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In The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, you are about to

discover the most effective yet largely unknown non-drug, non-surgery,

non-toxic steps you must take to look your best, feel amazing, avoid and
overcome disease and live long doing it.

Each of the 22 interviews truly holds the potential to change your life, so
you don’t want to miss a moment of this once-in-a-lifetime online event!

In this brand-new special report, meanwhile, you’re going to discover 15

top herbs and spices that can work natural wonders for anti-aging and
longevity. (Please do SHARE this useful report with others!)

”People tend to hear the same basic health

advice over and over, publicly doled out in drips
and drabs—a magazine article here, a brief
morning show segment there. Meanwhile, a
world of evidence-based wellness pearls exists
that can make a profound difference in how
long and how well you live. My deeply insightful
(and fun!) friend Brian Vaszily has gathered
together many of today's top doctors and
researchers who provide you the most powerful
of those 'little-known life-changers.' Do yourself
a favor and listen closely to this important

—Dr. Kristi Funk, World-Renowned Surgeon & Breast Health

The Top 15 Anti-Aging and
Longevity Herbs and Spices

Copyright © 2020 The Art of Anti-Aging, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written
permission of the publisher.

Publisher: The Art of Anti-Aging, LLC

Disclaimer: For educational use only. The entire contents of the book are based upon research
conducted by the author, unless noted otherwise. This book and the information contained within are
not intended to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent,
treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The author and publisher are not recommending specific
products as treatment of disease and do not have any interest in the sale of the substances described
in this book. This information should not replace the opinions of a medical professional.
“With the top experts addressing such a crucial question,
this new online summit certainly promises to open eyes
and change lives. My friend Brian Vaszily, the host, has
been a positive force in the natural health world for over
20 years, his mission at The Art of Anti-Aging is so
important, and this summit is the pinnacle of that

- Nick Polizzi, Top indigenous & ancient medicine

researcher, filmmaker, The Sacred Science

How Do YOU Really Feel About the Following?

Hello, Brian Vaszily here, founder of The Art of

Anti-Aging, host of The Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Summit, and a health
researcher and bestselling author who others
have called a “leading voice” in the natural
health world for over 20 years.

And before diving into this special report,

please see how you feel about the following…

Here at The Art of Anti-Aging, the “anti” means

we’re against all the destructive lies about getting older out there that
equate hitting your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond with becoming
increasingly undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease,
and “over the hill.”

We’re against all the toxic “solutions” and toxic thinking so often pushed
on people by the Big Cosmetic, Big Food, and Big Pharmaceutical
industries, who so often play upon those destructive aging lies and
manipulate people through fear.

Instead, we are certain that when you take the right steps, your “middle
years” and “golden years” will truly be your best years.

And we are 100% committed to providing you the proven most effective
health and wellness steps to achieve that… to look your best, feel
amazing, avoid and overcome disease, and live a long life doing it.

If our mission sounds worthwhile to you, welcome to our positive and

supportive community ☺

Most People Are NOT Aware of This…

Your body works hard day in and day out to keep you as healthy as can
be. And there are crucial steps to take to help your body in this mission-
critical work.

People tend to hear a LOT about a small handful of the steps to do so –

such as minimizing sugary foods and exercising – in articles, online
events, books, and elsewhere.


There’s a whole range of evidence-based and truly essential steps to

protect yourself against and possibly even overcome disease – and to
look and feel your amazing best right now and well into the future – that
people hear little to nothing about.
These are called “little-known life-changers.”

Now, the reasons why people don’t hear about these essentials is a
separate topic that can fill a book.

In short, though, the reasons can range from these little-known life-
changers getting “buried” beneath all the noise and information overload
out there… to certain corporate and government “powers-that-be” flat-
out not wanting you to know it because it threatens their own

Whatever the reasons, you need and deserve to know these little-known
life-changers, too.

And these essential secrets are exactly what will be revealed to you in
The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit!

You see, I’ve given the 22 top anti-aging and longevity doctors a long
time to consider it, and in this once-in-a-lifetime summit, I’m challenging
them each to reveal their three MOST health- and life-changing secrets to
you that almost no one knows about.

