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Faculty of Medicine and Health Care

Higher School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Disciplines

Dean of faculty

Kalmataeva Zh. А.
"______"________ 2021.



Nutrition and Digestion
Training direction
6B101 Health Care
6B10103 General Medicine
Year – 3
Semester – 5
Credits 4
Almaty 2021

Educational-Methodical Complex of the discipline was compiled by Professor Kurmanova G.M. Based on the educational program 6B10103 - General


Considered and recommended at a meeting of the Department of Clinical Disciplines "___" ______________ 2020, protocol No. ...

Head of Chair ____________________________________ prof. Kurmanova G.M. (signature)

Recommended by Methodical committee of HSM

«____» ___________ 20, protocol №

Head of Methodical committee of HSM ____________________ Dzhumasheva R.T (signature)

Al Farabi Kazakh National University
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Clinical subjects

Dean of faculty

Kalmataeva Zh. А.
"______"________ 2021.


5 semesters 2021-2022 academic year Academic information about course
Hours per week Number of

Code of Name of Type ECTS

discipline discipline
Practic SIWT SIW

PPS3207 Nutrition BD - 60 20 20 4
Course leader Yerkebulan Bossatbekov 9.00- 14.00 According
Nurlanuli sсhedule





of course
During the study of course, students should be competent in: -
Discipline includes the study of pathogenesis, pathology, clinical presentation of problems (clinical syndromes) and clinically oriented pharmacology of the
pathology of the digestive system and liver. Training involves the development of clinical argumentation, analytical and problem-oriented thinking, a deep
understanding of the problem in a clinical context; the formation and development of skills for the clinical diagnosis of pathology and the reasonable
formation of a syndromic diagnosis..
During the study of the discipline students will learn following aspects: -Apply knowledge of the pathogenesis of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
and the liver in the process of diagnosis and treatment
-To be able to carry out targeted questioning and physical examination of the patient, taking into account age-related features with pathology of the
gastrointestinal tract and the liver.
-Identify diagnostic and therapeutic interventions related to common diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract and the liver.
-Interpret the basic data of laboratory and instrumental examination in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and liver
-Integrate knowledge to identify the main syndromes of the gastrointestinal tract and liver: dysphagia, abdominal pain, gastric dyspepsia, intestinal
dyspepsia, jaundice (cholestasis), gastrointestinal bleeding, hepato-splenomegaly, hepatitis (cytolytic), hepatocellular insufficiency, portal
hypertension, diffuse change, volume formation in the liver.
-Describe the social, economic, ethnic and racial factors that play a role in the development, diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterological diseases. -Know
the classification, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, side effects, indications and contraindications to the use of drugs affecting gastrointestinal
motility, laxatives, pre- and probiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, enzymes, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs. -Demonstrate
the ability to effectively conduct medical interviewing, taking into account the rules and norms of the doctor-patient relationship and knowledge of the
basic principles of human behavior in different age periods, in normal conditions and with deviations in behavior, in different situations;
Learning Outcome Proficiency

1. Apply knowledge on the pathogenesis of the 2

gastrointestinal tract and liver pathology in the
process of diagnosis and treatment
2. To be able to conduct targeted questioning and 3
physical examination of a patient, taking into account
age characteristics with pathology of the
gastrointestinal tract and liver.
3. Identify diagnostic and therapeutic interventions 2
related to common diseases affecting the
gastrointestinal tract and liver.

4. Interpret the basic data of laboratory and 2

instrumental examination in pathology of the
gastrointestinal tract and liver.

5. Integrate knowledge to identify the main 3

syndromes of gastrointestinal tract and liver damage:
dysphagia, abdominal pain, gastric dyspepsia,
intestinal dyspepsia, jaundice (cholestasis),
gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly,
hepatitis (cytolytic), hepatocellular failure, portal
hypertension, diffuse change, mass formation in the
6. Describe the social, economic, ethnic and racial 2
factors that play a role in the development, diagnosis,
and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
7. Apply the classification of gastroenterological 3
diseases, understand the mechanism of action,
pharmacokinetics, analyze side effects, indications
and contraindications for the use of drugs that affect
gastrointestinal motility, laxatives, pre- and
probiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, enzymes, inhibitors of
proteolytic enzymes, anti-inflammatory, antiviral
8. Demonstrate the ability for effective medical 2
interviewing, taking into account the rules and norms
of the doctor-patient relationship and knowledge of
the basic principles of human behavior in different
age periods, in norm and with deviations in behavior,
in different situations;
9. Demonstrate commitment to the highest standards 2
of professional responsibility and integrity; - comply
with ethical principles in all professional
10. Demonstrate the need for continuing professional 3
education and improvement of their knowledge and
11. Demonstrate skills in scientific research, pursuit 3
of new knowledge and transfer of knowledge to
Prerequisite General pathology

Postrequisite Profile disciplines

Information Educational literature:
al 1. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы Әдістемелік оқу құралы 2013 2.
resources Пропедевтика внутренних болезней: учебник / Мухин Н.А., Моисеев В.С.,
М:,Геотар Медиа 2008
3. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы: оқулық — М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа,2015. —
б.: ил. Н.А. Мухин, В.С. Моисеев; қазақтіліндегі редакциясын басқарған
Б.Б. Абдахина; жауапты редакторы В.А. Ткачев.
4. «Ас қорыту жүйесі» модулі модуль «Пищеварительная система»:
Интеграцияланған оқулық: қазақ жəне орыс тiлдерiнде / — М.:
Литтерра, 2014. —376 б.: ил
5. BATES' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12th edition 6.
Macleod’s Clinical Examination 14th Edition, 2017 7. USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture
Notes 2020. Internal Medicine
8. Lippincot Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 7th Edition, 2019.
9. Robbins Essential Pathology, 2021.
10. USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2021.Pathology

