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To give you a background about the test, you will receive two test link,

1. Predictive Index – Cognitive assessment

2. Predictive Index – Behavioural Assessment.

The Behavioural assessment is really simple, all you have to do is tick all of the boxes that apply to

The Cognitive assessment is a little more tricky. So I would suggest googling some logic tests to have
a little practice first.
You will have 12 minutes to answer as many of the 50 questions as you can. Realistically you won't
answer all 50 questions, but a good number to aim for would be 25-30. This is because it tests your
rapid learning ability, the more questions you answer the higher your score will be. For example if
you answer 12 questions and get 10 correct you get a lower score than if you were to answer 30
questions and get 23 correct.

The questions are all multiple choice so it's quick answers, and that questions are all logic based so
will be around; logical reasoning/numbers/sequences/percentages/fractions etc.

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