Head here now to sign up for the FREE online Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Summit if you aren’t signed up already and…

Head here to get the COMPLETE recordings and transcripts of the entire
summit if you don’t feel you’ll be able to
hear all 7 days of this essential event when
it airs live, and to experience it all on your
own schedule.

With that noted, the summit actually starts

NOW, with this useful report….
The Top 15 Anti-Aging and
Longevity Herbs and Spices
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2
Turmeric ............................................................................................................... 5
Cloves................................................................................................................... 7
Ginger .................................................................................................................. 9
Rosemary ........................................................................................................... 11
Cayenne ............................................................................................................. 13
Cilantro and Parsley ......................................................................................... 15
Top Adaptogenic & Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices ....................................... 17
Ashwagandha ................................................................................................ 18
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) ........................................................................... 20
Tulsi (Holy Basil) ............................................................................................ 22
Gotu Kola ....................................................................................................... 24
Ginseng .......................................................................................................... 26
Other Top Anti-Aging and Longevity Herbs & Spices ................................ 28
Gingko Biloba ................................................................................................ 29
Green Tea....................................................................................................... 31
Rosehips ......................................................................................................... 33
Goji Berries .................................................................................................... 35
Herbs & Spices: The Key to Long Life and Good Health? .......................... 37
Herbs and spices have been used for
thousands of years by cultures
throughout the world for anti-aging,
longevity, and overall health.

Their properties are so powerful that

many have formed the basis for
modern-day prescription and over-
the-counter drugs and cosmetics.

Below you’ll find fifteen of the most

potent herbs and spices for anti-aging
and longevity.

Before diving into the good stuff, though, a word on those two terms,
“anti-aging” and “longevity.”

Anti-aging typically refers to anything that can stop or slow the signs and
effects of aging, ranging from wrinkles on the skin to low energy and
brain fog.

Meanwhile, the technical definition of longevity is anything that can help

to lengthen life.

However, I’m extending it here to mean anything that can help lengthen
life while maintaining or even improving the quality of that life.

On that note, one of the biggest enemies to looking as young as you’re

meant to look -- and to both living long and living well -- is chronic

Today, about 3 out of 5 people worldwide die from chronic inflammatory
diseases, and they significantly decrease quality of life. Just a few typical
symptoms of chronic inflammation issues are pain, fatigue, weight gain,
and mood disorders.1

Many of the herbs and spices on this list have powerful anti-inflammatory

Some may also directly benefit your immune system- your body’s main
defense against disease and infection, such as the virus that recently
turned our world upside down.

Meanwhile, antioxidants are another key anti-aging and longevity

component. Herbs and spices provide a wide variety of them, and they
have been proven to reduce and prevent oxidative stress, which is a
contributing factor in many chronic diseases, including cancer.
Antioxidants can also neutralize free radicals that cause your skin to age.

Herbs and spices also contain other key nutrients, like vitamins and
minerals, that may be deficient in your diet and are vital for good health
as you age.

Now, one final note before we jump in…

Some of these herbs and spices may be exotic in their origins, but you
don’t need to travel to faraway lands to find them.

Today you can find any and all of these in various forms in both physical
stores and online. Those various forms may include fresh, dried, teas,
powdered form such as in supplements, and more.

One word of advice is to always try to choose organic
options – ideally USDA Certified Organic (or the
equivalent in other countries), which independent of the
company that makes and sells them ensures they’re free
of “junk” you don’t want in your body, such as toxins.

Okay, then, let’s get into those fifteen top herbs and spices…


Turmeric has quickly become one

of the most researched “super”
spices with many documented
anti-aging properties.

Once considered an exotic spice,

turmeric is easy to find today in
many forms. It’s been used in
India for thousands of years and is
what gives the curry commonly used in Indian cuisine its bright color.