Internet sources
1. -
2. - 3. - 4. Osmosis -
5. Ninja Nerd - 6.
CorMedicale - - medical video
animations in Russian.
7. Lecturio Medical - 8.
SciDrugs - - video lectures on
pharmacology in Russian.
Academic The rules of academic conduct:
policy of the 1) Appearance:
course in the • office dress code
context of • clean ironed white coat
• medical mask
• medical cap (or a neat hijab without drooping ends)
• medical gloves
• second pair of shoes
• neat hairstyle, long hair have to be gathered in a ponytail, or a bun, both for
girls and guys. Neatly trimmed nails. Bright, dark manicure is prohibited. It is
permissible to cover the nails with transparent
• name badge
2) necessary to have a phonendoscope, blood pressure monitor,
measuring tape
3) Properly executed sanitary (medical) book.
4) Availability of a vaccination passport or other document on the fully
completed course of vaccination against COVID-19 5) Mandatory compliance
with the rules of personal hygiene and safety 6) Systematic preparation for the
educational process.
7) Accurate and timely record keeping.
8) Active participation in the medical-diagnostic and social activities of the

1. No lateness for classes or morning conferences is allowed. If you are late -
the decision on admission to the lesson is made by the teacher leading the
lesson. If there is a valid reason, it is better to inform the teacher about the
delay and the reason by message or by phone. After the third delay, the
student writes an explanatory letter to the head of the department indicating
the reasons for the delay and goes to the dean's office to obtain admission
to the lesson. If you are late without a good reason - the teacher has the
right to remove points from the current grade (1 point for each minute of
2. Leaving class ahead of schedule, being outside the workplace during school
hours is regarded as absenteeism (truancy).
3. Additional work of students during school hours (during practical classes and
shifts) is not allowed.
4. For students who have more than 3 times absenteeism (truancy) without
notifying class teacher or Advisor teacher, a report is issued with a
recommendation for expulsion.
5. Missed classes are not completed.
6. When conducting an online lesson, all students are required to connect with a
7. In case of technical problems with a computer, laptop, Internet connection,
modem, router, video camera, microphone, the student must take photo/
screenshots/video evidence. The student is obliged to immediately report the
problem to the teacher or leader student of the group. Provide evidence of
technical problems at the first request by the teacher or Advisor teacher.
8. If the points specified in clause 7 are not fulfilled, the student is considered
absent from the lesson.
9. When conducting an online classes, the student must be present in the online
meeting in a neat form - washed, combed, dressed in a white doctor's coat. 10.
It is unacceptable to attend online classes in a sleepy state, even despite the
time difference between Almaty and the student's location.
11. When conducting an online lesson, the student must be in a room where it is
light, quiet, there are no strangers. It is unacceptable to join classes while in
a taxi, shop, pharmacy, cafe, park, in the courtyard of a house or in other
places that are not suitable for study. When joining classes from places
unsuitable for study, the student is considered absent from the class.
12. Students are fully subject to the Internal Regulations of the Department's
clinical bases, that is, the requirements of a hospital, a hospital, a polyclinic,
a simulation center where the lesson is held.
Academic values:
Academic Honesty and Integrity: Students are required to complete all assignments
independently. Plagiarism, cheating forgery of completed assignments, forgery of
student's identity, use of cheat sheets, use of additional resources in cases where it
is prohibited, violation of the requirement for video proctoring, deception of the
teacher by any other means are unacceptable and the results of examination
(midterns, exams) will be canceled in the event of violations of academic integrity.
Disrespectful attitude and appeal to the teacher is unacceptable.
Evaluation and Criteria evaluation:
Assessment assessment of work on the activities of the check-list of the department
Policy Summative assessment: final control on the discipline of 2 stages: 1.
MCQ testing

Calendar of the implementation of the course content:

№ Topic title Numbe
r of

1. Dysphagia syndrome and disorders of the esophagus motor function 5 1-12

2. Gastric dyspepsia, gastric ulcer and (or) duodenal ulcer, abdominal pain 5 1-12

3. Intestinal dyspepsia, impaired motor function of the colon syndromes 5 1-12

4. Maldigestion and malabsorption syndrome, pain syndrome with damage 5 1-12
to the pancreas

Border control -1

5. Hepatitis (cytolytic) and mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome 10 1-12

6. Jaundice (cholestasis), gastrointestinal bleeding, hepato-splenomegaly 10 1-12


7. Hepatocellular insufficiency, portal hypertension syndrome 10 1-12

8. Diffuse change, volume formation syndromes in the liver. 10 1-12

Border control - 2

Final control

1 Stage - Testing

2 Stage –OSCE (objective structured clinical examination)

Head of Department_______________________________ professor G.M. Kurmanova Chairman methodical bureau of the
HSM____________________________ R.T.Dzhumasheva емы

For the course as a whole - overall admission rating (OAR- ОРД)

Seminar or training 25%

Patient supervision and practical clinical skills 10%

ISW 5%

Border control 1 60%

Finals for Border control 1 100%

Seminar or training 25%

Patient supervision and practical clinical skills 10%

ISW 5%

Midterm 60%
Finals for Midterm 100%

Seminar or training 20%

Patient history 20%

Border control 2 60%

Finals for Border control 2 100%

Final grades for discipline: OAR 60% + Exam 40%

Exam (2 steps) – testing (40%) + OSKE (60%) рите
то даль
№ Topic name Content What to read

