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ISSN 1021-4437, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2018, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 168–176. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2018.
Original Russian Text © E.V. Pradedova, O.D. Nimaeva, A.B. Karpova, N.V. Semenova, A.L. Rakevich, V.N. Nurminskii, A.V. Stepanov, R.K. Salyaev, 2018, published in
Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2018, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 101–110.


Glutathione in Intact Vacuoles:

Comparison of Glutathione Pools in Isolated Vacuoles, Plastids,
and Mitochondria from Roots of Red Beet1
E. V. Pradedovaa, *, O. D. Nimaevaa, A. B. Karpovac, N. V. Semenovaa, A. L. Rakevichb,
V. N. Nurminskiia, A. V. Stepanova, and R. K. Salyaeva
aSiberianInstitute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Irkutsk, 664033 Russia
Irkutsk Branch of the Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
Received March 20, 2017

Abstract⎯Proportions between oxidized and reduced glutathione forms were determined in vacuoles isolated
from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots. The pool of vacuolar glutathione was compared with glutathione
pools in isolated plastids and mitochondria. The ratio of glutathione forms was assessed by approved meth-
ods, such as fluorescence microscopy with the fluorescent probe monochlorobimane (MCB), high-perfor-
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and spectrophotometry with 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid
(DTNB). The fluorescence microscopy revealed comparatively low concentrations of reduced glutathione
(GSH) in vacuoles. The GSH content was 104 μM on average, which was lower than the GSH levels in mito-
chondria (448 μM) and plastids (379 μM). The content of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione
forms was quantified by means of HPLC and spectrophotometric assays with DTNB. The glutathione con-
centrations determined by HPLC in the vacuoles were 182 nmol GSH and 25 nmol GSSG per milligram pro-
tein. The respective concentrations of GSH and GSSG in the plastids were 112 and 6 nmol/mg protein and
they were 228 and 10 nmol/mg protein in the mitochondria. The levels of GSH determined with DTNB were
1.5 times lower, whereas the amounts of GSSG were, by contrast, 1.5–2 times higher than in the HPLC
assays. Although the glutathione redox ratios depended to some extent on the method used, the GSH/GSSG
ratios were always lower for vacuoles than for plastids and mitochondria. In vacuoles, the pool of oxidized glu-
tathione was higher than in other organelles.

Keywords: Beta vulgaris, vacuoles, glutathione, mitochondria, plastids

DOI: 10.1134/S1021443718020048

INTRODUCTION condition of organisms, their cells, and cellular com-

In plant and animal organisms, glutathione partments is often assessed from the total amount of
(γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) is involved in multiple glutathione (GSHtot) that represents the sum concen-
biochemical processes, such as changes in oxidation tration of its reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG)
state of molecules, protein folding, signal transduc- forms [1].
tion, detoxification, etc. [1–4]. Owing to its nucleop- The content of GSH and GSSG is affected by var-
hilic properties and relative stability, glutathione is an ious factors [1, 2, 5]. Changes in the GSH/GSSG
extremely active redox cofactor for diverse redox reac- ratio represent a useful indicator of the redox state of
tions [5]. Because of high antioxidant activity and cells and whole organisms. The GSH/GSSG ratio
large content of glutathione in cells and biological flu- contains information on the resistance of organisms to
ids, this antioxidant serves as the main redox agent in the action of stress factors [1, 4, 5]. However, the
aerobic organisms [4]. Therefore, the physiological application of this indicator is limited due to variable
glutathione content and its redox state in various
1 Abbreviations:
ABC transporters—ATP-binding cassette trans- organisms and even in various cells and tissues of the
porters; DTNB—5,5′-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid; GSB—glu- same organism. For example, the main pool of gluta-
tathione S-bimane, conjugate of glutathione with S-monochloro-
bimane; GSHtot—total amount of glutathione; GSH—concen- thione in plants is concentrated in cells of photosyn-
tration of reduced glutathione; GSSG—concentration of oxidized thetic and storage tissues. Furthermore, the distribu-
glutathione form; MCB—monochlorobimane. tion of glutathione among intracellular structures is


