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Table of Content

S.No. Experiments Date Remarks

WAP to swap two integers without using a third
1. variable. The swapping must be done in a different 07/04/2022
method in a different class.

WAP that uses a class where the member functions

2. are defined outside a class. 21/04/2022
WAP to find the greater of two given numbers in 28/04/2022
3. two different classes using friend function.
4. Create an abstract class Shape which has a field
PI=3.14 as final and it has an abstract method 05/05/2022
Volume. Make two subclasses Cone and Sphere
from this class and they print their volume.
Create a class called LIST with two pure virtual
5. function store() and retrieve().To store a value call 12/05/2022
store and to retrieve call retrieve function. Derive
two classes stack and queue from it and override
store and retrieve.
WAP to define the function template for 19/05/2022
6. calculating the square of given numbers with
different data types.
Design a class to represent a bank account. Which
7. include contains account number, name of the
depositor, type of the account, balance amount in
the account. Define Methods, to assign initial
values, to Deposit an amount, to Withdraw
amount after checking balance, to display name
and balance.
Create an inheritance hierarchy of Rodent, Mouse,
8. Gerbil, Hamster etc. In the base class provide
methods that are common to all Rodents and
override these in the derived classes to perform
different behaviors, depending on the specific type
of Rodent. Create an array of Rodent, fill it with
different specific types of Rodents and call your
base class methods.
WAP Containing a Possible Exception. Use a Try 10/06/2022
9. Block to Throw it and a Catch Block to Handle it
WAP to raise an exception if any attempt is made
10. to refer to an element whose index is beyond the 24/06/2022
array size.

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