2 3 4
1. Dysphagia Anatomical structure and function of the esophagus. Interrogating the patient in case of 1. Мухин Н.А.,
syndrome diseases of the digestive system. Physical research methods. Systematization of complaints Моисеев В.С.
and with dysphagia syndrome and impaired motor function of the esophagus. The clinical picture Пропедевтика внутренних
of dysphagia syndrome, regurgitation. Pathophysiological ways of violation of the act of болезней: учебник. — 2-е
disorders of the
swallowing. Instrumental and laboratory methods for studying a patient with dysphagia изд., доп. и
esophagus motor syndrome and motor function of the esophagus. Differential diagnosis and differential
function перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
diagnostic criteria for dysphagia syndrome and impaired motor function of the esophagus.
(achalasia, pseudo achalasia, esophageal diverticulum, hiatal hernia, esophageal motor 2020г, стр 104-178 .
dysfunction, diffuse esophageal spasm, gastroesophageal reflux disease - GERD, esophagitis 2. Nicholas J Talley,
as a complication of GERD, Barrett's esophagus,) Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture of Brad
dysphagia syndrome and impaired motor function of the esophagus. Etiopathogenetic Frankum & David
pharmacotherapy of dysphagia syndrome and disorders of the motor function of the Currow. Essentials of
esophagus (antacids, H2-histamine blockers, prokinetics, proton pump inhibitors, etc.). Internal medicine
Surgical treatments. Elsevier. 3d edition,
Chapter 12, p 320- 323
ISW: Other forms of esophagitis not associated with GERD: eosinophilic, infectious - (Электронный ресурс).
bacterial, viral, fungal, drug-induced, etc., rupture of the esophagus - Mallory-Weiss syndrome 3. Ас коры ту ж үйесі.
Жауапты редакторлары
профессор С.Б. Жəутікова,
доцент С.Д. Нурсултанова
4. Harrisson’s Manual of
Medicine/ 20th Edition,
Section 6, chapter 40, p.
249- 253, p. 2209-2220.
5. ab
2. Gastric Anatomical structure and function of the stomach and duodenum. Interrogation of patients 1. Мухин Н.А.,
dyspepsia, Моисеев В.С.
with diseases of the digestive system. Physical research methods. Systematization of
Gastric ulcer and Пропедевтика внутренних
complaints in pain syndrome (detail, features, nature, etc.), dyspeptic syndrome (changes in
(or) duodenal болезней: учебник. — 2-е
appetite, the difference between esophageal, gastric, intestinal dyspepsia), bleeding изд., доп. и
ulcer, abdominal (esophageal, gastric, intestinal), general manifestations syndrome of the disease (weight
pain syndromes перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
loss , fever, general neurosis). Secretory (acid-forming, enzyme-producing, hormone 2020г, стр 104-178 .
secretion), excretory function of the stomach, motor function, morphofunctional research 2. Nicholas J Talley,
methods. Increase (syndrome of increased), decreased (syndrome of decreased) secretory Brad
function, Frankum
pyloric stenosis as a manifestation of dyspeptic syndrome. Physical, laboratory and & David Currow.
instrumental research methods of the digestive system in pain, dyspeptic syndrome. Essentials of Internal
Differential diagnosis for dyspeptic syndrome: autoimmune chronic gastritis (type A), medicine Elsevier. 3d
chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis (type B), reflux gastritis (type C). Basic clinical edition, Chapter 12, p.
diagnostic, differential diagnostic criteria. The value of morphological research. 323-327 (Электронный
Classification of chronic gastritis, clinical picture and diagnosis of chronic gastritis, Special ресурс).
forms of gastritis (gastropathy). Treatment of chronic autoimmune gastritis. Treatment of 3. Ас коры ту ж үйесі.
chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori. Etiology and pathogenesis of peptic Жауапты редакторлары
ulcer disease. Peculiarities of morphogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. Classification of peptic профессор С.Б.
ulcer. The clinical picture of peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer diagnostics. Methods for Жəутікова, доцент С.Д.
diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection. Gastropathy stimulated by the intake of nonsteroidal Нурсултанова. 4.
anti inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. Symptomatic ulcers. Peptic ulcer treatment Harrisson’s Manual of
(pharmacotherapy or conservative treatment: anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy; surgical Medicine/ 20th Edition,
treatment). Ulcer and non ulcer bleeding: causes, clinical picture, classification of ulcer Section 6, chapter 41, p.
253- 259, p.2220-2244.
bleeding according to Forrest, tactics and techniques of endoscopic hemostasis.
5. Mechanisms of Clinical
signs Dennis, Bowen and
Cho 2 nd edition. 151- 277
стр. 6. History and Clinical
Examination at a Glance
Third edition Jonathan
Gleadle 178-179 стр
7. Graham Douglas , Fiona
Nicol . Macleods Clinical
Examination. 13th Edition –
2013 year 137-165 Step
up_to_ Medicine_
4th_edition_2016, 79-88
ac ute-management-of-
upper-gi bleeding/
3. Intestinal Anatomical structure and function of the small and large intestine. Interrogation of patients 1. Мухин Н.А., Моисеев
dyspepsia, with diseases of the digestive system. Physical research methods. Systematization of В.С. Пропедевтика
impaired motor complaints in intestinal dyspepsia syndrome. Functional diagnostics of intestinal diseases внутренних болезней:
(digestive, parietal digestion, excretory, motor function). Laboratory and instrumental research учебник. — 2-е изд., доп. и
function of the methods. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture of the syndrome of intestinal dyspepsia and перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
colon syndrome of impaired motor function of the colon. Inflammatory bowel disease. Differential 2020г, стр 104-178.
syndromes diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases and differential diagnostic criteria for dyspepsia 2. Nicholas J Talley, Brad
syndrome and syndrome of colon impaired motor function (Ulcerative colitis. Crohn's Frankum & David
disease. Diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases. Extraintestinal manifestations and Currow. Essentials of
complications of inflammatory bowel diseases. Treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. Internal medicine
Pharmacotherapy. Surgical treatment. Nutrition Risk of colorectal cancer. Undifferentiated Elsevier. 3d edition,
colitis. Celiac disease (celiac disease). Definition and prevalence of celiac disease Etiology Chapter 12, p.
and pathogenesis of celiac disease. Pathomorphology of celiac disease. Classification of 327- 358 (Электронный
celiac disease. Clinical picture of celiac disease. Complications of celiac disease Diagnosis ресурс).
of celiac disease. Treatment of celiac disease Synciditis irritable bowel Irritable bowel 3. Ас коры ту ж үйесі.
syndrome Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome Жауапты редакторлары
профессор С.Б.
Diarrhea Diagnosis of diarrhea Treatment of diarrhea. Constipation. Classification I,
Жəутікова, доцент С.Д.
etiology and pathogenesis of constipation. Clinical picture and diagnosis of constipation. Нурсултанова. 4.
Constipation treatment. Harrisson’s Manual of
Medicine/ 20th Edition,
Section 6, chapter 42, p.
259- 270, p. 2244-2291, p.
2294- 2298.
5. Davidsons principles
and ractices of medicine/ p
837 (Электронный
ресурс) 6. Mechanisms of
Clinical signs Dennis,
Bowen and Cho 2 nd
edition. 151- 277 стр.
ul cerative-colitis-uc/
co eliac-disease/
m/s mall-intestine/
4. Anatomical structure and function of the small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, 1. Мухин Н.А., Моисеев
Maldigestion and
gallbladder. Interrogation of patients with diseases of the digestive system. Physical research В.С. Пропедевтика
methods. Functional diagnostics of intestinal diseases (digestive, parietal digestion, внутренних болезней:
syndrome, pain
excretory, motor function). Malabsorption syndrome, digestive insufficiency syndrome. The учебник. — 2-е изд., доп. и
syndrome with
clinical picture of