Curcumin is the main active compound in turmeric and thought to be

responsible for many of its health benefits. Studies have shown that
curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects
and can strengthen your immune system.4

It’s even being studied intensely because research has indicated that it
may be able to help prevent and treat cancer.5,6

This makes turmeric one of the top all-around herbs for longevity. It can
fight chronic inflammation and free radical damage and help with joint
and muscle pain, especially from arthritis.7 Turmeric can also be used in a
face mask to rejuvenate and brighten skin.

When consuming this bright orange-yellow “super spice,” there’s one

important thing to remember – turmeric is not very bioavailable. In short,
that means the body does not easily digest and utilize its compounds,
and most can just go to waste.

One common way to increase its absorption is consuming turmeric along
with piperine (a natural substance found in black pepper). 8

Many people have sensitive digestive systems that may not handle the
routine intake of piperine/black pepper well, though.

Therefore, perhaps the most effective route is to take turmeric

supplements that have been naturally fermented, which can make them
considered more bioavailable.


Cloves are a common household

spice with potential that goes far
beyond adding a spicy kick to
foods like gingerbread and apple

They’re actually the unopened

flower buds of the clove tree,
which is native to Indonesia.

And cloves might just rank as the Emperor of All Spices when it comes to
anti-aging and longevity.

For example, cloves have one of the highest concentrations of

antioxidants out of any fruit, vegetable, herb, or spice on earth! That
includes about 30 times the amount of antioxidants found in

Eugenol, the main active compound found in cloves, acts as a natural

antioxidant and was found in lab studies to be five times more effective
than vitamin E at stopping damage caused by free radicals.10

This means that cloves can help prevent oxidative stress inside your body
that may lead to disease as well as fighting free radical damage that
causes premature skin aging.

Whole cloves and ground cloves are both filled with antioxidants, but
clove essential oil has an even higher concentration of eugenol.

Not only does eugenol act as an antioxidant, it also has pain-relieving,
anti-inflammatory, and numbing effects, which is why clove oil used to be
used for toothaches.11

Clove essential oil diluted in a carrier oil can make an excellent massage
oil for muscles and joints that don’t feel as good as they used to. Your
skin will also enjoy all the benefits of the antioxidants within the oil.


Ginger root is a close plant-

cousin to turmeric and has made
its way in a similar fashion from
Asia to the western world.

If you’ve ever used ginger for

cooking or baking, you know that
it adds a lot of unique heat to
food. The active compound
responsible for that spicy flavor is called gingerol and is responsible for
most of ginger’s anti-aging potential.

Much like curcumin, gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory and

antioxidant properties that can calm inflammation in your body, protect
against free radicals, and boost your immune system.12

If you’re starting to deal with joint aches or if your muscles take longer to
recover after exercise, ginger has been shown to help decrease pain,
especially when taken long-term. In studies, it appears to be especially
effective for pain associated with osteoarthritis. 13,14

Of course, longevity isn’t just about how we feel physically, although

that’s certainly a big part of it. Brain health and brain function are just as
critical for aging well.

A large number of animal studies have indicated that ginger can enhance
cognitive function and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

With this in mind, a study was conducted evaluating the effects of ginger
on the brain function of otherwise healthy, middle-aged women. The
results showed that the group taking ginger experienced several
increased cognitive functions, including working memory.15

And if all of these benefits weren’t enough, ginger root is also well-known
as one of the best digestive and immune supporters in the plant world.
It’s truly an overall tonic for feeling, thinking, and aging better.


When it comes to supporting

brain power that starts declining
as we age, there are few herbs
more potent for this than

Though you may be more likely

to think of it as a pungent herb
used for cooking, rosemary has
long been considered an
incredible brain tonic in many traditional medicinal practices.

And of course, it was even mentioned by Shakespeare in that famous line

from Hamlet: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance…”

These benefits have so far been backed up by scientific studies. Evidence

suggests that rosemary can improve your memory, mood, and general
brain health as well as potentially provide protection against diseases like

Taking rosemary or using it in aromatherapy can aid both your memory

and mood. One study also indicated that it could improve your sleep
quality (which can certainly diminish with age).16,17

Compounds in rosemary have shown neuroprotective properties that

support the healthy function of your brain and may offer protection
against Alzheimer’s.18

With Alzheimer’s and dementia being two of the biggest enemies of
quality of life for older adults, taking steps to protect the health of your
brain now is critical.

