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N.T.R. Bhavan, Atmakuru Village, Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Central Office Date : 25.10.2021 His Excellency Shri Ram Nath Kovind Ji, Sub: Anarchy in Andhra Pradesh - Life, Liberty and Internal Security of the nation under threat - Rise of Criminal Networks in Liquor, Drugs, Sand, Land and Mines - Politically Organized Crime and Violence - Mafiaisation of State Apparatus - Constitutional Breakdown - State- sponsored Violence - Attack on democratic institutions since June 2019 ~ Legislature, Judiciary, Bureaucracy and Media targeted - Constitutional bodies under attack - Police Impunity - Dissenting politicians and_ citizens victimized - Continuous Attacks on Places of Worship - Attempt to intimidate and crush Principal Opposition Party and Watchdog of Democracy- DGP and top police officials in collusion with ruling party - Massive Financial Irregularities - Urgent need for invocation of Article 356 in Andhra Pradesh - Comprehensive CBI inquiry on Series of incidents occurred on 19.10.2021 — Investigate the criminal networks linked to drug hub operating in AP - To recall the DGP of AP - Reg. As the principal Opposition Party and watchdog of democracy in Andhra Pradesh, we from the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) represent to Your Excellency the concems of the entire state against the illegitimate, unconstitutional, and terrorizing actions of the state government. We urge your intervention in curbing the spread of the drug-fuelled mafia state in ‘Andhra Pradesh before it spreads its tentacles to the rest of India. Through this representation, we bring to Your Excellency's notice the ruling party and state government's all-round assault on constitutional provisions, central and state legislations, industries and industrialists, forests and tribal resources, dissenting politicians and citizens (especially minorities, Dalits, Women and other vulnerable social groups), the higher judiciary, bureaucracy and the media, constitutional bodies like the state election commissioner and state public service commission, and abuse of police powers to intimidate the people into submission. Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 N.T-R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. This situation is a direct consequence of the ruling YSRCP having overseen a massive spread of drugs from Andhra Pradesh to the rest of India, with mafia cultivating ganja in around 25,000 acres, worth Rs. 8,000 crore. We have provided details about the spread of these drugs in the attached report. The nadir of this Saga has been the seizure of nearly 3000 kilos of heroin at Mundra port on September 15, 2021. This was being imported by a company registered in Vijayawada, AP, which had been Paying its GST dues since August 2020. Even as recently as October 21, a cache of 3 kilos of pseudoephedrine was caught by Bangalore Police and traced its origin to Narasapuram in West Godavari district, AP. It is thus evident that AP has emerged as a drug hub crossing state and national boundaries. The future of our youth, both in state and nation-wide, is at great risk if this spread is left unchecked. This illicit trade serves as a significant revenue stream for anti-social elements. By refusing to crack down on this trade to protect the crime ‘syndicates controlled by the ruling party leaders, the state government is also Providing a lifeline for anti-social elements to grow strong all across Andhra Pradesh and rest of India due to cascading effect. Our future generations, if addicted to this drug menace, will not only be a huge loss to nation-building but also become a threat to our law and order as goons serving the interests of mafia networks. As you are well aware, international armed insurgent groups grow strong first through the production and smuggling of drugs and other illicit goods. This gives them the resources to procure weapons and resort to terrorism, and finally to seize power in their countries, specifically in Africa and Asia. This process is now being repeated in reverse in Andhra Pradesh. After coming to power, the government has enabled the entrenchment of crime syndicates in afore-mentioned sectors. This in turn has led to the flow of money and criminal elements into political processes in general and to the ruling YSRCP in particular. With the capture of state apparatus and attack on any institution that Opposes them, they have continued to exercise power in contravention of all constitutional and legal Provisions. Violence is being used to maintain these networks and intimidate dissenting voices. To sum up, this kind of Mafiasiation of the State Apparatus in Andhra Pradesh essentially points to the dawn of a new political culture in organized politics. This culture and the Party that embodies it, YSRCP, Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 2 N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. thrives on money gained from illicit trade networks. To protect and enforce these networks, this party in turn corrupts every state organization and section of society that opposes it. A prime example is the mob attack on TDP offices and leaders across the state on October 19, 2021, including on its national headquarters. This was the culmination of TDP leaders pointing out state support of drug networks. This attack on the headquarters was carried out despite the presence of the DGP Office, the State Police Headquarters, and a battalion of the AP Special Police, violence being Present within a kilometre's distance. The police remained spectators despite prior information, this being an intentional intelligence failure. This is just one example that strongly indicates a deep collusion between the Director General of Police, AP, and the ruling party leaders. The mafia state has grown strong enough to control and manipulate democratic institutions and Police organs in the state. Violence and impunity is embodied in this culture and it does not