damage to the the syndrome of abdominal pain. The most common causes of abdominal pain. Physical перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
pancreas examination of a patient with abdominal pain, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. 2020г, стр 104-178 .
Differential diagnosis and differential diagnostic criteria for abdominal pain. Etiology and 2. Nicholas J Talley, Brad
pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis. The clinical picture of chronic pancreatitis. Instrumental Frankum & David
and laboratory diagnostics of chronic pancreatitis. The course of chronic pancreatitis. Currow. Essentials of
Complications of chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis treatment. Emergency care for Internal medicine
severe exacerbation of edematous-interstitial chronic pancreatitis. Therapy for exacerbations Elsevier. 3d edition,
of chronic pancreatitis. Prevention of exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis. Etiology Chapter 12, p. 358- 363
Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Cholelithiasis. Acute and chronic calculous (Электронный ресурс).
cholecystitis. 4. Harrisson’s Manual of
Medicine/ 20th Edition, p.
ac ute-pancreatitis/
5. Hepatitis Anatomical structure and function of the liver. Liver histotopography. Physiology of the liver. 1. Мухин Н.А., Моисеев
(cytolytic) and General principles for the diagnosis of liver diseases. Interrogation of patients with diseases of В.С. Пропедевтика
mesenchymal the digestive system. Physical research methods. Cytolytic syndrome is a violation of the внутренних болезней:
inflammatory integrity of the membranes (cytolysis) of hepatocytes and their organelles. учебник. — 2-е изд., доп. и
syndrome Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
(enzymodiagnostics). Differential diagnosis and differential diagnostic criteria. The role of the 2020г, стр 104-178.
cytochrome P450 system.
2. Nicholas J Talley,
Non-viral hepatitis:
Alcoholic liver disease. Definition. Development stages: steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis.
Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. Treatment methods Frankum & David
(abstinence, maintenance therapy, GCS therapy). Chronic alcoholism. Alcoholic disease of the Currow. Essentials of
body. Further forecast (Maddrey scale). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Internal medicine
Definition. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Definition. Elsevier. 3d edition,
Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Pharmacotherapy. Forecast. Chapter 12, p. 372- 384
Drug-toxic liver damage. Medicinal hepatitis: Hepatotoxicity due to medicinal herbs and (Электронный ресурс).
food additives. Hepatotoxicity of drugs: NSAIDs, anti-tuberculosis (isoniazid), 3. Harrisson’s Manual
antipsychotics, antiarrymic drugs (amiadarone), etc. Treatment methods. Autoimmune of
hepatitis. Variants of autoimmune hepatitis: definitions, pathogenesis, clinical picture, Medicine/ 20th Edition, p.
treatment. React hepatitis. Definition. Treatment methods. Viral hepatitis: 2332-2342, p. 2347-2405. 4.
Davidson’s principles and
practice of Medicine, 22nd
edition, pgs 928, 943
Infection caused by hepatitis A and E viruses in adults: epidemiology, clinical 5.
manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Characteristics of hepatitis A, E. The hy perlipidaemia/
mechanism of transmission of infection. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Treatment of 6.
viral hepatitis A, E. Hepatitis B virus. Characteristics of the hepatitis B virus, pathogenesis ch olesterol-metabolism/
of infection. Clinical significance and molecular characteristics of common hepatitis B
virus variants. Clinical significance of hepatitis B virus genotypes. Combination therapy
for chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Entecavir in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B
virus infection. Immunization against hepatitis B virus in adults. Hepatitis B virus
reactivation associated with immunosuppressive therapy. Tenofovir and adefovir for the
treatment of chronic HBV infection.
Hepatitis C virus. Characteristics of the hepatitis C virus. Epidemiology and transmission of
hepatitis C virus infection. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of acute hepatitis
C virus in adults. Extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C virus infection. Histological
assessment systems for chronic liver disease. Direct-acting antiviral drugs for the treatment
of hepatitis C viral infection.
Hepatitis D virus. Diagnosis of hepatitis D viral infection. Pathogenesis, epidemiology,
natural course and clinical manifestations of hepatitis D virus infection. Treatment and
prevention of hepatitis D virus infection. Hepatitis E virus Infection with hepatitis E virus
Hepatitis G virus
GB virus C (hepatitis G) infection
Blood transfusion virus
TT virus and other anelloviruses.
Liver damage with cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus.
Etiology. Pathogenesis. Treatment. Forecast.

ISW: SARS-CoV 2 associated hepatitis. Definition. Feature of the strains. Pathogenesis.

Role of ACE 2 receptors. The clinical picture. Treatment methods according to the latest
recommendations (WHO, CDC)

6. Jaundice Anatomical structure and function of the liver, bile ducts, spleen. Interrogation of patients 1. Мухин Н.А., Моисеев
(cholestasis), with diseases of the digestive system. Physical research methods. Cholestasis syndrome. В.С. Пропедевтика
gastrointestinal Definition. Etiology. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Instrumental and laboratory внутренних болезней:
bleeding, diagnostics. Pharmacotherapy methods. Syndrome of hepatosplenomegaly. Definition. учебник. — 2-е изд., доп.
hepato Etiology.

