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Assignment Meeting 10

Name : Arlangga Ray Bimasekti

NIT : 0820002122
Class : D-III Nautika C

Task 2. Fill in the blank in Preparations for Helicopter Rescue

1. All loose parts in the rigging must be taken down and secured
2. The vessel must maintain a steady course and a constant speed.
3. It is Important to give clear instruction to the crew – to brief them
4. Voice communication will be impossible because of the noise from helicopter eng
ines and rotor-blades
5. To Stand upright Will be poor, the air will be white with spray
6. If it is dark outside the captain may give orders to direct the ship’s spotlight towar
ds the deck
7. It is important that the light doesn’t blind the helicopter pilot who must have a goo
d view of the see area

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