see itself bound by the Constitution or the Law. Custodial torture has become the norm. The YSRCP MP from Narasapuram constituency, Raghu Ramakrishna Raju, was tortured in police custody in May 2021. Such torture is inflicted on every dissenting leader or citizen who are locked up under false charges. This case is only an illustration of what has become a widespread epidemic of police torture, custodial violence and harassment of individuals physically, mentally and financially. If not sufficiently curbed now, this Culture has every Possibility of spreading to other states and corrupting the body politic of the entire country. This has led to a direct existential threat to the citizens of Andhra Pradesh. Fundamental rights are being violated as a direct effect of the arbitrary and unjustifiable actions of the state apparatus. The Right to Life guaranteed under Article 21 is threatened on a daily basis; Freedom of Expression under under Article 19 is being curbed by brute force and police coercion; Right against Illegal Detention under Article 22 is violated by Police through false cases to threaten dissenting voices; Right to Religion under Article 25 is being eroded with continuous attacks on places of worship; legal rights of farmers to property are also being violated in the case of Amaravati. Thousands of false cases have been filed against dissenting individuals, organizations, and political parties, especially Telugu Desam cadre. Dozens of false cases have been filed against hundreds of Telugu Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 3 N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. Desam leaders alone. SC/ST (PoA) Act is being misused grossly in addition to abusing sections like 307, 353 along with Section 30 of Police Act. After arresting on false charges the victims are moved from one police station to another on the same charges only to harass and deter the victims. Also, in many instances victims are arrested during midnight without even serving notice under section 41A CrPC. These cases are meant to harass and punish these individuals using delayed due process as an instrument. Just as disturbingly, places of worship are being attacked for political gains by the ruling party. In the past 29 months, around 143 temples had been attacked, their Statues, chariots or other infrastructure destroyed. The culprits remain at large with the police again turning a blind eye to what is clearly a larger Conspiracy to polarize people by the ruling party and thereby to benefit from the changed religious demography. That the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and the Supreme Court Pointed out to lawlessness in the State at various instances speaks volumes about breakdown of the constitutional machinery in AP. An illustrative case here is that of Indugumalli Varaprasad of East Godavari district who was tonsured on July 21, 2020, in the Sitanagaram police station at the behest of a local YSRCP leader. This act was meant to humiliate him as a Dalit individual. Varaprasad wrote a letter to the President's Office describing his ordeal and demanding justice. This letter was directed to the state government but no Substantive action was forthcoming in the past year. Such lawlessness is a direct consequence of illicit trade by crime syndicates that have taken control of liquor, mining, sand, land, ganja cultivation and smuggling to the rest of India, heroin, smuggling of red Sandalwood. Further, even hair donated in Hindu temples has not been Spared from the grip of these syndicates. These syndicates, in their quest to protect their interests and Operations, have taken hold of political Processes and institutions to control and weaken the state’s law enforcement machinery. A parallel and extra-legal system that enriches itself through massive corruption in above-mentioned sectors has now escalated to money laundering which in turn is used to create internal disturbances and undermine the Constitution. Financial Terrorism through money laundering has led to Mafiaisation of the State Apparatus. This entire process is illustrated below in what is seen as state capture by crime mafia, led by leaders with deeply criminalized Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 4 N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. backgrounds and manifold criminal cases against them. In what can only be termed as State-sponsored Terror, Andhra Pradesh is being turned into a functioning anarchy where the state organizations exist only to Protect these mafia groups. Fundamental contractual obligations of the executive have been neglected in an effort to loot, enrich, and protect ill- gained wealth by syndicates connected to the YSRCP-led state government at the expense of people, society, markets, and law and order. Modus Operandi of YSRCP-led Government in Andhra Pradesh As you are well aware, YSR Congress Party under the leadership of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy was elected to power in May 2019, forming the government on May 30, 2019. Since then, in the past 29 months, there has been an abdication of fundamental governance responsibilities. The current government and ruling party have morphed into predatory machinery in Collusion with the police. It has been targeting people, opposition parties, legislators and public institutions, state infrastructure and bureaucracy, and exploiting natural resources, Even places of worship have not been spared Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 5 N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. with most of the criminals involved in attacks on temples not apprehended yet. The longer AP's situation is neglected, the worse it will turn into a hotbed of illicit trade, conversion into a police state, ultimately leading to a State of anarchy that hurts our democracy, our people, our economy, and our Constitutional and Republican principles. The return of factionism at the behest of the Chief Minister and other top YSRCP leaders in