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First, open the sterile gloves.

Keep your hands and within the sleeves of the sterile gown and draw the
sterile gloves part towards you and turn it around.

Open the pack so that the gloves are facing fingertips towards you.

With one sleeve covered hand grasp with the thumb and forefinger of the corresponding glove by the
folded cuff edge. Ensuring your thumb is aligned with the thumb of the glove.

Using the other sleeve covered hands to grasp the uppermost edge of the gloves curved and stretch this
over the back of your hand and straighten your fingers into the glove.

Grasp both the glove curve and the sleeve to pull the glove onto your hand.

And repeat this for the other hand.

1st – Open the sterile pack touching the outside flap of the paper back without touching the inside part
of the pack.

2nd – With your non – dominant hand, get the opposite glove with your thumb and index finger.

3rd – Lay the glove on your dominant palm with the glove cuff at your fingertips palm to palm, thumb to

4th – Grasp the outer part of the glove with your non – dominant hand while the dominant hand holding
the inner part of the glove through the gown. Insert fingers and anchor it firmly.

5th – Grasp the glove to totally cover the sleeved of the sterile gown.

6th – Stretch or pull the sleeves up to draw the gloves over the wrist as you extend the fingers of the
dominant hand into the gloves fingers.

7th – Use the dominant hand, get the opposite glove with your thumb and index finger.

8th – Lay the glove on your non – dominant hand with a glove cuff at your fingertips palm to palm, thumb
to thumb.

9th – Grasp the outer part of the glove with your dominant hand while the non – dominant hand holding
the inner part of the glove through the gown, insert fingers and anchor it firmly.

10th – Uncuff the glove to totally cover the sleeves of the sterile down.

11th – Stretch and pull the sleeves up to draw the glove over the wrist wrist as you extend the fingers of
the dominant hand into the gloves fingers.


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