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Daily Vocabulary (Saturday, 22/1/2021)

1. Advantage : Keuntungan
2. Remind : ingatkan
3. confident : percaya diri
4. Attend : menghadiri
5. accompany : menemani
6. Behavior : tingkah laku
7. Behave yourself : jaga sikapmu
8. Challenge : tantangan
9. I bet you : saya yakin kamu
10. Guarantee : jamin
11. Annoying : menjengkelkan
12. I thought : saya sudah pikir
13. I give up : saya menyerah
14. Any work for me? : adakah kerjaan buatku?
15. Am I disturb you? : apakah saya menggangu kamu?
16. Change : mengubah
17. Chance : peluang
18. Compare : mebandingkan
19. Complain : mengeluh
20. Create : membuat/menciptakan
21. Decide :memutuskan
22. Helpful : sangat membantu/bermanfaat

Tugas : Make sentence using the vocabulary above : (Buat kalimat menggunakan kosakata
1. He takes advantage of his selling to buy his parents a house
2. Please remind me that we have a call tonight
3. I’m not confident when I speak English to others
4. I’ll attend my friends’s wedding party on Saturday
5. Could you accompany me to attending my friend’s wedding party
tomorrow ?
6. Your behavior is really bad
7. Please behave yourself in front of your teacher
8. I have a challenge fo you to change this sentences in engllish
9. I bet you will so happy if you win that contest
10. I can guarantee that you can speak English fluently if you join my course
11. You are so annoying
12. I thought you want to apply Australia award scholarship
13. I guess I will give up with my study
14. Any work for me this morning ?
15. What are you up to right now, am I disturb you ?
16. In the end I change my mind
17. If I have chance I will take a picture for you
18. You can’t compare us
19. She complains all the time
20. You can create by yourself
21. I will decide what dresscode to wear tomorrow
22. You have been very helpful, thanks a lot

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