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1.1 Management function
1.1.1 Definition of management function
Management functions are basic elements that are always inherent in
the management process and are used as a reference for managers in
carrying out these activities. Management function according to Henry
Fayol and GR. Terrry is planning (planning), organizing (organizing),
staffing, actuating, and controlling. The following describes the
management functions as planning, organizing, staffing, actuating,
and controlling.

1.2 Posac manajemen management function

1.2.1 Planning (Planning)
Planning is a decision for the future, what, when, where, how much,
when, and what will or must be done according to certain goals.

Before knowing more about planning, first recognize the differences

in vision, mission, basic values, and goals. Mission, vision, core
values and goals are the starting point of strategic planning. These
four things set the basic context of a process and to run things and
planning units embedded in an organization. The mission difference
describes the goals of an organization while the vision describes the
desire for the future, often described clearly, evocatively, briefly by
the managers of an organization.

The basic value states philosophically the commitment that is

prioritized by the manager, while the goal is the future desire of an
organization that is trying to be realized. Four characteristics of goals:
Precise and measurable. Measurable goals can provide a manager with
a standard against which to compare the results that have been
implemented. Mention important issues. To build the manager must
select several major objectives to assess the performance of the
organization. Challenging but realistic. Provides a challenge for all
employees, members of the organization to improve performance in
the organization. If the goal is not realistic or too easy it will make
employees or members of the organization feel hopeless and bored.
Determine within a certain time period that should be achieved.
Deadlines can inject a sense of urgency into goal achievement and act
as a motivator. However, not all goals require a time constraint. The importance of planning:

a. Eliminate or reduce uncertainty in the future
b. Focus on each unit involved
c. Make activities more economical
d. Allows for supervision Planning elements

The elements involved in planning are:
a. Forecasting, for example estimating future trends
(opportunities and challenges)
b. Setting goals (establishing objectives), for example
arranging events in which the sequence of activities is
based on a priority scale
c. Prepare the implementation schedule (scheduling), for
example setting/calculated time correctly
d. Prepare a budget (budgeting), for example allocating
available resources (money, tools, people) by taking
into account the time appropriately in a way that
develops procedures, for example determining the most
appropriate procedure
e. Policy (interpreting and establishing policy), for
example, interpreting superior policies and establishing
operational policies Planning properties

There are several characteristics of planning that must be
considered in order to produce a good plan, namely: looking
far ahead, simple, clear, flexible, stable, in balance,
availability of resources for implementation. Planning technique

a. PPBS, namely the planning, programming, and
budgeting system (planning, programming, and
budgeting system)
b. NwP, namely network planning
c. Traditional planning by type of expenditure
d. Planning for work results that are oriented towards the
goals/results to be achieved
1.2.2 Organizing
Organizing is a series of activities for the division of tasks to be
carried out, as well as the development of an organizational structure
that is in accordance with the objectives, so that the work can be
completed properly. Organizing functions include:
a. clearly defined goals,
b. division of work assignments,
c. Delegate authority, and
d. Contains coordination mechanisms.

Organizing, or in Indonesian organizing is a process concerning how

the strategies and tactics that have been formulated in planning are
designed in an appropriate and strong organizational structure, a
conducive organizational system and environment, and can ensure that
all parties in the organization can work effectively and efficiently. in
order to achieve organizational goals.

A simple definition of organizing is the whole process of grouping

people, tools, tasks, and authorities and responsibilities in such a way
as to create an organization that can be moved as a unified whole and
unanimous in order to achieve predetermined goals.

Organizing is determining the work to be done, grouping tasks and

dividing the work into each employee, determining various
departments and determining relationships. The purpose of this
organization is to establish a role and structure where employees can
know what their duties and goals are. Organizing Principle

The organizing process can be carried out efficiently if
managers have certain guidelines so that they can make
decisions and can act. To organize effectively, the following
organizational principles can be used by a manager, as
a. Specialization Principle
According to the principle, the work of all attention
should be divided among subordinates on the basis of
qualifications, abilities and skills. It is through the
division of labor that can be achieved which results in
an effective organization. Division of labor is the
breakdown of a complex task into its components so
that each person is responsible for some limited activity
instead of the task as a whole.