You’ll also get benefits for your entire body from rosemary, since it has
strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties like many of the
other herbs/spices on this list.


If you enjoy spicy foods, you’ll

be happy to learn that cayenne
peppers pack in some of the
biggest anti-aging and longevity

Though technically cayenne is a

pepper, it’s most often used as a
spice to cook with. What you
may not know is that it has also been revered for thousands of years for
its powerful medicinal properties.

Capsaicin is the active ingredient in cayenne and what makes it so spicy.

You may have heard of capsaicin because it has become a common
ingredient in pain-relieving creams.19

You can use cayenne or a cream containing capsaicin topically for several
types of pain that come with age: arthritis, back pain, sore joints,
neuropathy, and general aches.20

Consuming cayenne comes with its own health benefits. The peppers are
packed full of vitamin A, and contain vitamin C, vitamin E, and

Vitamin C, especially, is needed by your body for collagen production.

Collagen is what keeps your skin plump and firm while at the same time
preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C also works with vitamin E to
prevent harmful damage to your skin from UV rays.22

Along with skin health and pain-relief, cayenne can boost your immune
system and may boost your metabolism as well.

The capsaicin present in cayenne makes it a very warming herb, which is

especially good if you often feel cold or have circulatory issues.

Finally, cayenne has traditionally been used to protect heart health and to
lower the risk of heart attacks or disease. Although this use for cayenne is
still being researched, studies do indicate that it may help prevent blood
clots and improve other risk factors for heart disease.23,24

If you can take the heat, cayenne is well worth adding to your dietary

Cilantro and Parsley

You’re probably familiar with

cilantro as a seasoning in many
Mexican and Asian dishes. Most
people either love it or hate it
because of its strong, unique flavor.

The green leaves of cilantro and its

seeds (known to us as coriander)
both contain several anti-aging properties.

The whole cilantro plant is filled with antioxidants, especially one called
quercetin. Quercetin has been found to have an anti-inflammatory effect,
which can help to lower chronic inflammation in your body. 25,26

The specific antioxidants in cilantro have also shown an ability to protect

your skin from photoaging. Photoaging happens when your skin is
damaged by UV rays from the sun. It can cause premature wrinkles to
form and your skin to look older than it is.27

Another fascinating benefit of cilantro is that it may help rid your body of
heavy metals. Depending on where you live and what you’ve been
exposed to, heavy metals can accumulate in your body over time,
causing problems and weakening your immune defenses.

Cilantro appears to be able to bind these toxins together and help your
body get rid of them. Studies so far have shown that it can help with lead
poisoning and accumulation of mercury.28,29

While cilantro can be a great herb for longevity, it’s not everyone’s cup of
tea. If you hate the taste of cilantro, you may wish to turn to one of its
close cousins: parsley.

Fresh parsley leaves are also packed with beneficial antioxidants that can
help reduce inflammation and protect against free radical damage.30

Parsley is especially high in vitamin A (108% of RDI) and vitamin C (53%

of RDI). These vitamins both have antioxidant properties and are vital for
immune health (vitamin C) and eye health (vitamin A).31

Parsley is also extremely high in vitamin K (547% of RDI), which is a

vitamin not discussed as often as others. Vitamin K is hugely important for
supporting bone health and density.32

Women typically start to lose bone density as they age, especially when
they go through menopause. Getting enough vitamin K in your diet may
help prevent this as well as decreasing your risk of bone fractures.33

This makes parsley an especially good anti-aging herb for women.

Top Adaptogenic & Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices
Several of the most powerful herbs for longevity come to us from the
Ayurvedic tradition. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest holistic
medicinal systems that frequently uses herbs to promote health.

You may be less familiar with these herbs since many come from India
and other parts of Asia, but they are growing in popularity as more
research is confirming their health benefits.