also uneven. The highest concentrations were found in Fluorescence microscopy. The dye monochlorobi-
mitochondria, cytosol, and chloroplasts [1, 5]. The mane (MCB) interacts with GSH to form a fluores-
central vacuole in plant cells is known to perform the cent conjugate (GSB). The formation of GSB in iso-
storage function. One could expect the accumulation lated organelles was observed by means of fluores-
of glutathione in the vacuolar compartment, but the cence microscopy. Two microscopes with different
experimental results showed either the absence or very facility levels were used: the MicroTime 200 (Pico-
low concentrations of glutathione in vacuoles [1]. Quant Gmbh, Germany) and the Axio Observer Z1
Nevertheless, the accumulation of glutathione in vac- (Carl Zeiss, Germany). The confocal laser scanning
uoles was noted in some cases under the action of fluorescence microscope MicroTime 200 was suitable
stress factors [6]. At the same time, the selective trans- only for observations with vacuoles. This microscope
port of GSSG into the vacuole by ABC transporters of permitted long-term imaging of individual vacuoles in
the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) has been estab- an autonomous mode. The Axio Observer Z1 fluores-
lished [3, 4]. Based on these facts, it was proposed that cent microscope equipped with AxioCam MRm
the active accumulation of GSSG by central vacuoles monochrome digital camera was used to determine
under stress conditions facilitates the maintenance of a GSB formation at a limited time interval in all the
high GSH/GSSG redox ratio in the cytosol [3, 4, 6–8]. organelles examined (vacuoles, plastids, and mito-
The presence of glutathione in the vacuolar com- chondria). The absorbance (extinction) was measured
partment was considered until now to be tissue- and at a wavelength of 375 nm, and emission was recorded
species-specific, because information on its content in at 470–520 nm [12]. The isolated organelles were
vacuoles of different organs and tissues of various incubated at room temperature for 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40,
plants was quite limited [1, 8]. In this connection, the and 60 min. The vacuoles were incubated in the
present work aimed at studying the pool of glutathione medium containing 500 mM KCl, 150 mM sucrose,
in the vacuoles red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) roots. It 1 mM EDTA, and 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.4); the
seemed worthwhile to compare the glutathione pool in incubation medium for plastids contained
vacuoles with its pools in other cell compartments that 25 mM KCl, 250 mM sucrose, 1 mM EDTA, and
are characterized by a high content of glutathione. As 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.2). The mitochondria were
already noted, the highest glutathione concentrations incubated in the medium containing 300 mM sucrose,
in plant cells were observed in mitochondria and chlo- 1 mM EDTA, 0.1% BSA, and 10 mM Tris–HCl
roplasts [1]. (pH 7.5). In all the treatments, except for control con-
ditions, the incubation media were supplemented with
0.1 mM MCB (Sigma, United States). In one supple-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mentary treatment, the vacuoles were incubated in the
presence of both MCB and 10 mM Na3VO4, an inhib-
Plant material. Experiments were performed with
roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L., cv. Bordo) in the itor of the tonoplast ABC transporters [13]. The opti-
period of physiological dormancy. Beetroots were cal images were obtained in an automated mode under
grown on the experimental plot of Siberian Institute of identical times of signal acquisition and at equal set-
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Siberian Branch tings for the microscope used. The images were ana-
of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and stored at 4°C lyzed using the tools of AxioVision (Rel.4.8) and
throughout the winter period. ImageJ software. Glutathione concentrations were
calculated from the calibration curves plotted for each
Isolation of vacuoles. Vacuoles from the main root experiment using GSH of chemically pure grade
tissue were isolated with a modified macromethod [9]. (Sigma) at concentrations of 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and
The purity of the fractions was checked using an 500 μM and 0.1 mM monobromobimane (MBB,
NU-2E light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and Sigma).
biochemical assays of marker enzymes specific of mito-
chondria, plastids, cytosol, etc. [10, 11]. Glutathione extraction. Glutathione was extracted
Isolation of plastids. The plastids were isolated with after mixing the isolated organelles with a cooled solu-
a conventional method [10]. Since the cells of red beet tion containing 5% HPO3, 0.1% HCOOH, and
roots contain mostly leukoplasts, a Percoll density gra- 1 mM EDTA at a ratio of 1 : 2 (v/v) [14]. For compari-
dient (20, 30, 50, and 70%) was used to fractionate the son, glutathione was determined in root tissue extracts.
organelles at the final stages of isolation [10, 11]. The The tissue was homogenized at a ratio of 1 : 6 (w/v) in
plastid fraction of the highest purity was collected at the same solution under cooling with liquid nitrogen.
the interface between 30 and 50% Percoll layers. The extracts were centrifuged for 20 min at 4°C and
14500 g.
Isolation of mitochondria. Mitochondria were iso-
lated by a conventional method [10]. The isolated HPLC. High-performance liquid chromatography
organelles were purified using a Percoll density gradi- was carried out after additional purification of the
ent (18, 23, and 35%). The fraction enriched with samples. The extracts were applied to Sep-Pak C18
intact mitochondria was collected at the interface cartridges [14]. Before that, the cartridges were
between 23 and 35% percoll layers [10]. washed out first with the concentrated CH3OH and


