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1. Which of the following steps (step 1 - step 6) do you think is easy for you to perform? Why?

I think the easiest step for me to perform would definitely be the first one. There’s the occasional
left and right, front and back movement which is at this point, my forte. I would have to practice
with my footwork couple of times before I can actually master the step.

2. Which of the following steps (step 1 - step 6) do you enjoy watching and would love to learn how
to perform? Why?
The step I’d really like to perform would definitely be the second one! It’s a silly thing, but, it
reminds me of the action of throwing a leash up the sky which is pretty funny to me. I really like
twirling around as well which tells me that the step would probably be fun to practice.

3. Choose 3 steps that are hard for you to perform. Explain your answer.

The steps that I would probably struggle alot with is: Step 3, Step 4, and 5.
I can’t count beats even if my life depended on it, most of the steps require fast-paced turning and
upper-body and lower-body movement which is one of my weaknesses when it comes to dancing.
There’s also a lot of footwork in the given steps, and learning them would take me the longest.

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