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YouTuber’s I like:

Joe Jeremiah - Amazing melody music with Piano
Gray Fox - Honestly an absolute legend, I am friends but his content is fantastic.
Davie504 - very popular for a reason.

Gamechamp3000 - Beating a game without doing X thing. Really just good stuff, very good junk
food video.
AngryVideoGameNerd - Absolute Legend. I think the quality hasn’t changed much, but it doesn’t
need to, having some consistency on an ever changing platform is really refreshing.
Caddicarus - really interesting been watching him for about 5-6 years, really felt like for 2-3
years he has upped his level, it felt like this year he really just stepped up his game so much
and has been making some of the best gaming content on the platform. Very reminiscent of
British kids TV show humour at times in a good way.
NitroRad - Amazing dude, just pure passion for creating I love it.
LilKerbs - Best shit post ever with the Big Bean burrito Record
Dunkey - still the king of gaming
Darkk Mane - Comedic timing mastered imo.~
GBay99 - Amazing quality documentaries about League.
ScottTheWoz - AMAZING

LEMMiNO - Spoke about them on the podcast before. Insane quality.
WHang! - Great channel for people who spent all their time online.
All Gas No Brakes - God tier channel, like the KassemG videos of old but improved and more

Reign Bot - Fantastic quality overal.
Nexpo - A Redditor’s Dive Into turmoil is such a chilling video.
Barely Sociable. - Loved his Silk Road video.

KrisNPatz - great personality just a funny guy, video editing is a bit weak. Feels very 2013
Youtube in a good way.
Cartoon Cypher - Hit or miss, when they hit it’s good shit.

Captain Disillusion - absolute fucking god tier.
JayForeman - really good quality and stylised educational videos with so much comedy and
production about mainly the history of London.
Mark Robber - you know him.
Honest Guide - Pretty much only make videos about Prague, I have 0 interest in going to
Prague as I’ve already been but a fantastic personality and passion make the content really
Project Farm - A video of a dude who reviews general tools and products for DIY, like car engine
oil, just shit I do not care about but he’s such a good YouTube personality, so friendly and
passionate about it that you can’t help but listen.
Sam O’Nella - fantastic educational content with razor sharp comedic scripts. Similar to casually
Mike Boyd - really good stuff.
Wendover Productions
Kraut - Fantastic videos on world history.
CGP Grey
Tom Scott
Jonhy Harris - The Vox guy
Linus Tech tips duh

Internet Historian - God tier nothing to say.
Hoax Hotel - God of prank calling.
Nakey Jakey - obv
Value Select - best comedic skit channel on youtube hands down.
Quackity - feels like that one friend you had who’s a little shit, was actually funny.
Report Of The week - ReviewBrah
Kiwami Japn - the dude who makes knifes out of anything
Michael Reeves
William Osman
JonTron - I rewatch the flextape video at least 3 times a year.
VirtuallyVain - Prank Calls
SorrowTV - The only channel of this style who does it right.
Nyanners - Been subbed to her channel since like 2013 I swear, really cool to see her at her
peak now.
Nerd City
Imaqtpie - I legit for 6 months in my life could not fall asleep unless his videos were playing in
the background.
Jenny Nicholson
That JapaneseMan Uta
Daily Dose
Seth Everman
Drew Gooden
Danny Gonzalles

Toad Mckinley - Did an amazing 2 part special on Chris Hansen and the downfall of him and his
show to Catch A Predator

Fredrick Knudsen - Honestly my #1 YouTuber cannot fathom how amazing his Wings video was.

NoClip - Love their documentaries, I think this channel taught me I really value human stories
over. I love some of their content but also don’t care for a lot of the stuff. Overall as someone
who loves game preservation, It’s fantastic having these documentaries about game

Geno Samuel2.1 - Creating the Chris Chan documentary, regardless of the quality or what you
think of Chris chan, insane that he has committed so much, and I hope he manages to finish.

AnxietyWar - he’s just as fascinating as the people he tricks, how the fuck does this guy spend
all day talking to pedephiles I feel like I’m watching the videos of an unhinged man, but they’re
entertaining an a more indie version of To Catch A Predator, you decide if that’s a good or bad

EmperorLemon - His documentary length videos are bangers. Amazing video on the Smash
bros video. And as a YouTuber, his videos about talking about YouTube are fantastic at breaking
it down to the zoomers humour.

Ahoy - Some of the best quality videos on YouTube hands down. Cannot be matched, and if
you’re a gamer, you’re in love.

J Aubery - Great videos

TheRightOpinion - praised him before, fantastic videos, even if I do disagree with some of his

Summonging Salt - I love everything about videos games, history, including Speedrunning.
Everyone knows him god tier.

Atrocity Guide - if you like Fredrick you’ll also enjoy this creator, a chilling voice at times but
really helps with some subjects.

Kaptain Kristian - Best thumbnails on YouTube they look like Netflix quality. Amazing videos too.
Explaining the nuisance in film.

RalphTheMovieMaker - but he’s really entertaining to watch.

Your Movies Suck Dot Org

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