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Ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body
to treat a disease or wound. Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of
oxygen (O3).

In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that ozone is toxic
and has no proven medical applications.

Still, some research Trusted Source has found that ozone may be used to treat
medical conditions by stimulating the immune system. It may also be used for
disinfection and to treat a range of diseases.

In the hospital, ozone therapy gas is made from medical-grade oxygen


How it works

Medical ozone has been used to disinfect medical supplies and treat different
conditions for more than 100 years. It may also help prevent infection in

According to research from 2018 Trusted Source, when ozone comes into
contact with body fluids, the resulting reactions form more proteins and red
blood cells. This increases oxygen supply in your body.

Ozone therapy may also disrupt unhealthy processes in your body. Research
has shown that ozone therapy can inactivate:

 bacteria
 viruses
 fungi
 yeast
 protozoa

What it helps treat

Ozone therapy may be used for a variety of conditions. Research is ongoing

regarding its effectiveness and safety.

Breathing disorders

People with breathing disorders may be good candidates for ozone therapy,
though more research is needed.

By increasing the oxygen levels in your blood, ozone therapy may help reduce
the stress on your lungs. Your lungs are responsible for supplying oxygen to
your blood.

A 2014 study looked at intravenous ozone therapy, or injecting ozone mixed

with blood, for treating COPD. It found that the therapy improved quality of
life and ability to exercise in former smokers with COPD.

Be aware that breathing in ozone may irritate or damage the lungs, especially
in people with respiratory diseases.

Although ozone may have beneficial uses, it’s also an air pollutant and
shouldn’t be inhaled. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
advises against using ozone air purifiers.


Ozone therapy also shows promise in reducing the risk of complications from

Complications are often caused by oxidative stress in the body. Research from
2018Trusted Source indicated that ozone may correct oxidative stress by
activating the body’s immune and antioxidant systems and reducing

According to a 2019 study, ozone therapy in people with diabetic foot ulcers
helped close the wound and reduced the chances of infection.

A 2015 study Trusted Source also found that ozone therapy could be helpful
for wound healing, a common side effect of diabetes.

Immune disorders

Ozone therapy may have benefits for people with immune disorders because
it appears to help stimulate the immune system.

A 2018 study found that ozone mixed with blood and injected into people with
HIV significantly reduced their viral load over a 2-year period.

A lower viral load means less of the virus is present, which can improve long-
term health.

The study noted that more research is needed on the use of ozone therapy for
the treatment of HIV.

How to prepare for ozone therapy

Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to prepare for your
treatment. They may provide ozone therapy by drawing blood from your
body, then mixing it with ozone gas and replacing it.

If ozone therapy will be administered with your blood, prepare for your blood
draw by getting plenty of sleep the night before and eating a healthy breakfast
that day. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water.

What happens during treatment

There are many different ways to receive ozone therapy. Your healthcare
provider will discuss the best options for you and your treatment.

Three main forms of treatment include administering ozone:

 Directly to the tissue. If you undergo ozone therapy for an extremity

problem or wound, the ozone gas will most likely be applied directly to
the tissue of the affected body part. The gas is administered in a
protective covering.
 Intravenously. To treat internal disorders, such as HIV, the ozone gas is
usually dissolved into blood that was taken from you. Then, the blood
with the dissolved gas is injected back into you through an IV.
Intravenous use can carry the risk of causing an embolism through the
formation of air bubbles.
 Intramuscularly. Ozone therapy is also available as an intramuscular
injection. For this injection, the ozone gas is often mixed with oxygen
before administration.


Research for ozone therapy shows mixed outcomes, though many results are
promising. Several ozone therapy clinical trials are in progress for conditions
from heart disease to arthritis.

Research from 2018 Trusted Source indicated that ozone therapy may help
with knee osteoarthritis by improving range of motion and delaying decline.

People with rheumatoid arthritis or back pain from herniated discs may also
benefit from ozone therapy, according to the research. However, there aren’t
enough studies on these conditions yet.

Ozone has additionally been used and studied in many aspects of dentistry.

Research from 2019 indicated that ozonated water may be effective as a

disinfectant during root canals. It may also help desensitize exposed dentin,
among other uses.

Many products are available to purchase that claim to provide ozone therapy,
but none have been proven effective. Ozone therapy should be conducted by a
trained healthcare provider or naturopathic practitioner.

Currently, there isn’t enough evidence for the FDA to support the use of ozone
therapy. More large-scale human studies are needed to demonstrate
effectiveness and safety.

Side effects

Ozone therapy isn’t widely used at this time, and there are risks. Ozone gas
has an odd number of atoms, which makes it unstable. This instability means
it can be unpredictable.

Healthcare providers should take extreme caution when using ozone therapy.
Ozone must be used in the proper amount and in the correct place, and it
shouldn’t be inhaled.

In 2019, the FDA released a warning about inhaling ozone because it can
irritate the lungs and cause fluid buildup that makes it difficult to breathe.

There are significant dangers when using ozone intravenously, at high doses,
or for a long time. Talk with your healthcare provider about all of the possible
risks and weigh them against the potential benefits.

You should also discuss other treatment options with your healthcare
provider to help determine the best treatment plan for your condition.