170 PRADEDOVA et al.

then with 0.5% HCOOH. The volume of applied sam- the comparison of the results. For the same organs of
ple did not exceed 1 mL. Thereafter, the cartridges were identical plant species, glutathione concentrations
washed with HCOOH-acidified deionized water and were presented in units of nmol/g fr wt; nmol/mg pro-
then eluted with a mixture of 5% CH3OH and tein; mmol/cell, etc. [1, 6, 8, 12, 14]. In order to
0.5% HCOOH. The eluate was dried out using a extend our knowledge on the glutathione content in
rotary evaporator IKA HB10 basic (WENK LabTec isolated organelles of red beetroots, we applied three
GmbH, Germany). Measurements were carried out commonly used methods.
with a Milikhrom A-02 liquid microcolumn chro-
matograph (Russia) under the following conditions:
2 × 75 mm column; ProntoSil 120-5-C18 AQ0838 Fluorescence Microscopy with the Use
sorbent (reversed phase); eluent A: 0.2 M LiClO4 and of Monochlorobimane
0.005 M HClO4; eluent B: CH3CN; 40°C column MCB permeates comparatively easy into the cell
temperature; 0.34 s time constant; 210 nm wavelength; and cell compartments where the enzyme glutathione
100 μL/min flow rate; gradient chromatography (the S-transferase (GST) ensures rapid reaction of MCB
gradient from 5 to 100% CH3CN within 10 min). The with the thiol group of GSH, thus producing the fluo-
concentration was calculated from the calibration rescent conjugate GSB [20]. Thus, the presence of
curves plotted for standard concentrations of chemi- GSH can be detected by MCB method on the condi-
cally pure GSH and GSSG (Sigma). tion that the fluorescent probe penetrates readily into
the cell compartments and GST activity is sufficiently
Spectrophotometric assay of glutathione is based on high. Our previous studies revealed the presence of
the interaction of GSH and 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic GST in the vacuoles of red beet taproots [11]. The flu-
acid (DTNB), called the Ellman reagent. The reaction orescence intensity of isolated vacuoles incubated with
produces a chromophore, 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid MCB was found to increase, which implies the pene-
(TNB). We used the conventional method [15]. In tration of the dye into the organelles and interaction of
order to block SH groups, 2-vinylpyridine (2%) was MCB with the vacuolar GSH. Although isolated vac-
used. The TNB formation was recorded with an Immu- uoles represented an adequate system for the detection
noChem-2100 (High Technology, United States) flat- of GSH with the fluorescent probe, the fluorescent
bed photometer at a wavelength of 405 nm [15]. assay had some specific features to be kept in mind.
Glutathione concentration determined by For example, the maximum fluorescence intensity
MCB-based fluorescence microscopy was expressed corresponding to the nearly complete interaction of
in micromoles per liter (μM) GSH, whereas concen- MCB with GSH was only observed after prolonged
trations determined by spectrophotometric assays and incubation of vacuoles with MCB (≥40 min), whereas
HPLC were expressed in nanomoles of GSH or 10 min incubation was sufficient in the case of isolated
GSSG per 1 mg protein. The protein concentration mitochondria and plastids. Another feature of isolated
was determined by the Bradford method [16]. The vacuoles is their attachment to the glass slide, which
total concentration of glutathione (GSHtot) in the restricted their mobility. It was thus possible to exam-
samples was determined by summing the concentra- ine individual organelles from the first stage of auto-
tions of GSH and GSSG. fluorescence assay during the whole period of incuba-
All experiments were repeated five times on aver- tion of vacuoles in the presence of MCB. Figure 1
age, with three assays per treatment. Tables and graphs shows the result of a representative experiment. In
show the mean values and their standard errors. Sig- addition, not all vacuoles retained their integrity
nificant differences between treatment means were throughout the experiment, and the GSH quantities in
analyzed with the Student’s t-test for independent stable vacuoles differed substantially. Table 1 lists the
samples. GSH concentrations determined in this experiment. It
should be noted that fluorescence of MCB per se did
not change during long incubation (40–60 min) under
RESULTS our experimental conditions. No changes were
Several methods for the determination of glutathi- detected in the reactivity of this compound.
one have been developed to date. Quantitative meth- In studies with whole cells, the inhibitors of tono-
ods include the HPLC-based and spectrophotometric plast ABC transporters were commonly applied to
enzymatic in vitro analyses as well as the methods prevent the transfer into the vacuole of GSB formed in
based on the enzyme immunoassays and laser (confo- the cytosol [12]. The tonoplast ABC transporters, like
cal or two-photon) scanning microscopy for in situ some animal ABC transporters, are inhibited by vana-
measurements. However, none of these methods pro- date (sodium orthovanadate, Na3VO4) [1, 13]. There-
vides complete information because of the limitations fore, in a series of experiments, we treated the vacuoles
inherent to these methods [1, 2, 17–19]. These limita- with 10 mM Na3VO4. It should be mentioned, how-
tions complicate the comparison and analysis of the ever, that isolated vacuoles are deprived of any external
results. Various research groups expressed glutathione source of GSH and that the vacuolar amounts of ATP
concentrations in different units, which also hampered are insufficient for functioning of ABC transporters.