splenomegaly, Pathogenesis. Differential diagnosis and differential diagnostic criteria for перераб. М.: ГЭОТАР –
syndrome cholestasis syndrome and hepatosplenomegaly syndrome. 2020г, стр 104-178.
Hemochromatosis. Definition. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Instrumental and laboratory 2. Nicholas J Talley, Brad
research methods. Treatment methods. Forecast. Primary biliary cholangitis / primary Frankum & David
sclerosing cholangitis. Definition. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Treatment methods.
IgG4 associated cholangiopathy. Definition. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Treatment Currow. Essentials of
methods. Cholangicarcinoma. Definition. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Treatment Internal medicine
methods. Wilson-Konovalov's disease. Definition. Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Elsevier. 3d edition,
Treatment methods. Congestive hepatopathy. Etiology. Definition. The clinical picture. Chapter 12, p. 372- 383, p.
Treatment methods. Syndrome of obstruction of sinusoidal sinusoids of the liver 400-401 (Электронный
(venoocclusive disease) in adults. ресурс).
4. Harrisson’s Manual
of Medicine/ 20th Edition,
ISW: Syndrome of obstruction of sinusoidal sinusoids of the liver (veno-occlusive disease) Section 6, chapter 45, p.
in children. 276- 281, p. 2342-2347,
2422- 2433.
5. Bickley L. Bates'
Guide to Physical
Examination and History-
Taking. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2012
ch olangitis/
7. Hepatocellul 1. Мухин Н.А.,
ar Anatomical structure and function of the liver. Interrogation of patients with diseases of the Моисеев В.С.
insufficiency digestive system. Physical research methods. Hepatocellular failure syndrome. Definition. Пропедевтика внутренних
, Classification of the syndrome of hepatocellular failure (along the course: acute, chronic; by болезней: учебник. — 2-е
portal stages: initial - compensated, pronounced - decompensated, terminal - dystrophic, hepatic
изд., доп. и перераб. М.:
hypertension coma). Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture of hepatocellular insufficiency syndrome.
Differential diagnosis and differential diagnostic criteria for hepatocellular failure. Cirrhosis ГЭОТАР –
of the liver. Definition. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Harmonious liver function. Child Turkot- 2020г, стр 104-178.
Pugh classification. (A, B, C). The clinical picture. Portal hypertension syndrome. 2. Nicholas J Talley,
Definition. Clinical picture (ascites, stages of ascites: 1, 2, 3). Complication of portal Brad
hypertension: hepatopulmonary, hepatorenal syndrome, varicose veins of the esophagus, Frankum & David
stomach, intestines. Participation in hemostasis. Hypersplenism.
Currow. Essentials of
Hepatic encephalopathy. Mental status studies. Intoxication psychosis. Hepatic coma. Internal medicine
Definition. Classification (stage: 1, 2, 3, 4). Pathogenesis. The clinical picture. Methods for the Elsevier. 3d edition,
diagnosis of hepatic Chapter 12, p. 384- 400
(Электронный ресурс)
encephalopathy. Treatment methods (pharmacotherapy, surgical treatment methods: 4. Harrisson’s Manual of
liver transplantation). Differential diagnosis and differential diagnostic criteria. Medicine/ 20th Edition,
Section 6, chapter 44, p.
272- 276, p. 281-285, p.
2405- 2414.
5. Talley and
O’connor’s Clinical
Examination 8th edition.
Chapter 14, 274276 стр.
6. Dennis Bowen and
Cho 2 edtion Mechanism

of Clinical signs. Chapter

572-641 стр.
c ute-management-ofupper-
gi bleeding/
/as citic-fluid-analysis/
8. Diffuse change, Focal liver lesions: liver tumors. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical 1. Bolog N., Andreisek
volume picture of hepatocellular carcinoma. Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. Contrast G., Oancea I., Mangrau
formation enhanced ultrasound to assess liver damage. Epidemiology and risk factors for hepatocellular A. CT and MR imaging
carcinoma. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Management of potentially
syndromes in of
resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: prognosis, role of neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy, and
the liver. follow-up after treatment. Non-surgical treatments for localized hepatocellular carcinoma: hepatocellular carcinoma //
radiofrequency ablation, laser and microwave ablation, percutaneous injection therapy, J. Gastrointestin. Liver
cryoablation, high-intensity focused ultrasound, and irreversible electroporation. Non-surgical Dis. 2011. Vol. 20, №2. Р.
treatments for localized hepatocellular carcinoma: transarterial embolization, radiation 181- 189.
therapy, and radioembolization. Review of approaches to the treatment of hepatocellular
carcinoma. Stage and prognosis factors for hepatocellular carcinoma. Surgical treatment of
potentially resectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma in
adults. Systemic treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma Diagnosis and treatment of
cystic liver damage
Focal nodular hyperplasia

Hemangioma of the liver

Hepatocellular adenoma
Pyogenic liver abscess
Echinococcosis of the liver

Check – list for history taking and physical examination of patient/medical simulation (maximum 100 points)
№ Criteria 10 8 6 4 2

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need correction Bad

1. Communication Student introduced Student introduced Student Student did not Communication
skills when himself to the patient. himself to the introduced fully introduce with the patient is
interviewing a Asked how to patient. Asked himself to the himself to the negative. The
patient address the patient. how to address the patient. patient, did not ask basic
He spoke in a patient. He spoke Asked the patient's name. requirements
benevolent tone, his in a benevolent how to address The student's for
voice sonorous and tone, the speech was not communicating
clear. Polite wording his voice sonorous patient. He intelligible, the
voice was not with the patient
of questions. Showed and clear. Polite spoke in a
intelligible. No are not met,
empathy for the wording of benevolent tone,
open ended there is no
patient - the posture questions. Showed his voice
questions were manifestation of
of a doctor, support empathy for the sonorous and asked, the patient empathy for the
patient (# okey, right patient - the posture clear. Polite answers in patient.
and ect.). He asked of a doctor, support wording of monosyllables.
open-ended questions. patient (# okey, right questions. He The student did
and ect.). He asked asked few not pay attention
open-ended openended to the comfort
questions. questions. of the patient,
did not
Collecting Identified the main Identified the Identified the The student cannot Did NOT
complaints and secondary main and main distinguish between reveal any
(chief concern) complaints of the secondary complaints of major complaints details of the
patient. Identified complaints of the the patient.
and minor disease. The
important details of patient. Identified
the disease (eg, dry Identified important details complaints. Did collection of
cough or is it ahy important details of the disease not reveal important complaints is
sputum when you of the disease (eg, (eg, dry or details of the limited only to
coughing? What color dry or phlegm phlegm cough? disease. Asks the subjective
/ odor is the cough? What What color chaotic questions. words of the
phlegm?). Asked color /odor is the patient
questions regarding /odor is the himself.
differential phlegm?).

