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Basic Programming Lab

— — 0x07
Operator Precedence

Operator Meaning of operator Associativity

() Functional call
[] Array element reference
Left to right
-> Indirect member selection
. Direct member selection

Logical negation
Bitwise(1 's) complement
Unary plus
Unary minus
Decrement Right to left
Dereference (Address)
Pointer reference
Returns the size of an
Typecast (conversion)

* Multiply
/ Divide Left to right
% Remainder

+ Binary plus(Addition)
Left to right
- Binary minus(subtraction)

<< Left shift

Left to right
>> Right shift

< Less than

<= Less than or equal
Left to right
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
Operator Precedence

Operator Meaning of operator Associativity

= Equal to
Left to right
!= Not equal to

& Bitwise AND Left to right

^ Bitwise exclusive OR Left to right

| Bitwise OR Left to right

&& Logical AND Left to right

|| Logical OR Left to right

?: Conditional Operator Right to left

= Simple assignment
*= Assign product
/= Assign quotient
%= Assign remainder
+= Assign sum
-= Assign difference Right to left
&= Assign bitwise AND
^= Assign bitwise XOR
|= Assign bitwise OR
<<= Assign left shift
>>= Assign right shift

, Separator of expressions Left to right

Formatting output in printf

Description Code Result

Width 6 printf("\n|%6d|", 73); | 73|

Width 6, left-justified printf("\n|%-6d|", 73); |73 |

Width 6, zero-filled printf("\n|%06d|", 73); |000073|

Width 6, with sign printf("\n|%+6d|", 73); | +73|

Description Code Result

%f usage printf("\n|%f|",
%e usage printf("\n|%e|",

Print one position after the printf("\n|%.1f|",

decimal 12.3456);

Two positions after the decimal |12.35|

Width 10, two positions after printf("\n|%10.2f|",

| 12.35|
the decimal 12.3456);

Width 10, four positions after printf("\n|%10.4f|",

| 12.3456|
the decimal 12.3456);

Width 10, two positions after printf("\n|%010.2f|",

the decimal, zero-filled 12.3456);

Width 10, two positions after printf("\n|%-10.2f|",

|12.35 |
the decimal, left-justified 12.3456);
break & continue & goto

// Program to check working of break, continue & goto

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i;

for (i = 1; i < 20; ++i)

printf("\n%d ", i);
if ( i % 3 == 0)
printf("\n%d is divisible by 3", i);
if ( i % 7 == 0)
printf("\n%d is divisible by 7", i);
printf("\nNot visible to console");
printf("\nOut of loop");
goto label1;
if ( 7 % 2 == 0)
label1: printf("\nHere");

return 0;
//Use scanf for input in Every Program
1. Write a program to print formatted integers.

Input : 123
a) |1|2|3| | | | | | | | //Width = 10
b) | | | | | | | |1|2|3| //Width = 10

2. Write a program to print formatted floating point


Input : 1234.56

a) |1|2|3|4|.|5|6|0|0|0|0|
b) |1|.|2|3|4|5|6|0|e|+|0|3|
c) |1|2|3|5|
d) |1|2|3|4|.|6|
e) |1|2|3|4|.|5|6|0| | |
f) | | |1|2|3|4|.|5|6|0|
g) | |1|.|2|3|5|e|+|0|3|

3. Write a program to print factorial of a number.

4. Write a program to print HCF of two numbers.

5. Write a program to find the sum of series

1 + (1+2) + (1+2+3) + (1+2+3+4) ...

6. Write a program to count the no of digits from the

input no.

7. Write a program to check whether a no is

palindrome or not.
Points to Remember
1. Filetype: .c

2. Naming Convention for File: Question_Y.c

where Y = Question No in that Assignment
example: Question_1.c

3. Write your details in every program

|Author : Your_Name |
|Roll No: Your_Roll_No |
|Department: Your_Department |

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