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What is the meaning of life?

For over a year now I have pondered this question several times during that neither short nor
long duration. It sometimes happened on a dark and rainy day, or when I'm all alone with no one
there and nothing to distract. And at those moments, I always find myself staring blankly at the
empty air, my thoughts a jumbled mess. Right now, for the first time ever in all my seventeen
years of existence, I truly don't know what I want in life.

I know that countless come and go everyday on this Earth, continuing to toil away for a purpose.
But, what is that purpose? What do people seek in life: money, power, peace, love, happiness?
All of these things are temporary, even life itself is temporary; so then, why were we born in the
first place?

That's where religion comes to place. People say and believe that there is a God and a life after
death. They hope and have faith that there will be salvation and deliverance to those who hold
firm in their belief. These things I find comforting in this gray world, yet somehow I can't put my
hope, faith and everything into it. My belief in these things are there, but there still exists doubt
and defiance that I can't help but feel.

In the end, just what is life?

Various answers have already been given to us by great philosophers to what life is in their own
opinion, and being only a seventeen year old teenager I can't possibly provide an answer that
can rival theirs. I'm still searching, maybe even waiting for that answer to eventually come to
me. But for now, I'll just try to live life and continue on with this journey. No matter where it goes
I'll slowly move forward. I only hope that it'll lead me to somewhere that gives me the best
comfort and warmth.

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