Adaptogens are an especially important group of herbs that promote

longevity and fight aging. Although most adaptogenic herbs come from
Ayurvedic or traditional Chinese medicine, the word “adaptogen” was
first coined by a Russian scientist in the mid-1900s.34

Adaptogens are very unique because they help your body cope with
stress by adapting to your needs. They can protect you from the harmful
effects of stress, increase energy, promote better sleep, boost your
mood, and more.34

There are no anti-aging or health-boosting herbs quite like adaptogens!


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

is one of the most important
herbs in Ayurvedic medicine and
one you may have heard of
because of its recent surge to

In fact, it’s been used for over

3000 years and is described as an
herb that “promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health and
expands happiness.”35

Clearly, ashwagandha is considered an ancient longevity herb, but how

does it work?

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, so one of its biggest benefits is helping

you to cope with stress and reducing the effects stress has on your body.
Because chronic stress is a big risk factor for chronic inflammation and
disease, this takes a huge burden off your body.

Several studies have been done on ashwagandha and stress. So far,

they’ve found that it has the ability to lower cortisol levels. (Cortisol is
your stress hormone.) It’s also been shown to significantly lower chronic
stress when taken for a period of time.36

Being over-stressed can have an impact on your mood and sleep

patterns as well as on your physical health.

Research indicates that ashwagandha can improve both anxiety levels
and sleep quality.37,38 Sleep is especially critical for good health as you
age, but something that can become elusive.

One of the most interesting facets of ashwagandha (and other

adaptogens) is that it’s considered a tonic herb in Ayurvedic medicine.

A tonic herb is one that can be taken daily for long periods of time to
promote good health and longevity.

We typically only start considering herbs or conventional treatments

when something goes wrong. But if you make an herb like ashwagandha
part of your daily “tonic”, it will help build up your body and health to
keep youthful vitality intact.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla (also known as Indian

gooseberry) is technically a fruit,
but it’s still perhaps the most
important “herb” used in Ayurvedic
medicine. It can be used on its own
and is also one of the ingredients
in both Triphala and
Chyavanprash, two rejuvenating
and cleansing Ayurvedic formulas.

Amla has adaptogenic effects and is being researched for its potential to
help treat and prevent cancer.39

However, the biggest anti-aging benefits of amla come from its high
vitamin C content and antioxidant power. Vitamin C is actually a powerful
antioxidant all on its own, and one amla fruit typically contains 20 times
the amount of vitamin C in an orange.40

Not only does vitamin C strengthen your immune system, it also plays an
essential role in collagen production.

Collagen is a protein that makes up about 70% of your skin and is what
keeps your skin plump, firm, and wrinkle-free. Unfortunately, collagen
production drops as you age, but getting adequate vitamin C in your diet
or applying it to your skin boosts collagen synthesis.41

Even better, topical vitamin C has been shown to protect your skin from
harmful UV rays and to lighten hyperpigmentation (dark spots and/or
acne scars).

Amla specifically has demonstrated an ability to protect your skin from
photoaging (premature aging due to UV exposure), promote collagen
synthesis, and tighten and firm your skin. 42

To get the most anti-aging benefits, you can add amla to your diet and
use the powder or extract in your skincare routine.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Tulsi is another adaptogenic herb

with a long history of use (at least
3000 years). Although not quite
as well-known as amla and
ashwagandha, the commonly
used name “holy basil” indicates
that tulsi was and is considered a
central and sacred herb in
Ayurvedic medicine.

Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is closely related to the sweet basil you
would use for cooking, but with different (and stronger) properties.
Tulsi is another plant that’s considered a tonic herb, one you would
consume regularly for longevity and good health. It has many benefits
but can mainly be thought of as a protective herb.

Tulsi may:

• Protect organs and tissues from chemical stress that is caused by

pollutants, heavy metals, and other toxins.
• Protect against psychological stress by enhancing memory,
improving overall cognitive function, and exerting an anti-anxiety
and anti-depressive effect.
• Help the body cope with physical stress from exercise and
environmental stressors (such as cold weather).
• Protect against metabolic stress by normalizing blood pressure and
blood glucose.