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4
1 1 1 1
2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 5
7 7 7 7 7 7
3 6 6
3 6 3 6 6 6
[vacuoles][A.U.] [vacuoles][A.U.] [vacuoles][A.U.] [vacuoles][A.U.]
1 42.7 1 44.1 1 56.1 1 94.6
4 39.7 4 44.4 4 51.7 4 73.5
5 23.7 5 24.9 5 30.2 5 45.3
50 µm 6
101.7 50 µm

Fig. 1. Determination of GSH in isolated vacuoles by microscopy with the fluorescence probe monochlorobimane (MCB).
(a) Selection of the “experimental area of interest” in the analyzed sample, light microscopy; (b) autofluorescence of organelles,
fluorescence microscopy; (c) fluorescence after 5 min incubation with MCB (0.1 mM); (d) fluorescence after 20 min incubation
with MCB; (e) fluorescence after 40 min incubation with MCB; (f) morphological view of vacuoles in the analyzed area at the
end of the experiment, light microscopy. Numbers 1–7 enumerate individual isolated vacuoles. Arbitrary units (A.U.) are relative
units representing the fluorescence intensity.

The accumulation of GSB in individual vacuoles due Determination of Glutathione with Ellman’s Reagent
to the active transport across the tonoplast of conju-
gates formed in other vacuoles and released into the The determination of glutathione with Ellman’s
medium seemed unlikely. In accord with these expec- reagent is currently one of the most popular methods,
tations, the inhibitor added to the incubation medium because the oxidized and reduced glutathione forms
did not affect the average values of GSH concentra- can be quantified [17–19]. A substantial drawback of
tion (Fig. 2). However, vanadate was found to destabi- this method is that the content of GSH and GSSG can-
lize the tonoplast. By the end of the experiment, only not be determined simultaneously. The quantification
30% of all initially observed organelles were retained. of GSSG requires the pretreatment of the analyzed
sample. Another disadvantage of this method is that the
When glutathione was detected in isolated mito- reaction of GSSG reduction is cyclic, which lowers the
chondria and plastids, these organelles were incu- precision of GSSG determinations [19]. Thus, only
bated in MCB-containing or MCB-free solutions for approximate estimations of GSSG content and GSHtot
1, 10, 20, 30, and 40 min. We found that 10-min are possible [17, 18]. In the examined samples, the
incubation was sufficient. A longer incubation did amount of GSSG was relatively high (Table 3). The
not lead to a statistically significant increase in f luo- highest concentration of GSSG was observed in vacu-
rescence intensity. Figure 3 shows the results of a rep- oles (20% of vacuolar GSHtot content), while markedly
resentative experiment.
lower relative concentrations of GSSG were noted in
Table 2 summarizes the data obtained with this plastids (10.8%) and mitochondria (9.9%). The esti-
method. The highest GSH content was found in the mated GSH concentrations were comparable with the
mitochondria. The concentration of GSH in the plas- literature data [1]. The highest content of GSH was typ-
tids was slightly lower, and the concentration of GSH ical of mitochondria and the lowest content was
in the vacuoles was approximately fourfold lower than recorded in plastids. The concentrations of GSH in
in mitochondria. vacuoles and plastids were similar. However, the total
GSH content in vacuoles was higher than GSHtot con-
Table 1. Glutathione content in individual vacuoles tent in plastids because of the high vacuolar GSSG con-
centration. It should be noted that the glutathione con-
Concentration of GSH tent was noticeably lower in the organelles than in the
Vacuole no.
in individual vacuoles, μM tissue extracts (Table 3). Based on the concentrations
of GSH and GSSG, the glutathione redox ratios were
1 135.4
quantified. The lowest ratio was attributed to vacu-
2 Integrity lost oles (2.9), while the highest to mitochondria (8.1).
3 Integrity lost These values reflect a comparatively high pool of oxi-
4 87.2 dized glutathione in vacuoles and a relatively large pool
of reduced glutathione in mitochondria.
5 55.6
6 42.8
7 194.8 Determination of Glutathione by HPLC
Data in table are the results of a representative experiment illus- HPLC is considered to be a sensitive and rather
trated in Fig. 1. specific method for quantification of various com-