Collecting Revealed the Revealed the Revealed the This stage is

The student cannot
history of chronology of the chronology of the chronology of the skipped by the
build a chronology of
current disease development of
the disease, development of development of the development of student. There is
important details of the disease, the disease. the disease. Asks only information
the disease (for important Asked about chaotic questions. said by the
example, when did details of the disease the patient himself.
the shortness of (for example, when current
breath get worse?). did the shortness of medications taken
Asked breath get worse?). for this disease.
about the current Asked about the
medications taken current medications
for this disease. taken for this
Asked questions disease.

Past medical history Revealed allergic operations, Revealed allergic Revealed allergic This stage is
anamnesis, chronic medications taken anamnesis, anamnesis, family skipped by the
diseases, operations, on an ongoing chronic history. student. There is
medications taken on basis, family diseases, family only
an ongoing basis, history, social history. information
family history, social status of the said by the
status of the patient, patient, patient
occupational occupational himself.
hazards, hazards,
epidemiological epidemiological
anamnesis anamnesis
2 Patient The patient was The patient was The sequence of Polling sequence is The survey
interview interviewed interviewed the interview is broken. The student was not
quality sequentially in sequentially in order, out of order, but repeats the same conducted
order, but depending but the quality of questions. The sequentially,
on the situation and depending on the the information information the student
the patient's situation and the collected collected is not asks
characteristics, the suggests a qualitative, not
patient's probable suggesting a random
student changes characteristics, the diagnosis. probable questions that
the order of the student changes the diagnosis. are not
interview. At the order of the relevant to the
end, he interview. At Does not use a patient's case, or
summarizes all the the end, he list of Does not use a the student does
questions and summarizes all the problems - - list of problems - not ask any
receives questions and - can not questions at all.
feedback from the can not
receives highlight the highlight the Does not use a
patient (for feedback from the list of
example, main and main and
patient (for problems
let's summarize secondary secondary
example, let's --
- you got sick a week problems. problems.
summarize - you can not
ago, when fever
and dry highlight
the main and
cough first appeared, got sick a week secondary
then yellow sputum, ago, when fever problems.
shortness of breath and dry cough
appeared, is that first appeared,
then yellow
right?). Collected sputum, shortness
high-quality detailed of breath
information leading appeared, is that
to a probable right?).
diagnosis. Uses a Collected high
list of problems - quality detailed
can highlight the information leading
main and secondary to a probable
problems. diagnosis. Uses a
list of
problems - can
highlight the
main and main
3. Time - The minimum time The survey was The patient The survey
management of spent interviewing a interview time is Long survey, the
conducted quickly student is wasting ended without
patient patient in a group. The enough. The student delayed, but revealing
his time. The
interviews. Control student is is confident in does not cause important
discomfort to the patient expresses
of the situation. selfconfident, in himself, in control of discomfort, information. The
complete control of patient. The survey takes too
the situation. The student does not prolonged
the situation. The interrogation. The long, the
patient is satisfied. lose his
patient is satisfied. student is not atmosphere of
composure. There confident in communication
is no negative himself and is is negative.
from the patient's lost in Possible
side. communication with conflict with the
the patient. patient.

10 8 6 4 2

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need correction Bad

4 Communication Asked the patient Asked the patient Asked the Asked the patient Contact
skills during the (or relatives, (or relatives, patient (or (or relatives, with the
physical parents, parents, relatives, parents, patient's
examination guardians) guardians) parents, guardians) body
of the patient for consent for consent guardians) for for consent without prior
for a physical for a physical consent for a for a physical consent.
examination. Explained examination. physical examination.

to the patient what Explained to the examination.