Stress in one form or another is likely one of the greatest enemies to your
health and a catalyst for the aging process. Protecting your body and
mind from the ill effects of stress is essential for a long and healthy life.

Although researchers still aren’t entirely sure how adaptogenic herbs

work, the research to date indicates that compounds called
ocimumosides are likely responsible for much of tulsi’s anti-stress

Another benefit of adaptogens, especially holy basil, is that they rarely

have side effects and it’s hard to take too much of them.

In fact, you’ll want to consume tulsi regularly to get its full benefits.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is

another herb for longevity that’s
much used in Ayurvedic and
traditional Chinese medicine.

Although it has several potential

health benefits, gotu kola is often
thought of as an anti-aging herb
for your brain. It’s used frequently
in the eastern part of the world but has now come to attention in the
western world and undergone more research.

Gotu kola belongs to the same plant family as parsley and contains
health-boosting vitamins and antioxidants (including vitamin C).44

Because gotu kola is often thought of as a brain tonic, most of the studies
that have been done on it so far focus on this particular area. One review
of several studies documents its potential for “revitalizing” the brain and
nervous system as well as protecting brain and body from free radical

Another small study found that an extract of gotu kola was just as
effective as folic acid at improving cognitive function in participants who
were recovering from a stroke and especially improved memory-related

It seems to particularly help with age-related decline in memory and

cognitive function and may help with mood disorders.47

Besides benefiting your brain, gotu kola has also shown a few anti-aging
skin benefits. It can help promote collagen synthesis as well as keeping
your skin elastic and able to stay hydrated.42


Ginseng is an adaptogenic plant that

has a long history of use in North
America and Asia. It is much loved
and used in traditional Chinese
medicine (rather than Ayurvedic) as a
tonic herb.

There are several species of ginseng,

but the two most popular are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)
and Asian/Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng).

Both contain powerful compounds called ginsenosides that are thought

to be responsible for many anti-aging benefits, including antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties.48,49

The potent antioxidants in ginseng can especially benefit your brain

health and calm inflammation in your body that may lead to disease.50

Asian ginseng also has another anti-aging benefit we haven’t explored

much yet: the ability to boost your energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Using ginseng to promote energy is a very traditional use for this herb,
and there is now research to back it up.

Asian ginseng was able to lessen physical and mental fatigue in

participants with chronic fatigue syndrome in one study. It was also able
to lower oxidative stress.51

Another study done with cancer survivors and American ginseng likewise
found that fatigue was significantly lowered by taking 2000 mg of
ginseng daily.52

Like other adaptogens, ginseng will also help you deal better with
physical and mental stress. It has shown mood-boosting properties and
has even shown positive effects on brain function in Alzheimer’s patients.

If you are in need of more energy, better brain power, and lower stress
levels, ginseng could become your new go-to herb!

Other Top Anti-Aging and Longevity Herbs &

There are a few more anti-aging herbs that don’t fit into a specific
category, but no list on longevity would be complete without them.

These last four include one of the most renowned brain-boosters, an anti-
inflammatory powerhouse, a cottage-garden herb with phenomenal skin
benefits, and one of China’s secret weapons for longevity.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko biloba is believed to be

one of the most ancient species of
trees still in existence. It’s native to
China where the leaves and seeds
have been used in traditional
medicine for thousands of years.

Gingko is most often used as a leaf

extract and has become one of the
most studied herbal supplements. There is no other herb that outshines it
when it comes to a potential for improving memory and overall brain

In fact, standardized gingko extract is registered as a drug in a handful of

European countries because of its effectiveness.55

The high content of antioxidants in gingko leaves is likely why this herb is
so powerful. As mentioned, antioxidants are one of the keys to protecting
your body from oxidative stress and free radical damage that happens as
you age.56

The antioxidant properties of gingko seem to be especially protective

and beneficial for your brain.