172 PRADEDOVA et al.

150 the procedure of sample pretreatment and can lead to

the losses in total content of glutathione.
The GSH concentrations determined by HPLC in
our study, in contrast to expectations, were slightly
higher than those obtained with the DTNB method.
At the same time, the GSSG content was 1.5–2 times
Glutathione content, µM

100 lower (Tables 3 and 4). Despite these obvious differ-

ences, the general trend remained consistent with the
other method data. The highest GSSG concentra-
tion occurred in vacuoles (10% of vacuolar GSHtot)
and the lowest GSSG content was observed in mito-
chondria (3.9%). At the same time, the largest con-
50 tent of GSH was in mitochondria and the lowest GSH
content was in plastids, like it was found with Ellman’s
reagent. In addition, the highest glutathione redox
ratio, GSH/GSSG (23.7) was found for mitochondria;
it markedly exceeded the GSH/GSSG ratios in other
materials (7.4, 19.8, and 13.9 for vacuoles, plastids, and
tissue extracts, respectively). Like it was found with Ell-
0 man’s reagent, the concentrations of GSHtot in vacuoles
Control Inhibitor
and mitochondria were similar. The tissue extracts were
characterized by the highest GSHtot content, in consis-
Fig. 2. Content of GSH in isolated vacuoles as determined tency with previous experiments.
by microscopy with the fluorescent probe monochlorobi-
mane (MCB). In the control treatment, the incubation
medium contained 0.1 mM MCB; in the treatments with
an inhibitor, the incubation media contained 0.1 mM MCB DISCUSSION
and 10 mM Na3VO4, an inhibitor of the tonoplast ABC
transporters. Determination of glutathione in isolated organelles
is a widely applied approach, but it is potentially threat-
ened by the partial loss of low-molecular-weight com-
pounds. The reverse phase HPLC with UV detection, pounds during procedures of separation and purifica-
unlike the spectrophotometry with DTNB reagent, tion of organelles [22]. According to a shared notion,
allows simultaneous determinations of GSH and the most reliable data on GSH content in organelles can
GSSG without preliminary enzymatic reduction [21]. be obtained by studying whole cells with fluorescence
However, the additional purification step complicates microscopy and fluorescent dyes [1, 12]. The results of

10 µm (b) 10 µm 10 µm (d) 10 µm
(a) (c)


10 µm 10 µm (c) 10 µm 10 µm
(a) (b) (d)

Fig. 3. Determination of glutathione in isolated mitochondria (I) and plastids (II) with the fluorescent probe monochlorobimane
(MCB). (a) The sample viewed under light microscopy; (b) autofluorescence of organelles; (c) sample viewed under light micros-
copy; (d) fluorescence after 10-min incubation of organelles in the presence of 0.1 mM MCB.



Table 2. Glutathione content in isolated organelles established by fluorescence microscopy with monochlorobimane
Glutathione concentration, μM
Redox form of glutathione vacuoles plastids mitochondria
GSH 103.9 ± 30.6 378.8 ± 34.2 447.9 ± 52.1
Data in table are mean values and their standard errors (n = 50). Differences between the means for various organelles are significant
at P < 0.001.