and how he will patient what and Explained to the
check (for example, I how he will check patient what and
will listen to your lungs (for how he will
with a example, I will check (for
stethoscope, check listen to your example, I will
your belly/ abdomen lungs with a listen to your
with my hand) stethoscope, check lungs with a
your belly with stethoscope,
my hand) check your belly
with my hand)
5 Assessment of the Correctly calculated Correctly calculated The error in the The error in the Does not know
patient's the points on the the points on the assessment on assessment on a the criteria of
level of scale. scale. Correctly uses the scale is not more scale is more than the
consciousness Correctly uses medical terminology than 2 points. 3 points. Confused Glasgow scale.
according to the medical terminology to refer to level of Knows the in medical Doesn't know
Glasgow scale. to refer to level of consciousness. terminology to terminology. how to use the
consciousness. indicate the level of scale.
consciousness. Does not know
differentiation of
the level of
Assessment of Technically correctly Technically Minor errors in Gross errors in the Does not know
the patient's vital measured the vital signs correctly measured the technique of technique of the technique of
signs - heart rate, of the patient. Uses the vital measuring vital measuring vital signs, measuring vital
RR, medical terminology signs of the signs. The signs. Does not
distortion of the
blood pressure, correctly when patient. Uses measurement know the
assessing vital signs results. The student
oxygen medical results are not normative data
saturation, body (e.g. can independently
terminology distorted. The for assessing
temperature, tachypnea, correct errors in blood
correctly when student can
body mass index. tachycardia, hypoxia, medical terminology. pressure, pulse
assessing vital himself correct
etc.) the mistakes rate, respiratory
signs (e.g.
tachypnea, made in the use rate, saturation,
tachycardia, of medical body temperature.
hypoxia, etc.) terminology.
6 Technique for The physical The physical The physical The physical During the
conducting a examination of the examination of the examination of examination was not physical
physical patient was carried out patient was carried the patient was carried out examination,
examination of according to the out according to the performed in systemically, the gross violations
the patient. systems, according to systems, according to violation of the patient got up several were made - he
does not know
the established systemic order, times, went to procedure and
the established order, order, the technique but without bed, changed his technique for
the technique of of palpation, causing posture, and conducting a
palpation, auscultation and inconvenience experienced physical
auscultation and percussion was to discomfort. Only examination
percussion was correct. Explains to the patient. The selected systems of
correct. Explains to the patient what technique of are covered, the patient.
the patient what changes are palpation, The technique of
changes are Does not know
detected, and what auscultation performing the norm and
detected, and what should be the norm. and percussion palpation,
should be the norm. pathology of
is satisfactory percussion, and physical data.
All-important and requires auscultation
All-important physical findings minor required significant Cannot detect
physical findings corrections
(both correction from the any violation.
(both pathological from teacher.
pathological and teacher. The student
and normal) have The main
normal) have been is confused about
been identified pathologic signs
identified for a the definition of
for a probable of disease were
probable diagnosis.
diagnosis. found normal and
The student can (sufficient for pathological
The student can change the order the changes. Major
change the order of examination formulation of violations were
of examination depending on the a probable NOT identified. Not
depending on the
identified symptoms. diagnosis. enough data to
identified symptoms.
Student details the make a probable
Student details the
symptoms identified diagnosis.
symptoms identified
(for example, have
(for example, have you
you noticed
noticed swelling on
swelling on your
your legs? How long
legs? How long
have you noticed this?
have you noticed
Does the swelling get
this? Does the
worse in the evening
swelling get worse
or in the morning?)
in the evening
At the end, he or in the
summaries - the morning?)
of the revealed
during the physical
examination to
and the
7 Establishing a The most complete The most Argumentation A stereotyped or The formulation
preliminary argumentation and complete of the intuitive of the diagnosis
syndromic formulation of the argumentation preliminary formulation of a at
diagnosis. preliminary diagnosis and diagnosis preliminary random. The
Laboratory with the formulation of based on diagnosis. He
argumentation of student does
and visual the preliminary complaints cannot give
these complaints and diagnosis with arguments in not understand
examination and physical
physical examination. argumentation favor of his and does not
plan (CBC, examination
Conducted based on diagnosis (that is, see the
serum in terms of
differential complaints and the student connection
chemistry, underlying
uranalysis, diagnostics for the physical cannot connect between the
main syndromes examination. pathology. complaints, the complaints and
analyzes of
based on the data of Conducted Determined chronology of the the patient's
complaints, the differential the main development of history.
development of the diagnostics for the examination symptoms and The prescribed
disease, the detected main syndromes. for the physical data). examination
physical Correctly named The prescribed does not allow
spirometry, diagnosis.
abnormalities. the to
imaging methods) examination
Understands the necessary confirm the
problem in a complex, does not allow
laboratory diagnosis.
connects with the to confirm the The prescribed
characteristics instrumental diagnosis. examination
of the patient. examination for may harm the
Correctly the diagnosis, patient's health.
prescribed named the
laboratory and expected
visualisation changes.
tests, taking into Explained to the
account the patient the important
differential points in preparation
diagnosis (student
for the examination.
can explain he
prescribes, why
what is the
Explained to the
patient important
points in preparation
for the examination
(for example, if he
a fasting glucose test,
then inform patient do
not drink, do not eat,
do not brush your
teeth, etc.)
8 Interpretation of Accurate full Accurate full Identification of Incomplete or not Does not use
the results of interpretation using interpretation the main entirely correct medical
laboratory and medical using medical deviations in the interpretation, terminology,
imaging tests terminology, analyzes, the does not know
terminology does not know
(CBC, serum understands the correct use of the
chemistry, regulatory data.
relationship / or medical terminology normative data,
uranalysis, discrepancy errors in the use of
sputum test, between the
hormones, medical terminology
biopsy, abnormalities and
spirometry, X-ray the preliminary
imaging, CT, diagnosis
ultrasound, etc.)
9 Formulation of The student clearly The student The student can The student
the final formulates the formulates the only formulate the cannot formulate
syndromic underlying disease. The student clearly underlying underlying disease. a diagnosis. Or
diagnosis, with When formulating the formulates the disease. The Cannot fully cannot explain
underlying disease, the underlying disease. clinical explain the the rationale for
justification based
When formulating rationale for the the diagnosis
on the results of the clinical classification classification is
the underlying diagnosis. (names the
examination of the disease is used. incomplete.
disease, the clinical diagnosis at
Gives an assessment The student For example:
classification of the random
of the severity of the clearly justifies pneumonia (or
disease is used.
disease. Names his opinion on similarly perceived according to the
Gives an assessment
complications of the objective data answers such as: topic of the
of the severity of the
underlying disease. (anamnesis, lung consolidation lesson)
disease. Names
The student clearly examination syndrome, bronchial
complications of the
justifies his opinion on results) For
underlying disease. obstruction
The student clearly example:
justifies his opinion on Community

objective data acquired acute respiratory

(anamnesis, objective data pneumonia, typical. failure syndrome, etc.)
examination results). (anamnesis,
For example: examination
Community- results). For example:
acquired lobar Community-
pneumonia, acquired lobar
typical. Moderate pneumonia,
severity (or serious typical. Moderate
severity with severity (or serious
complication - severity with
pleural empyema). complication -
pleural empyema).
10 Treatment Knows the main Knows the main Knows only the Knows only the
principles groups i.e. the main groups i.e. the basic principles basic principles of
medications for the main of treatment. treatment. Can only
treatment of this medications for Names only a name a class of
disease, their the treatment of drugs (for example,
group of
antibiotics, or
mechanism of this basic drugs bronchodilators).
action and the disease, their for Does not know the
classification of mechanism of action the treatment classification of
these drugs. and the classification of this disease drugs. The
of these drugs. (for example, mechanism of
Reasonably chooses broad spectrum action is explained
drugs: considering Reasonably chooses antibiotics). in general terms at
the indications and drugs: considering the
contraindications the indications and philistine level (for
Knows the
for this patient. contraindications example, antibiotics kill
Informs the mechanism
for this patient. bacteria, etc.)
patient about the Informs the patient of action of
most important side about the most the main
effects of the important side drugs.
prescribed drugs. effects of the
Informs the patient prescribed drugs.
about the peculiarities Informs the patient
of taking the drug about the
(for example, after peculiarities of
eating, drinking taking the drug
plenty of water, etc.) (for example, after
Determined the drinking plenty of
criteria for the water, etc.)
effectiveness of
treatment, and the Determined the
expected time for criteria for the
improvement of the effectiveness of
patient's condition. treatment, and the
expected time for
Named the terms and improvement of
methods of control of the patient's
treatment, subjective condition.
and objective data,
data of laboratory
and visualized
control of treatment.