Costs and coverage

It can be difficult to estimate the cost of ozone therapy because the treatments
are individualized based on your medical condition and the duration of your

Insurance companies usually don’t cover ozone therapy, and it isn’t covered
by Medicaid.


Ozone therapy is controversial, but it may show promise. New clinical trials
for ozone therapy uses are in the works.

The FDA doesn’t approve the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of disease.
It has further said that ozone has “no known useful medical application.”

There also aren’t enough large long-term studies to understand all potential
adverse effects.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have questions about this treatment
and whether it’s right for you. If you do want to try it, be sure to choose a
provider with experience in ozone therapy.

IV Ozone Therapy: Does It Work and What to Expect?

IV ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into the
bloodstream to stimulate the immune system and help treat a disease or
wound. As opposed to the two molecules of Oxygen we breathe (O2), Ozone is
a clear gas made up of three molecules of Oxygen (O3). How does it compare
to other types of IV therapy, though?
How does it work?
Like other IV treatments, ozone IV treatments are administered intravenously.
However, this treatment is different in that blood is drawn and the ozone gas
is dissolved into the blood. The blood with the dissolved gas is then injected

back into the body through an IV. The treatment is currently offered at private
health clinics and with specialty in-home medical services.
Benefits of ozone therapy
Ozone therapy may be used to help treat a variety of conditions.
 Can help increase oxygen levels in the blood and therefore reduce stress
on the lungs for those with breathing disorders.
 Has the potential to activate the body’s immune and antioxidant
systems and reduce inflammation, promoting healing throughout the
 Has antiviral properties which may be used to treat certain viruses.
 Aims to enhance efficacy and decrease the harmful side effects of cancer
treatments. Used as an adjuvant to cancer treatments, ozone can create
antioxidants that may help promote cancer cell death.
Can ozone therapy be used to treat Lyme Disease?
Some resources on the internet suggest that ozone therapy may be used to
treat Lyme Disease by helping detox the liver, inactivate viruses and bacteria,
purify blood cells, and enhance circulation and cellular metabolism. However,
there is currently no scientific backing to support these claims.
Side effects of ozone IV therapy
Due to its odd numbers of atoms, ozone gas can be unstable and
unpredictable. The safety of ozone IV therapy has not been evaluated or
thoroughly studied, so it has not been widely adopted or used in practice.
Ozone dosing must be closely monitored and administered and should not be
inhaled. Ozone gas is toxic to humans, and inhaling ozone can cause irritation
of the lungs and fluid buildup, coughing, nausea, vomiting, or headaches.

UV Blood Irradiation
Light has wonderful associations with life, health and vitality. The ingredients
of sunlight have long been known to have health-giving benefits. Ultraviolet
Blood UBI is essentially, the healing power of light. Photoluminescence, as it is

also called, is prescribed at the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine, as
a therapy for a number of conditions and illnesses.
There is a wonderful history behind UBI. “In the 1940s, a multitude of articles
appeared in the American literature detailing a novel treatment for infection.
This treatment had a cure rate of 98 to 100% in early and moderately
advanced infections, and approximately 50% in terminally moribund patients.
Healing was not limited to just bacterial infections, but also viral (acute polio),
wounds, asthma, and arthritis.”
In spite of this success, in the latter part of the 20th century, this therapy
gained the name  “The Forgotten Cure,”  because of the rise of chemical and
artificial medicines in that time period. As we begin the 21st century, more
and more first-class Health and Wellness Centers are rediscovering the value
of this therapy for treating such conditions as:
Mononucleosis, MRSA infections, Multiple sclerosis, Osteomyelitis, Allergies –
both inhaled and food. It also might be prescribed for Autoimmune diseases
such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s Syndrome.

UBI has been used for:  Cancer – (including breast, colon and prostate,)
Chronic candidiasis – (chronic yeast overgrowth,) and chronic fatigue
syndrome. The treatment also might be prescribed for: Chronic Pain,
Peripheral vascular disease, Shingles and any type of Toxicity.
The session proceeds in four steps:
1. In our quiet treatment room, our nurse will remove 200 cc of blood.
2. This small amount of blood is passed through a quartz cuvette where it
is exposed to ultraviolet light, at exactly the same wavelength produced
by sunlight.
3. The blood is then returned to the blood stream.
4. Nature controls what happens next, and it is very exciting. The
“irradiated” blood stimulates a far-reaching auto-immune effect on all
the blood, systemically.
To put it simply, the re-vitalized blood communicates with the entire blood
system, charging up the body’s own natural immune system. Then the power

of the patient’s own white blood cells become capable of inactivating toxins,
destroying or at least inhibiting bacteria, virus, and fungi. So, if the
illustration above is a specimen plate full of bacteria being exposed to
ultraviolet light, the bacteria would be dying.
Your cellular immunity is boosted, and your circulation is increased. Your
blood flow and oxygenation are increased. You feel better, renewed. 
It is important to note that your general health and diagnosis will mandate
how many UBI sessions will be of benefit to you. We know every case is
unique, and we pride ourselves on meticulous examination and consultation
before prescribing this, or any other, therapy.   UBI is gentle, and it might be
combined easily with other treatments and nutritional guidance here at the
Center of Natural and Integrative Medicine.

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