In one study, participants aged 50-65 took a gingko extract supplement

for 4 weeks to evaluate its effects on mental functioning. When
compared with the placebo group, those who took gingko had a
significant difference in self-estimated quality of life and mental health.
The gingko group also did better at a motor performance evaluation and
an emotional evaluation.57
Because it has such a long history of documented use for improving
brain power, gingko is one of the most researched herbs for cognitive
disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. There have been positive
findings about its potential but no conclusive evidence yet.58,59

Besides supporting a youthful mind, gingko has also shown a strong anti-
inflammatory effect that can reduce chronic inflammation in your body.
Many studies have confirmed this property and have found it can be
specifically effective against inflammation that is linked to chronic and
age-related diseases.56,60

Green Tea

You may not think of green tea as an herb,

but that’s exactly what it is.

Green tea comes from the leaves of the

Camellia sinensis plant. This is the same
plant that black, white, and oolong teas
come from. Unlike black tea, which is
fermented, green tea retains many of the
antioxidants and other nutrients found in
fresh tea leaves.

Flavonoids are the most abundant antioxidants found in green tea and
make up about 30% of the dry weight of the leaves!61

This rich antioxidant content has led to green tea being nicknamed the
“healthiest beverage in the world” and the “best anti-aging beverage.”

One of the most powerful antioxidants identified in green tea is called

epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), something you may have heard of
because of its powerful potential health benefits.

EGCG has strong anti-inflammatory properties and has shown potential

in research studies to help prevent certain chronic diseases like diabetes,
heart diseases, and several types of cancer.62,63

Green tea can also have a positive effect on both your physical and
mental energy levels.

Natural green tea contains caffeine, but not in large amounts like coffee
and black tea. It also contains a compound called L-theanine that has
been shown to boost brain power while also having a calming or anti-
anxiety effect.64

This combination allows you to get the benefits of energy-boosting

caffeine without getting jittery or experiencing the crash that can come
with consuming large amounts of caffeine.

In fact, studies indicate that caffeine and L-theanine work together

synergistically to improve brain function better than either one on its

Your skin will also thank you for drinking green tea or using it topically in
skincare preparations. It’s been shown to prevent damage from free
radicals that cause skin to age and provides protection against harmful
UV rays.42

Even if you’re not ready to give up your coffee, adding a cup or two of
green tea to your day can have a big effect!


Rose bushes are lovely to look at

and prized for their fragrance, but
they also hold many surprising
health benefits. Rosehips are the
false fruit of the rose plant, ready
to be harvested after the petals fall

They have quickly become a

popular herbal supplement, mainly because of their high vitamin C
content and anti-aging antioxidants.

Just one ounce of rosehips contains about 200% of the daily value of
vitamin C, plus a good amount of vitamin A.66 They also pack in lots of
antioxidants, even more than “superfruits” like blueberries.67

One of the main anti-aging benefits of rosehips is their ability to

strengthen your immune system and ward off infection, mainly due to the
high amount of vitamin C.68

The other antioxidants and vitamins will also help your body with
inflammation and oxidative stress, just like many of the other herbs and
spices on this list.

However, rosehip really comes into its own as an anti-aging skincare


One study showed that just ingesting rosehip powder significantly

improved crow’s feet wrinkles, skin moisture, and skin elasticity in
participants aged 35-65.69
Rosehip oil, which is made by pressing the seeds of rosehips, always
appears at the top of lists for anti-aging skin oils. It retains many of the
benefits of the whole fruit while also containing fatty acids that provide
skin with moisture and improve elasticity.

Two of those fatty acids are oleic and linoleic, which are both important
for keeping your skin barrier functioning. Without a healthy barrier, your
skin will lose water more easily and become dry.70

Rosehip oil also contains a fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid (GLA),
which has also been shown to help skin barrier function and improve dry

And while some oils can feel heavy or greasy, rosehip oil is lightweight
and absorbs easily. It makes the perfect oil for an overnight face serum or
a moisturizer under your makeup.

Goji Berries

The final herb on this list is

another one that’s technically a
fruit: the goji berry.

