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 Caminatas ecológicas

ecological walks,
Hello, how are you good? Let's talk a little about some improvements that are
being implemented in the donkey puddle, among them we have implement the so-
called ecological walks, which will allow you to travel each of the trails that the
donkey's puddle has and in this way will allow each of the visitors to enjoy nature in
the company of a qualified person

for this work who will allow the approach with the flora and fauna of the place,
among them we highlight the beautiful forest that there is. This seeks to inform the
respective community about the wealth they have.
Thanks to the above we can obtain multiple benefits among them are Learning to
know and respect cultural and environmental diversity, people become more aware
of the environmental impact and thus end up respecting their environment more

 Venta de comidas Típicas

The implementation of typical foods of the place will allow the people who visit the
place to know and enjoy delicious dishes prepared with raw materials from the
place which allows to diversify the sense of taste.
the table when eating in a relaxed way, without haste and under a favorable, warm
and natural environment.
Thanks to the above, visitors should not worry about their food since this tourist
site has all the requirements
to be able to offer a favorable time to spend with the family without worries,
enjoying nature and all its accessories.

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