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Example answer:

Boosting interest in the arts

Many people think that a thriving arts sector is one of the best indicators of a
healthy and happy country. Having access to music, art, theatre and cinema
gives people the cultural stimulation they need to be contented citizens.
Boosting interest in the art should therefore be a priority.
There is much debate, however, about the best way of achieving this.The means
of boosting interest in the arts that the majority of people turn to is to increase
government funding. Those in favour of doing so argue that the arts are a great
investment because people are more productive workers if they access them in
their leisure time. Those against raising government funding generally claim that
there are far more important things to spend the money on, such as hospitals and
reasonably priced housing.
A second way of increasing interest in the arts is to allow students increased
access to arts subjects at school. In general, these are dropped quite early in a
young person's academic career. A change to the national school curriculum to
ensure that drama, music and arts remains in students' timetables would mean,
some say, that all young people would develop a genuine interest in the art.
In my view, the latter approach would have minimal effect. If students do not
like art or drama, they cannot be forced to have lessons in them for their entire
school career. Increased government funding, on the other hand, has been shown
to allow the arts scene to thrive, so this would be by far the best approach.

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