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Hey , Im milton García my

carrear is software
development and I will be
answering five questions or
five personal questions the
first is
1. Is English important for your career,
Of course, English in all careers is extremely
important and more so in these technological
careers because English is the global language
that is used in all parts of the world.
The second is :
2 Do you believe that God exists, if yes,
Why, if not, Why not?
I will leave this question at the end
2. In your opinion, what qualities are
important in a friend and why?
Fellowship is important in a group of friends
or with a friend because that way they
support each other in different ways

sincerity this extremely important that finds

sincerity among a group of friends so as not to
find problems in the future
Name three things that make you
happy, Why?
The food because a like who doesn't like food
that's my answer
See a baseball game because that was my
dream to become a baseball player and I had
always played it since I was Little
Play basketball Because now, since I don't
play kissball, it's the way to get off the topic
of college and those typical things, and I have
fun with my friends.
2. How has the Internet changed our lives
, why or why?
For good
Well the internet has changed the way of us
in all areas of communication
entertainment I study in all possible ways
that we cannot imagine the internet is there
we have years and years and this still has a
lot of what is called the internet

Well let talk about the second question that

is Do you believe that God exists, if yes, Why,
if not, Why not?

Well im agnostic that mind That, without

denying the existence of God, I consider the
notion of the absolute and, especially, of
God inaccessible to human understanding

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