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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: Health solutions / Evidencia: Soluciones para la salud

Look at the symptoms and write three things in the lines that a person should do
and shouldn’t do to get better. / Observe los síntomas y escriba tres cosas en
las líneas que la persona debe y no debe hacer para sentirse mejor.
I have a
cough and I
don’t feel

Fuente: SENA

If you have a cough, you have to

 You have to drink hot lemon water

 You have to stay in bed ant rest
 You have to your flu medicine

And you shouldn’t

 You don’t have to open the refrigerator

 You don’t have to leave home
 You shouldn’t eat hot food
I feel very
tired all the

Fuente: SENA

If you feel tired, you should

 You should exercise to have more energy

 You should rest a little more
 You should have routine in the day so you have more free time to rest

And you shouldn’t

 You shouldn’t go to bed so late

 You shouldn’t eat so much before bed
 You shouldn’t leave thinking so much about your problems

I have fever
and a terrible

Fuente: SENA
If you have fever and headache, you should

 You should go to the doctor

 You should go to a place where there is much noise
 You should take medication

And you shouldn’t

 You shouldn’t listen to music with loud volume

 You shouldn’t take medication without doctor’s authorizations
 You shouldn’t work

I have a sore

Fuente: SENA

If you have a sore throat, you must

 You must have hot drinks

 You must eat mind to maintain the throat fresh
 You must be in a warm place

And you shouldn’t

 You shouldn’t drink hot drinks

 You shouldn’t eat mind to maintain fresh throat
 You shouldn’t be in a warm place

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