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Nueva grabación grupo 8.

TEACHER 00:00 OK, ladies. Your question is number four. What do you think about Mr
Bean's life? OK, Sofia, you're the first one.
SPEAKER 1 00:08 Mr Bean has been "addition" scene lies hates and doing thing that no and
big too
TEACHER 00:20 OK, Sofia, thank you, Nicole.
SPEAKER2 00:25 I think that Mr Bean has feel crazy, nice neddy. Clive, he's they they they do
TEACHER 00:35 OK, Nicole, thank you, Andrea.
SPEAKER 3 00:39 I think Mr Bean has a real in life and, you know, he's based theme based on
paying by his gleaming.
TEACHER 00:48 OK. Andrea and finally, you, Leslie.
SPEAKER 4 00:51 He knows like a happy man. What, it's no wood. It's not firefight in land
TEACHER 01:00 OK, ladies, thank you so much.

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