a ‘systematic manner, with their already tainted background of manifold criminal accusations, has created a parallel system of authority. In this system, only power matters, not the law; only connections to ruling Party matter, not the Constitution; only the exercise of violence matters, not the police or any other state organ. A prime example here is the setting up of the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB), ostensibly to curb illegal activities in the sand, drugs and liquor economy. In reality, SEB has been used first to bypass police and excise department's supervision and next to actually crack down on those competing with state-backed mafia groups. The YSRCP-led Government by bringing in new systems has only created chaos in the already existing system by creating a toothless body filled with pliant officials. Thus, the Government has successfully eroded existing police and excise departments in fighting illicit liquor, drug menace and smuggling of sand. The liquor economy represents the ideal example of how this State- Sponsored mafiasiation is in force. After coming to power, most of the recognized brands in the state were pushed out in the name of an unofficial Jax on each bottle. The state-supported crime syndicates entered the liquor trade with their own brands that are simply not found anywhere else in the country. Further, liquor being supplied by these crime syndicates is of inferior quality leading to deterioration of Public health. The state of Andhra Pradesh has essentially become a closed market when it comes to liquor. Carrying of liquor by citizens for personal use from other states was also banned, ostensibly in the name of Prohibition. But in reality, this is to ensure that the AP citizens can only buy liquor made and sold within AP by the YSRCP mafia. This trade, while legal in nature, has all the trappings of a state-supported mafia network that has no competitors and a captive clientele. All this liquor money instead going to the public exchequer is diverted to YSRCP-led liquor mafia. Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 6 N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh, This mafiaisation has shown its imprint even on state budgets of 2019-20 and 2020-21 with %41,043 crore being unaccounted for, grossly violating the AP Treasury Code. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the AP Legislative Assembly unearthed this massive accounting chicanery. The bills did not have any classification details, drawing and disbursing officer, beneficiary details, sanction or vouchers. A memorandum regarding this was submitted to the Governor of Andhra Pradesh. If left unchecked and uninvestigated, such transfer of funds in gross violation of every established Procedures, codes and rules might only escalate further, leading to huge-scale misappropriation of funds from the public exchequer. While funds are being misappropriated on one hand, the State government has stopped the payment of MGNREGS bills to thousands of people under material component all across the state since June 2019. These issues are emblematic of the state being subjected to financial emergency and fiscal fraud. This has become so severe that even salaries of government employees are being delayed. Further, contractors that have carried out various Government works are not being paid leading to massive unrest within unorganised sector, while developmental works of any kind have come to a halt, Attached with this letter is a detailed report corroborated with Supporting evidence of the destruction of the four pillars of democracy and the enabling of criminality among police and legislators. The people of the State are facing daily threats to their constitutionally mandated rights like right to life, property, livelihood, freedom of expression, religion, etc. State- sponsored terror has reached an unimaginable level of heights threatening democracy, institutions and the very fabric of the State. When states like Andhra Pradesh continuously violate the Constitution and do not follow the tule of law and if the Government of India remains silent, there is every Possibility of planting seeds for the disintegration of the nation, The current situation makes for an apt case for the invocation of Article 356. As you are well aware, Article 356 is not something to be imposed in a cavalier fashion. The Telugu Desam Party itself does not condone its imposition except in grave circumstances. We strongly urge you to see the current situation in Andhra Pradesh, as documented in the detailed below over the Past two and a half years, as constituting the gravest of grave circumstances, nearly unprecedented in the history of independent India. Only such drastic measures can curb State Mafiasiation Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 a N.T.R. Bhavan, TELUGU DESAM PARTY Atmakuru Village, Central Office Mangalagiri Mandal, GUNTUR - 522 503, Andhra Pradesh. and protect life, liberty and security of the citizens of Andhra Pradesh and India. In consideration of the above set of circumstances, we place four major demands: 1) Initiate. comprehensive investigation against series of incidents occurred across Andhra Pradesh against TDP offices and leaders on 19" October 2021 through Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI); 2) Order to investigate the criminal networks linked to the extensive drug hub operating in AP; 3) Direct the Union Government to recall the DGP of Andhra Pradesh in view of his intentional colluding with the ruling YSRCP party and eschewing his Constitutional duties and responsibilities; 4) To declare President's Rule in the State of Andhra Pradesh by invoking Article 356. With warm regards, \ Ne (As. (NARA CHANDRABAGU NAIDU) President, Telugu Desam Party To His Excellency Shri Ram Nath Kovind Ji, President of India President's Secretariat Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi - 110 004. Phone & Fax : 0863 - 3359999 8

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