Along with gingko, goji berries

are the secret “weapon” used for
hundreds of years in China to
promote health and longevity.
They are often referred to as
“wolfberries” in Asian countries and have long been valued for their anti-
aging benefits.

Like other “superfruits,” goji berries are packed with healthy nutrients.
They have an antioxidant content similar to what you would get from
eating blueberries and a good amount of vitamin C. What stands out
about goji berries is their vitamin A content. Five tablespoons of the
dried berries give you 134% of the recommended daily value.72

Vitamin A and beta carotene (one of its precursors) are both important
for eye health, especially as you age. This means that goji berries can
help protect your eyes from age-related diseases like macular

It’s thought that the specific nutrients and antioxidants (especially one
called zeaxanthin) in the berries are responsible for this ability to protect
eye health, but researchers aren’t yet sure.73

Besides keeping your eyes healthy, goji berries have also demonstrated
an ability to generally improve energy, mental alertness, sleep quality,
and feelings of contentment.
This comes from a study done with participants who consumed goji berry
juice daily for two weeks. The results were pretty astonishing. The group
that drank the juice reported “increased ratings for energy level, athletic
performance, quality of sleep, ease of awakening, ability to focus on
activities, mental acuity, calmness, and feelings of health, contentment,
and happiness.”

The goji berry drink also reduced fatigue and stress and improved

This is one of the first studies to really offer confirmation for what
traditional Chinese practitioners have known for centuries: Goji berries
are one of the best kept anti-aging secrets.

That’s great reason to make goji berries your new superfruit.

Herbs & Spices: The Key to Long Life and Good

Nature has given us no shortage of herbs and spices that can help us to
live longer, feel better, and keep our youthful glow.

Antioxidants that work to prevent chronic disease and keep your skin
radiant are abundantly available in plant life, especially in the herbs and
spices on this list.

Just increasing your intake of common “pantry” herbs will give you
unexpected anti-aging benefits. You can also add in more exotic herbs
and spices that have long been used in other countries for longevity.

The best part is that all of these benefits come naturally. Plant
compounds have proven themselves to be the top choice for
rejuvenating body and mind, and nature has already done the hard work
for us.

The sooner you choose to add these beautiful herbs and spices to your
diet and skincare routine, the sooner you’ll start reaping the benefits!

Now, Get Ready for THE Most Little-Known,

Life-Changing Health Secrets of All…

So again, here at The Art of Anti-Aging, the “anti” means we’re against all
the destructive lies about getting older out there that equate hitting your
30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond with becoming increasingly undesirable,
incapable, doomed to suffering and disease, and “over the hill.”

We’re against all the toxic “solutions” and toxic thinking being pushed on
people by certain powers-that-be who so often play upon those
destructive aging lies and manipulate people through fear and even

Instead, we are certain that when you take the right steps, your “middle
years” and “golden years” will truly be your best years.

And we are 100% committed to providing you the proven most effective
health and wellness steps to achieve that… to look your best, feel
amazing, avoid and overcome disease, and live a long life doing it.
The special report was just a small taste of that (and please DO share this
report with family and friends)…

Whereas the online Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit truly is

the PINNACLE of our mission.

Because you’re going to get total clarity on THE most essential secrets
you need to know now on how to look your best, feel amazing, avoid and
even overcome disease, and live a long life doing it…
From 22 of the world’s most renowned and trusted anti-aging and
longevity doctors and researchers.

Head here now to sign up for the FREE online Little-Known, Life-
Changing Health Summit if you aren’t signed up already and…
Head here to get the COMPLETE recordings and transcripts of the entire
summit if you don’t feel you’ll be able to
hear all 7 days of this essential event when
it airs live, and to experience it all on your
own schedule.

"Please do yourself a favor and don’t miss a moment of

this monumentally important summit. Brian Vaszily is
renowned for getting the truly valuable insights that make
the biggest difference in people’s lives from those he
interviews. And in this unique summit, he’s going to have
the world’s top longevity experts reveal their most
powerful but little-known insights of all, so it is going to be
a life-changer”
— Jason Prall, leading longevity researcher, The Human
Longevity Project


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