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Part 1

Despite the fact that both texts may not seem to regard the same topic, in its basics they
refere to consumism and pollution.

In the fisrt text it is portrayed the vast amount degradeable and non-degradeable items that
are naturally disposed every day, from plastic base products to paper ones, recent studies have
shown that unfortunately this rate is to nothing but increase,fortunetly plenty of this objects
are recyclable so that the impact they have is lessen.This is indeed a turn for the good, yet is
not sufficient neither a permanent solution to stop the deterioration of our planet.
Nonetheless, there is still so much space for improvement in enviroment protection and so
many investment on it that is sure to be resolved.

As for the second it gives us insight on how effective marketing tactics implemented by
technology companies are.The very reason for this campaings is to evoke a feeling of
neecessity in us towards buying the latest products, consequently disposing our current
device. Despite how well designed this tactics may seem the actual reason for its effectiveness
may be caused by the fact that technology developes in such a quick way and we live in a
incredibly competitive society that we are reluctant to be outdated, resulting in the adquisition
of the state of the art technology.

On the whole as mentioned earlier both texts have really close roots which are reflected on
how the human being is portrayed as a consumer that is unattached to physical belongings and
takes no account on the retaliation their disposal may have.I do believe that this is pessimistic
perspective of the human being and consumism that is to be solved.
The aim of this report is to explain the effect at our transport system brought by the
withdrawal of line number 7.

First to mention is that the removal of this line will leave hundreds of people without a
commuting method as this bus goes into zones in which the traffic is forbidden but for taxis
and buses.not only that but it stops in almost every landspot on the city being the reason for
many tourist to come,therefore many businesses whose expenses are paid by tourist income
are surely to close, resulting in even less passengers in other services and the loss of cultural
awareness to those interested on visiting our city.

Secondly, transportation methods quality have proven their worth in many occasions, the
closest one is the strike performed by truck drivers with lead into a shortage of daily basis
products,or in wars the armys with better organised supply routes and soldiers transportation
have always come victorious.

Thirdly accordingly to a recent study done by Oxford’s university has shown that in most cases
the expenses associated to rescheduling the remaining lines and hiring new drivers in order to
fulfill the shifts way surpass those need it to keep it and the users are reluctant to adapt their
routine and choose other ways of transport, the study with all that taken into account claims
that the average loss is around 5% of the yearly income .

Last to mention is the rol a good transport system plays into a city, many international
companies look for places with good urbanistic structures so that they can settle in and their
workers can commute with ease.What is more the very reason transport system exist is to
fulfill the necessity to arrive to a certain spot without needing a personal vehicle no matter
whether is in is the tiniest village on earth or Los Angeles, hence the removal of this line do
contradict its own reason to exist.

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