Finally 100 80 60 40 20

Assessment of Practical skills at bedside – curation (maximum 100 balls)

№ Criteria 10 8 6 4

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need correction

History taking
1. Completeness and Accurate, details the Gathers basic Incomplete or not focused. Inaccurate,
accuracy manifestations of the information, accurate, Important data
disease. Able to highlight identifies new missing inappropriate
the most important problems. data.
With attention to patient
2 Detail Organized, focused, Identifies the main Incomplete data Demonstrates false or
. highlights all symptoms absence
clinical manifestations
with an
understanding of the course of
the disease in a particular
3 Systematic Exact observance of the Unable to fully control Allows the patient to take Incorrectly asks
. interrogation order, history gathering process himself aside, due to questions or finishes
changes the order which time is lengthened. gathering of anamnesis
depending on the main Uses leading questions earlier, without
problem and taking into (prompts the patient to revealing important
account the characteristics answer, which may be problems.
of the patient incorrect)
4 Time management As effective as possible in the History taking time is Spends time inefficiently Does not own the
shortest possible time delayed situation as a whole.

Physical examination

5 Consistency and Performs correctly in He knows the Inconsistent, uncertain, Does not know the
. correctness of compliance with the sequence, shows a incomplete order and sequence of
the physical sequence, confident, reasonable skill in examination skills, the
wellestablished execution preparing and refuses to try basic physical
6. The skill of special technique performing the research examination, does
examination examination not know his

Dangerous for patient

7. Efficiency Revealed all the basic physical Identified the main Incomplete data Revealed data that does
data, as well as symptoms not match
details objective data

8 Ability to Changes the order of It suggests a Cannot apply the Not possession of a
analyze examination depending on the circle of diseases obtained survey situation, is a lot of
identified data identified symptoms, clarifies, with similar data and physical important omissions a
details the changes without examination to the lot of the specifying
specifying and
manifestations. patient. questions
detailing the

10 8 6 4

9- Communication He won the patient’s trust Communication is difficulties in contact Could not find
10 skills even in a situation with a quite effective. with the patient contact with patient
communicative problem *

Check list Student independing work (100 units)

Criteria 10 8 6 4
Excellent Good Satisfactory need correction

1 Problem The organized Organized, the concentrated, Not the concentrated, Inaccurate, misses
solving concentrated, allocates allocates all questions which Derivation on the the main thing,
all questions which are are falling into to the main questions which are not disharmonious
falling into to the main revealed problem, but there falling into to the main data.
revealed problem with a is no comprehension of a revealed problem
comprehension of a concrete clinical situation
concrete clinical situation
2 Information All necessary information All necessary information in a All necessary information on a Important
on a subject in the free, logical manner, but with subject is explained information on a
serial, logical manner is shallow inaccuracies is chaotically, with not gross subject, gross
completely conveyed The conveyed errors errors is not
product form is reflected
adequately chosen
3 Significance Material is chosen on the Some conclusions and the Not the sufficient Conclusions and
basis of authentically conclusions are formulated on comprehension of a the conclusions
established facts. the basis of assumptions or are not proved or
the incorrect facts. There is problem, some conclusions
Manifestation of a and the conclusions are irregular
no complete
comprehension on the level based on the inexact and not
comprehension of level or
or quality of proofs proved data – doubtful
quality of proofs
resources are used

4 Logic logical and well reasoning, Has internal unity, provisions There is no sequence and Jumps from one
of a product one of another logicality in statement, but it on another, it is
has internal unity, provisions follows, but
in a product follow one of is possible to keep track of difficult to catch the
there are inaccuracies the main idea main idea
another and are logically
interdependent between
5 Recourses Literary data are submitted Literary data show study of the Only ordinary recourses Inconsistency and
in logical interrelation, main literature randomness in
show deep study of the statement of
main and padding data, an
informational resources inconsistency
There is no
knowledge of
the main

Using of Google
6 Practical High good moderate no
7 Patient High good moderate no
8 Applicabili High good moderate no
ty in
9 Presenation Correctly, to the place all It is overloaded or are Visual materials are not Does not own
opportunities of Power insufficiently used visual informative material, is not
Point or other e-softs, the materials, inexact able to explain
possession of material it
possession of material, a
sure manner of statement
are used
bonus Time 10 In time Good quality but a little After
management For before deadline late Minus 2-4 deadline more
than 24 hours
Minus 10
bonus Rating 10 Outstanding work, for example:
The best work in group
Creative approach
Innovative approach to realization of a task
According to the proposal of group

Student’s independent work

20 hours

1. Writing a medical history - 1 history

2. Practical skills training on your own (on volunteers)
3. Performing a creative assignment - 3 assignments or a large assignment to a group

Map of educational and methodological security discipline

№ Informational resources Number Number in the
of library KazNU
(estimated kaz rus eng
Textbooks (title, year of publication, 15
authors) in electronic version
1. Ішкі аурулар пропедевтикасы Әдістемелік
оқу құралы 2013
2. Мухин Н.А., Моисеев В.С.
Пропедевтика внутренних болезней:
учебник. — 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. М.:
3. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine19th
Edition, 2015

4. Macleods_Clinical_Examination_13th_ed

5. Bates_Guide_to_Physical_Exaxmination_and_
Hi story_Taking_12th_Edition_2016
6. Skills for Communicating with Patients,
Second Edition by Jonathan Silverman,
Suzanne Kurtz, Juliet Draper
7. Mechanisms_of_Clinical_Signs_Mark_Dennis __
2ed 2016
8. Pharmacology 5th ed. - M. Clark, et.
al., (Lippincott, 2012, )
9. АС КОРЫ ТУ Ж ҮЙЕСІ. Жауапты
редакторлары профессор С.Б.
Жəутікова, доцент С.Д. Нурсултанова

Internet resources

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