Table 3. Glutathione content in beetroot organelles determined with Ellman’s reagent

Redox form and redox Glutathione concentration, nmol/mg protein
ratio of glutathione vacuoles plastids mitochondria tissue extract
GSH 90.2 ± 13.1 80.5 ± 1.9 136.8 ± 6.2 179.2 ± 11.5
GSSG 30.5 ± 7.3 10.8 ± 0.5 16.8 ± 5.4 25.2 ± 9.8
GSHtot 151.2 ± 27.7* 102.1 ± 2.9 170.4 ± 16.9* 229.6 ± 31.1
GSH/GSSG 2.9 7.4 8.1 7.1
GSSG, % 20.1 10.5 9.9 10.9
Data in table are mean values (n = 8) and their standard errors. Differences between the treatment means are significant at P < 0.001.
* Differences are significant at P < 0.05.

Table 4. Glutathione content in beetroot organelles determined with HPLC

Redox form and redox Glutathione concentration, nmol/mg protein
ratio of glutathione vacuoles plastids mitochondria tissue extract
GSH 182.3 ± 31.9 112.8 ± 7.1 227.5 ± 35.8 378.4 ± 51.2
GSSG 24.5 ± 0.8* 5.7 ± 0.7 9.6 ± 1.1 27.1 ± 6.7*
GSHtot 231.3 ± 33.5* 124.2 ± 8.5 246.7 ± 33.9* 432.6 ± 64.6
GSH/GSSG 7.4 19.8 23.7 13.9
GSSG, % 10.6 4.6 3.9 6.3
Data in table are mean values (n = 5) and their standard errors. Differences between the treatment means are significant at beetroot < 0.001.
* Differences are statistically insignificant.

such studies suggest that this technique quantifies the tometry with DTNB allow researchers to quantify
content of GSH in various cell compartments, except both the GSH and GSSG pools as well as the
for the central vacuole [12]. Determinations of GSH GSH/GSSG redox ratio, i.e., to assess the glutathi-
in the vacuoles in situ are hampered by the vacuolar one redox state in each compartment.
sequestration of GSB that is formed in the cytosol and Our study with red beet taproots revealed the larg-
carried across the tonoplast by the tonoplast ABC est amounts of GSH in mitochondria. According to
transporters [1, 3, 4]. In some studies, the presence of HPLC and spectrophotometry with DTNB, the low-
glutathione in vacuoles of whole cells was detected est GSH content was typical of plastids, whereas fluo-
with MCB; however, these results were interpreted as rescence microscopy with MCB reported the lowest
being due to the accumulation of GSB of cytosolic ori- GSH content in vacuoles. It is possible that the accu-
gin [3, 4, 7, 12]. The limitations inherent to whole cells racy of the results in experiments with the fluorescent
prompted us to perform an investigation with isolated probe was influenced by the structural features of vac-
vacuoles. uoles. As already mentioned above, the fluorescence
Fluorescence microscopy with MCB as a thiol intensity of isolated vacuoles was subject to a slow
probe clearly demonstrated the presence of GSH in increase, in contrast to stable fluorescence levels in
the analyzed organelles. This method is considered isolated plastids and mitochondria. One explanation
to be the most specific, because the rate of nonenzy- of this slow increase is the tonoplast permeability to
matic conjugation of MCB with thiol group of GSH MCB. It is possible that the rate of dye accumulation
is very low, while the GSTs bind specifically MCB to inside the organelles was also influenced by their size.
GSH [12]. At the same time, HPLC and spectropho- The average diameter of isolated vacuoles (50 μm) is


