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Why does bass feedback occur sometimes on the stage?

What is it like to have excessive bass coming out from loudspeakers sit
on a surface?
I got the answer in a bar while attending a soccer game on the TV.
Besides the horrible “boomy” sound, I could feel that counter vibrating
That`s pretty what may happen on stage when monitor speakers are
placed on the floor. The vibration of bass sounds is mechanically transmitted to
everything on the floor, including mike stands and mikes themselves!
That`s why monitor speakers should somehow be isolated from the floor
or some low cut on them should be applied. Imagine all monitor loudspeakers
throwing high volume. There are build-up of bass vibrations being transmitted to
the mikes – occurence of feedback is almost inevitable.
Thus I grasped the importance of isolating the speaker from the floor. But
if doing so is impossible, some bass cut on the response of the monitor speaker
should be applied to reduce the chance of feedback.
It`s always advisable to use the amount of volume which is pretty suitable
for the application. Unreasonable levels are uncomfortable and can damage
both our hearing and the loudspeakers as well.

Flavio July14th, 2019

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