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Twitter Verification article : 6118 followers

YouTube Subscriber: 202 k
Telegram members: 25.3 K

Good Morning
My name is Muqdas butt and I am running a channel with name Ilme- Aalim on
You tube, Twitter and also on telegram with a good number of followers on twitter (6118)
and can be include in influential individuals which is a basic requirement for twitter
verification. Social media specially twitter has that unique ability to take non-celebs like
me and thrust us into the spotlight but people’s/followers needs some authentication to
trust and blue tick can be a major motive to build more trust and confidence in people for
my channel and I will be more active and responsible to provide precise and truthful
information. The blue Twitter verification badge signals the platform recognizes an account
as real, credible, authentic and of interest to the public.

The basic aim of my all social media platform is to create awareness and knowledge
regarding Digital currency, updated CRYPTO market situation, NFT Tokens and other
related information regarding cryptocurrency. My twitter page is creating awareness, share
information, and galvanize community members regarding digital currencies. And my
community is growing day by day and peoples are getting benefits and one of the biggest
advantages of my social media platform is that all people are getting information free of
cost such as updated signals information on telegram.

In view of above and to encourage and uphold confidence among users on the
platform, my twitter page will need to be verified and all the required information/links
required for verification is attached. In this regard it’s my humble request that my twitter
channel need blue verification badge that appears on Twitter profiles which lets people
know that the account is of public interest and, most importantly, authentic and when we
get verified on Twitter, that signals to users that Ilme- Aalim profile is credible and
authentic and in this way people get more interest and trust on my twitter channel.
Article written by : Faheem Haider0345-9273060

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