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92 Overall Total

General - 0 (14 Total)

Adventurer’s Spirit - 0
Healthy - 2
Vigorx3 - 9
Staff - 2
Thrown Weapons - 1

Dendari - 0 (0 Total)
Family Hex - 0
Tradesman - 0

Profession - Master Smuggler and Captain - 5

Acrobat - 5 (19 Total)

Quick Feet - 2 (1E - Resist Root)
Reflexes - 3 (2A - Avoid Melee/Missile/Packet)
Contortionist - 3 (Passive - 10 sec RP, purge maim)
Always on the Move - 3 (Passive - No Effect to Slow)
Escape Artist - 3 (Passive - Purge Root/Paralyze, 60 sec RP)

Rogue - 5 (23 Total)

Backstab - 2 (1A - 2dmg/dbl 2dmg by weapon)
Legedermain - 2 (Passive - May manip. delicate items)
Evade - 3 (1W - Avoid Melee)
Hard to Kill - 3 (2F - Stabilize to Self)
Backstab Mastery - 4 (Passive - Backstab Mastery)
Luck - 4 (Passive - Elude first hit per 5 min rest [Mastery])

Scallywag - 3 (13 Total)

Experienced Drinker - 3 (Passive - Purge Mental/Metabolic&2dmg to self)
Keys of the Kingdom - 3 (Passive/1 of each element - Open a Lock)
Cheat Death - 4 (Daily - Purge Death and Drain to Self)

Storm Mage - 5 (16 Total)

Charged Bolt - 2 (1A - Dbl 2 Dmg by Lightning)
Screaming Winds - 3 (1W - Repel by Wind)
Air Mastery - 3 - (Passive - Air Mastery)
Flash - 3 - (Daily - Triple Avoid by Lightning)

Greater Allegiance (Gypsy) (2 Total)

Gypsy Mastery - 0
Dashing, In Any Culture - 1
Junk is Another Man’s Gems - 1

To be Taken:

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