filters that attach directly to the kitchen sink would guarantee that the water
coming through will be clean and drinkable. Furthermore, sending water quality testers to each
home would allow for families to test their store-bought water and report back to the EPA with
the results. The rest of the action can be taken by the federal agency through policy change.

We undoubtedly have the resources and funding to make these changes and improve the health
of our citizens. Through these actions, we can prevent circumstances like the catastrophe of
Flint, Michigan. I will be sending a follow-up report with budget breakdowns and other
important details for distribution of these water-quality kits. Please contact me with any specific

Sincerely and with great hope,

Ayisha Riaz
Member, NDWAC
(336) 123-4567

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