174 PRADEDOVA et al.

an order of magnitude larger than the average diameter sol, mitochondria, peroxisomes, and nuclei) was found
of mitochondria and leukoplasts (2–4 μm). Another to decrease upon oxidative stress [6]. In the same
possible reason is the low activity of GST. According study, it was noted that the glutathione levels in cell
to our earlier study, the vacuolar GST had rather high compartments vary depending on the units of mea-
activity at neutral pH, while the activity decreased surement. Thus, the highest concentrations of GSH
substantially under weakly acidic conditions [11]. It is determined with MCB were found in mitochondria
reasonable to suppose that the formation of GSB con- (6.1 mM) and the lowest levels were recorded in vacu-
jugates proceeds slower in vacuoles than in other oles (0.03 mM). However, a different distribution pat-
investigated organelles, because the vacuolar pH is low tern was observed when the content of GSH was
compared to the pH levels in other organelles, which expressed in nmol/g fr wt: the highest content of GSH
are closer to the pH optimum of GST functioning. In (89.6 nmol/g fr wt) was found in the plastids, whereas
our view, the slow increase in fluorescence of vacuoles GSH contents in vacuoles and mitochondria were sim-
should be taken into account when the compartmen- ilar (17.6 and 23.5 nmol/g fr wt) [6]. In our present
talization of glutathione in whole plant cells is consid- study, the glutathione content in vacuoles, plastids,
ered. It is probably because of these circumstances and mitochondria also varied significantly depending
that some researchers were unable to detect GSH in on the method applied; variations were especially
vacuoles using MCB [12]. noticeable when the content was expressed in different
relative units.
On the whole, the results obtained by various
methods of glutathione determination were compara- The concentrations of GSH in vacuoles, chloro-
ble. They demonstrated the presence of glutathione in plasts, and mitochondria were previously compared
vacuoles of storage parenchyma in dormant red beet for several plant species [6, 8, 22]. In those studies
roots. However, the presence of GSH in vacuoles was where occurrence of GSH in vacuoles was reported,
not proven for all plant organs and tissues. For exam- its amounts in vacuoles were much lower than in
ple, immunohistochemical assays revealed either the plastids. The plastids together with the cytosol are the
lack or insignificant amounts of vacuolar GSH in the main locations where GSH is synthesized in plant
leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana cells. According to available data, these organelles
tabacum, and Cucurbita pepo [8, 23, 24]. The authors contain up to 60–70% of the total cellular glutathi-
explained these observations by rapid degradation of one [5, 22, 25, 27]. According to other data, the
glutathione after its entry into the vacuole [23, 24]. On amount of glutathione in chloroplasts may be much
the other hand, some researchers reported the pres- less than in the cytosol and mitochondria [6]. For
ence of glutathione in vacuoles. The concentration of example, in P. sativum leaves, the chloroplasts con-
vacuolar GSH in A. thaliana leaves determined by tained only 10% of the total cellular glutathione [17].
HPLC ranged from 613 to 733 μM; the GSH concen- Thus, the issue of high GSH content in plastids
trations in plastids and the cytosol were 2.5–3.0 and remains controversial [25]. Apparently, variable data
3.0–3.5 mM, respectively [22]. The micromolar con- on GSH content are due to multiple factors, includ-
centrations of vacuolar glutathione established in the ing the stressed plant conditions. In A. thaliana
present work agree with the results of an earlier plants subjected to oxidative stress, a slight increase
study [25]. In a different investigation performed with in the concentration of glutathione in plastids was
mesophyll cells of A. thaliana, the vacuolar concentra- noted [6].
tion of GSH determined by the spectrophotometric
method was 17.6 nmol/g fr wt, and the estimates based As mentioned above, the physiological conditions of
on MCB method gave the value of 30 μM [6]. The the organism, its cells, and cell compartments can be
GSH concentration in the vacuoles of mesophyll cells assessed by taking into account GSHtot together with
of N. tabacum was approximately 20 μM (100 times the concentrations of GSH and GSSG forms [1, 4].
lower than in chloroplasts) and corresponded to 17% Since the organs and tissues of an individual plant dif-
of the total GSH content in the cells [25]. Other plant fer in the content of glutathione, there are certain dif-
materials have also been examined. For example, in ficulties in comparing GSHtot, even in plants of the
protoplasts isolated from the mesophyll of Hordeum same species. In some cases, the percentage of GSH
vulgare leaves, the content of GSH and GSSG in and GSSG concentrations in GSHtot provides a more
vacuoles determined by means of DTNB method was reliable characteristic. The content of GSH in plant
0.9 and 12%, respectively, of the total cellular gluta- organs usually equals 90–99%, and the content of
thione [7]. In Pisum sativum leaves, the proportion of GSSG is in the range of 1–10% [1]. In fact, the per-
vacuolar glutathione determined with HPLC was as centage of GSSG varies greatly depending on environ-
high as 30% of the cellular glutathione content [26]. In mental conditions, developmental phase, and func-
A. thaliana plants, the content of vacuolar GSH with tional characteristics of organs and tissues. This per-
respect to its total amount was 5.4% under control centage is sometimes used as a measure of the redox
conditions and increased sharply to 26% after subject- state. Thus, in young P. sativum plants, the foliar GSSG
ing the plants to oxidative stress. At the same time, the content accounted for 12–14% of GSHtot, and this
content of glutathione in other compartments (cyto- fraction in roots was 20%. During the dark period,



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