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Write a short story about a travel problem you have had or you can invent one.

Everyone probably knows the situation when you start planning a holiday with
friends, and one after another, all of them drop out. This happened to me but
unfortunately only a week before our scheduled and booked trip to Machu Picchu. All
of my friends suddenly came up with last minute university work. However, I couldn’t
cancel my flights anymore, and I was actually looking forward to the trip.
For a few days, I was pretty desperate and didn’t know what to do. Until I finally
decided to move ahead with the trip, even if it’s by myself. At this point, I never
traveled solo before, and I was very anxious and scared about the situation, but I just
didn’t want to miss out on it just because of the unreliability of my friends.
To sum up, I boarded the plane to Machu Picchu in the city of Cusco and i had a
great time with fun people I met and never felt lonely just for a minute.That's why,
now I like to travel alone and not trust my friends very much.

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