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Reading and summary of what is understood in class

Crop science: you go around and select new varieties of plants to obtain better
economic benefits.
Soil science: use of the soil by investigating its characteristics and management to
ensure soil fertility to continue producing
Animal Science: providing education to students as well as farmers and even providing
new options for specialists who can continue training in the field of livestock
Agricultural Engineering: Uses innovative machinery and products to obtain a better
Agricultural economy: obtaining a better result and achieving commercialization of
agricultural products
Agricultural education: Capacita and study of those who are involved in the agricultural
field and also in other areas.

Grain producers Animal producers Agricultural and
agricultural services
Farmers in general Part-time farmers Agro-cola scnicos

Poultry Farm Managers Specialized farmers Farm Employees

Truck farmers Crop processing and Agricultural workers


Animal breeder Distributions to farmers

(b) Questionnaires
What are the branches of agriculture?
A. Crop Science
B. Edaphology
C. Animal science
D. Agricultural engineering
E. Agricultural economics
F. Agricultural education
What did you understand about occupations in agricultural production and
agricultural businesses?
They are unified which first comes the occupations that provide to obtain a product of
good quality obtaining the maximum provecho of the soil and the works that are
carried out to improve the crop or livestock
The business part we get involved in the final product that goes to the market where it
has to go through various processes such as packaging export marketing etc. until
reaching the final consumer that will give us a better qualification in the market and
generate better job offers
Belongs to: Gerson Calagua Pisco

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