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Angel : Good morning Ma’am ! My name is dr Angel and I’m going to help you today. Is
there anything I can help?

Elsa : Good morning doc! Yes doc, my daughter has stomachache and vomit this past 2
days. Muna you can explain about your symptoms to the doctor.

Elsa (child) : this past 2 days, I feel fatigue, I also vomit, my stomach is in pain, and I lost
my appetite.

Angel : okay, before you feel those symptoms, did you eat something before ? can you
tell me about it?

Elsa (child) : before I feel it, I remember that I bought food from hawkers with my friends
after school.

Angel : Did you wash your hands before you eat it ?

Elsa (child) : no, I didn’t wash my hands before because there’s no water around and we
didn’t bring hand sanitizer.

Dokter : Oh I see, that symptoms that you feel are coming from your digestion system
that has been infected due to eat unhygienic food plus you didn’t clean your hands before

Elsa (child) : oohhh, so it’s important to wash our hands before we eat something?

Angel : Yeah, that’s true because in our hand there’s a lot of germs and maybe there’s
also bacteria on it. If you don’t wash your hands properly before you eat, that germs and
bacteria can enter to your body with the food and infected your digestion system. That’s
why you have stomachache.

Elsa : Ohh I see doctor, thank you for your explanation.

Angel : All right, I will prescribe loperamide for diarrhea and antibiotic to cure the infection.
Also, you need to take a rest and eat healthy foods. Do not sleep late at night and drink a
lot of water. Also remember to wash your hands before eat.

Elsa : Okay doctor. Thank you so much doc.

Angel : Is there any question you still want to ask ?

Elsa : No doctor, we fine.

Angel : All right. Get well soon Muna. Don’t forget to take your medicine.

Elsa : Okay doc. Thank you.

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