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Какво изучихме в трети клас по АЕ

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Лични местоимения – I, you, he, he, it, we, you, they
2. Глаголът to be, въпроси, отрицания, кратки отговори – am, is, are
3. Притежателни прилагателни – my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their
4. Имам, притежавам have got/has got - употреба, въпроси и кратки
отговори– Have they got a pet? Yes, they have./No, they haven’t. They have
got a dog. They haven’t got a cat. Has she got a new doll? Yes, she has./No,
she hasn’t. She has got a doll. She hasn’t got a ball.
5. Мога, не мога, за искане на разрешение can/can’t - употреба,
въпроси и кратки отговори– Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. I can
swim. I can’t fly. Can I have an apple, please?
6. Множествено число на съществителните – potatoes, tomatoes, roses,
boxes, мн. число на неправилни съществителни – man-men, woman-
women, sheep-sheep, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, child-children, mouse-
mice …
7. Този, онзи, тези, онези – this, that, these, those
8. Има, намира се за единствено и множествено число There is/There
are – There is a pen on the desk. There isn’t a pencil. There are two apples
on the table. There aren’t three bananas.
9. Предлози за място и време – in, on, under, next to, at – In the bag,
under the bag, next to the bag, on the bag, at 7 o’clock, on Monday, in March
10. Няколко, николко, един във (+) (-) (?) изречения, с броими и неброими
съществителни. Some, any, a, an – There are some apples. Are there any
apples? There aren’t any apples. There is an apple.
11. Сегашно просто време – употреба, въпроси и кратки отговори - “s” в
края на глаголите в 3л., ед. ч. – They go to school every day. Do they go
to school every day? Yes, they do./No, they don’t. They don’t go to the zoo
every day. She likes fish. Does she like fish? Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.
She doesn’t like sharks.
wakes up
12. Сегашно продължително време – употреба, образуване (to be+Ving),
въпроси и кратки отговори. He is playing in the park now. Is he playing in
the park? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. He isn’t playing in the playground.
13. Въпросит елни думи: What , Where, Who, Whose, How many
What? – Какъв ? (о, а, и) или кое (за предмети и животни)
Where? – Къде? (за мято)
Who? – Кой? (за хора)
Whose? – Чий? (чия, чие, чии...) питаме за притежание, на кого е?
How many? – Колко (за броими предмети и лица)

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