Not everyone is physically and psychologically capable

of carrying out all the operations that make up most
complex tasks, even assuming one can acquire all the
skills necessary to perform the task. In contrast, division
of labor creates simpler tasks that can be learned and
completed relatively quickly.
So it reinforces specialization, when everyone becomes
an expert in a particular job. Because this action creates
job variety, people can choose or be assigned a position
according to their talents and interests.

b. Functional Definition Principle

According to this principle, all functions in a concern
must be correct and clear to managers and subordinates.
This can be done by clearly defining the duties,
responsibilities, authorities and relationships of people
to each other.
Clarification in authority-responsibility helps in
achieving a coordinating relationship and thus the
organization can run effectively. For example, the main
functions of production, marketing and finance and the
relationship of responsibility and authority within these
departments must be clearly defined for everyone to be
embedded in the minds of employees. Clarification in
the authority-responsibility relationship helps in an
efficient organization.

c. Span of Control or Supervision Principle

According to this principle, span of control is the span
of control that describes the number of employees that a
single manager can effectively handle and control.
According to this principle, a manager must be able to
handle the number of employees under him. This
decision can be taken by selecting either a wide or
narrow range froma.
There are two types of span of control:
1) A wide span of control is one over which a manager
can supervise and controleffectively a large group of
people at one time.
2) In this narrow span of control, work and authority
are shared between many subordinates and the manager
does not supervise and control the very large group of
people under him. Managers fit a narrow range of
overseeing a selected number of employees at one time.

d. Scalar Chain Principle

A scalar chain is a chain of command or authority that
flows from top to bottom. Authority and responsibility
must run in a firm and unbroken line from the highest
executive to the lowest. A scalar chain facilitates
workflow in an organization which helps in achieving
effective results. As authority flows from top to bottom,
it clarifies positions of authority for managers at all
levels and which facilitates effective organization.

e. The Principle of Unity of Command

This implies a superior one subordinate-one
relationship. Every subordinate
bertanggung jawab kepada satu manajer. Hal ini
membantu dalam menghindari kesenjangan komunikasi
dan kesimpangan tanggung jawab. Jika atasan yang
lebih tinggi ingin memberikan perintah atau hal-hal lain
kepada para bawahan yang berada beberapa tangga di
bawah dalam hierarki organisasi, seyogianya hal itu
dilakukan melalui atasan langsung orang yang
bersangkutan. Paling tidak dengan sepengetahuan atasan
langsung tersebut. Implementasi
Pentingnya pengorganisasian, menyebabkan timbulnya sebuah
struktur organisasi, yang dianggap sebagai sebuah kerangka
sebuah kerangka yang masih dapat menggabungkan usaha-
usaha mereka dengan baik. Dengan kata lain, salah satu bagian
penting tugas pengorganisasian adalah mengharrmonisasikan
kelompok orang yang berbada, mempertemuka
macam-macam kepentingan dan memanfaatkan
kemampuan-kemampuan kesemuanyain a certain direction.
(Terry 1979).
The purpose of this is to generate synergies, which means that
actions need to be taken to group all appropriate capabilities
into one place and utilize these capabilities so that they can be
useful for the organization. However, an organization does not
only group human resources, but also with other resources in
order to be effective. So organizing is a case that can have a
very good effect in an effort to move all activities and
potentials that can be accommodated as well as managerial

1.2.3 Manpower (Staffing)

The staffing function in management is defined as a continuous step-
by-step procedure process to keep the organization always getting the
right people in the right positions at the right time. These steps include:

a. Human resource planning (HR),
b. Procurement of new employees (recruitment through
c. Selection and placement,
d. Induction and Orientation.

1) Human Resource Planning

The steps of human resource planning, namely:
a. Planning for future needs
b. Planning for ufor future balance
c. Planning for procurement and selection or termination
d. Planning for development.

To complete these steps there are 2 factors to consider, namely:

Strategic plans, goals and objectives as well as tactics to make the
organization realistic which will determine the needs of personnel and
the organization. Potential changes in the external environment, this
can mean changes in the availability of funds or labor.

2) Procurement of new employees (recruitment)

Intended to accommodate a sufficient number of candidates for a
selection to be held to obtain prospective employees who meet the
general administrative requirements. Selection can be carried out in 2
types, namely general selection (for general personnel needs) and
special selection (for specialists/experts in certain fields).

3) Selection and Placement

If the qualifications for each job position have been determined, then
the next step is to hold a selection (selection) through the stages of
selection starting from written tests, health, psychological tests,
interviews and statements regarding work ability and work placement

4) Induction and Orientation

Induction and orientation give new employees about:
a. General information about daily work
b. Overview of the history, office environment, vision and mission of
the organization as well as
c. future development.
d. Information regarding organizational policies, work rules and
matters regarding
e. salaries and allowances.

5) Transfer
Transfers consist of promotions, transfers and demotions
a. Promotion, is to give greater responsibility and authority to
employees, in other words, promotion is a promotion/higher position,
which is one of the efforts to promote/develop employees.
b. Mutation is the transfer of an employee from one position to
another within a period of timeThat's a horizontal level.
c. Demotion is an act of giving less power and responsibility, in other
words, a reduction in rank/position because it is considered
incompetent and underachieving in that position.

6) Training and Development

Training and development is a systematic approach to provide
opportunities for employees to develop themselves using strengths and
abilities for organizational purposes.

7) Performance appraisal
Performance appraisal is one of the important things in organizing, but
in practice it is very difficult to see adequate results. Performance
appraisal can be divided into 2 types, namely formal and informal.

1.2.4 Directing (Actuating)

Actuating, in Indonesian, means to move. That is, an action to make
all group members strive to achieve goals in accordance with
organizational goals. So, actuating aims to move people to want to
work independently and with full awareness together to achieve
organizational goals effectively and efficiently. In this case, good
leadership is needed.

Actuating merupakan upaya untuk merealisasikan suatu rencana.

Dengan berbagai arahan dengan memotivasi setiap karyawan untuk
melaksanakan kegiatan dalam organisasi, yang sesuai dengan peran,
tugas dan tanggung jawab. Maka dari itu, actuating tidak lepas dari
peranan kemampuan leadership. Leadership dan Actuating

Actuating clearly requires personal maturity and
understanding of human characters who have different
tendencies and are dynamic. Therefore, the actuating
function turns out to be much more complicated than it
seems, because it must involve the function of leadership.
The famous premise was once expressed by Doghlas
McGregor, that an employee is always assumed to be
negative and positive. In this actuating process, the presence
of leadership is as a support. Because actuating itself has a
purpose as a driving force, which will later aim to
streamline and streamline work within the organization. Actuating Principle:

a. Implementation and Assignment.
The next step in determining the supervisory work
program is the implementation of supervision in the
form of assignment. The main objective of the
assignment is to strike a balance between several
factors: personal requirements and qualifications,
balance for professional development, and others.
b. Fund Management Supervision.
Management of funds or budgets used by organizations
is important so that funds are not wasted.
c. Provision and Utilization of Monitoring Facilities.
Supervision also requires advice and tools to carry out
supervision, for example the technology used to monitor
the work of organizational members or workers.
d. Supervision Documentation.
This is necessary to obtain tangible evidence in the
event of a violation, an error in carrying out activities
within the organization.
Audit Supervision. Implementation
The important thing to consider in doing actuating is to
motivate an employee to do something, for example:
a. Feeling confident and able to do a job,
b. Believing that the work has added value to themselves,
c. Not burdened by personal problems or other more
important or urgent tasks,
d. The assignments given are quite relevant,
e. Harmonious relationship between co-workers.

1.2.5 Controlling
According to GR Terry, supervision can be defined as the process of
determining what must be achieved, namely standards, what is being
carried out, namely implementation, evaluating implementation and if
necessary making improvements, so that implementation is in
accordance with the plan, namely in line with standards.
It is clear that the supervisory function taken from a definitional point
of view is vital in a company. So that the implementation process is
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the plan. Take
corrective action, if there are deviations. This is done to achieve the
goals in accordance with the plan.

So supervision is carried out before the process, during the process,

and after the process. With control, it is also hoped that the utilization
of all elements of management will be effective and efficient. Process in Controlling

In controlling there are several processes and stages, namely
supervision. The monitoring process is carried out in stages
and systematically through the following steps:
a. Determine the standards that will be used as the basis for
b. Measuring the implementation or results that have been
c. Compare implementation or results with
standard and determine deviation if any.
d. Take corrective action, if there are deviations so that the
implementation and objectives are in accordance with the plan.
e. Review and re-analyze the plan, whether it is realistic or
not. If it is not realistic then it needs to be fixed. Implementation
Several ways of controlling that must be carried out by a
manager which includes direct supervision, is supervision that
is carried out directly by a manager. The manager checks the
work in progress to see if it is being done correctly and the
results are as desired.
Indirect supervision, is remote supervision, meaning through
written or verbal reports from employees about the
implementation of work and the results achieved. Control
based on exceptions, is supervision that is devoted to
extraordinary errors of the expected results or standards. This
supervision is carried out by a combination of direct and
indirect by the manager. Supervision can also be distinguished according to its nature

and timing:
a. Preventive control is supervision that is carried out before
the activity is carried out to avoid deviations in its
implementation. This monitoring is the best because it is
carried out before an error occurs but is predictive in nature.
b. Repressive control is supervision that is carried out after an
error occurs in its implementation. With the intention that there
will be no repetition of errors, so that the results are as desired.
c. Supervision when the process is carried out, so that repairs
can be made immediately.
d. Periodic supervision, is supervision that is carried out
periodically, for example monthly, per semester, etc.
e. Supervision sudden (check), is supervision
which conducted suddenly to find out whether the
implementation was done well or not.
f. Inherent Supervision (waskat), is supervision/control that is
carried out in an integrated manner starting from before,
during,and after the activity is carried out.

There are several basic processes in supervision, including

control techniques and systems which are basically the same
for cash, office procedures, morals, product quality or
whatever. It can be assumed that both a clear, complete and
integrated plan and organizational structure will be created if
the manager is confident in his duties. If the manager is unsure
of his duties or the subordinate has no power or does not know
that he has the power to carry out his duties, it will be difficult
to determine who is responsible.

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